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Everything posted by Kivitan787

  1. @Dashinka spouse entered 1 month before the 2nd wedding anniversary
  2. @appleblossomhe’s currently in the US waiting for his plastic green card
  3. So, we’re currently waiting for my spouse’s CR1 green card, a month into waiting we had our 2 year anniversary. With that being said, ¿is it posible to change his green card to R1 before it arrives or is it an automatic change?
  4. @EatBulagasorry for delaying so much, we had a wild ride from said point till today. So, apparently the embassy received the medical documents and no one told us a thing. They just approved everything and sent it. We realized like an hour or two before picking it up when the platform finally updated that we were approved. So they’re finally here, and we are currently working on other things that haven’t arrived as expected; i.e. SSN Everything is flowing smoothly but slowly
  5. Hello, so my spouse got their interview for November 25th. The interview went well, even got a verbal approval. But, they were missing 1 medical document which the test takes about 2 months to complete. The test was gonna be ready 1 month after which it did. But well, Christmas time. Medical facility is on vacation till january 6, but they are aware that the test is ready for evaluation. Anyway, today we received an email from US consulate telling us that they have released a document related to the Visa application. How likely to be bad or good news?
  6. Hi, my spouse and I are nearing his consular interview appointment date at San José, Costa Rica. We have all the necessary paperwork up to date, our only issue would be that during the medical exams, even though my spouse has a clear chest x-ray, the physician told him that they had to take 2 sputure tests. The results of the first one came negative after a week. But the second results take a whole month, and the interview date is 2-4 days before the final results. In the physician office they told my spouse to not cancel the interview or move the date since everything looked alright and the date was so closed. But I am worried that this may cause them to reschedule the interview last minute and make this whole ordeal take longer. Should I worry or just let this flow?
  7. Hi, my spouse and I are almost at the interview date (November 25). We already set up the medical appointment exams (October 25), we registered for the delivery service and we have all our paperwork in order. But today, 12 days after the interview date we receive an email from the consulate en San José, Costa Rica informing us about a pre check interview. In the email they state “To keep this appointment, you must attend a pre-check appointment where are required to submit all the original requested documents.” Is this normal, should I prepare for the worst, is it still going smoothly? I’m not worried, just very curious since I didn’t know there was a pre check part (november 12)
  8. Hi again, we finally got an interview for November 25th, thing is my spouse is missing his Varicella vaccine. He contracted the virus when he was 10 years old, yet his mother never took him to a doctor. Should we get a viral count before de medical exams or wait for the physician to determine if it’s necessary during the blood test part of the exams. thanks in advance, this site’s a Godsend
  9. Hi, I recently received and RFE for insufficient income, even tho I submitted with a Joint Sponsor. Later that same day, minutes apart, I received 2 messages stating I was DQ is it a mistake? Should I worry?
  10. Hi, we finished filling up DS-260, and already have my I-864 form almost ready to submit. But I have an issue, currently I'm below the federal poverty line. Recently finished my nursing Degree so my income is not the best on a federal basis, pretty standard puertorican income though. Thing is, I was wondering if it would be possible to add my mother's income (household member) since we reside in the same address (property), she is just below the line, I'm assuming that it adds up to my income, but, the problem is she submitted last year (2023) taxes with 3 dependents (her grandchildren), since she took 'em in that year. This year she won't. My questions are: Is it possible to add her as a household member? Will it affect the total income (summed) if she has 3 dependents? Should I just get a Joint Sponsor that meets the income requirement? Really appreciate what you're all doing on this forum.
  11. Do I add the Handwritten reason on the bottom of the same PDF document, or do I add it separately to "Additional documents"?
  12. Hi again, regarding form I-864, part 6, item 23.a I marked I haven't filed Federal Income Tax returns for each of the most recent years since I live in Puerto Rico. I still have my last 3 tax year transcripts since I fill them here (U.S. Territory). Anyway, I just noticed that the form asks for the total income of my last 3 years, shuld i leave them in blank or ad the total income by tax year?
  13. Hello, I'm a natural born citizen born and raised in Puerto Rico. I don't have any federal taxes reports since I don't fill those, will it be a problem if I upload my local Puerto Rico (planillas) tax reports? (Including W2, that I do have in case they ask)
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