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Posts posted by afsalim

  1. Thanks for all of u ; I think that i will do as Mohamed ISA and buy a one way ticket at least untill i goes to the airport.

    Lynn the millatery exemption stamp it isn't debending just on the age but also on under what condition u r delayed for example as ur Ahmed because he is the only son he can't take the final exemption stamp before he is over 30 or his dad being over 60 which is came first. and for some othser luky persons if they just delayed from the millatery for the first 3 years "that given by the millatery it self with no roles for it; just ur luck" they then take the stamp directly after the 3 years regardless how much they age r?

    I still am confused.....maybe because of the translation?

    Are you saying that the military can decide to give the exemption after a male waits for 3 years for military service?

    I am not understanding this.

    Now I am more confused than ever.

    And what in the heck is a transit visa? I have never had that before in my life with all my traveling.

    ok Lynn to not be confused it's too long to descripe all the Egyptian millatery services to you but i will give u as examble the roles for the high graduated males " Bacholer degree"

    first u have to know that every male have to produce him self to the millatery services when he is 18 year old ; but if he still studing his colleage or university will make him a delay by default untill he finish his undergatuated degree with no effort from him.

    now when he graduated he should produce himself to the millatery services which could make one of three actions

    1st take him as a soldger for one year service

    2nd take him as an officer for three year service

    3rd if he is lucky they will give hime a delay for a three year

    this actions isn't an options it's just as the millatery want

    then for the 1st and 2nd action after they finished they will be under contact to the age of 35 as i remember and they couldn't take the exemption stamp before this age

    but for the 3rd one after they finished the three years delay in most cases they will take a certificate that they are not required for the millatery and then they can have the eximption stamp directly aftes this certificate regardless what is ther age.

    by the way if u r out of the country they will not bring u back

    hopefully u r not more confused


  2. Thanks for all of u ; I think that i will do as Mohamed ISA and buy a one way ticket at least untill i goes to the airport.

    Lynn the millatery exemption stamp it isn't debending just on the age but also on under what condition u r delayed for example as ur Ahmed because he is the only son he can't take the final exemption stamp before he is over 30 or his dad being over 60 which is came first. and for some othser luky persons if they just delayed from the millatery for the first 3 years "that given by the millatery it self with no roles for it; just ur luck" they then take the stamp directly after the 3 years regardless how much they age r?

  3. Hello all

    Any one had travel from Egypt :wacko: to USA using a K1 visa and one way ticket or it should be a round trip ticket.

    please if u did or know someone did that advice me cause iam travelling during the high season "August" and tickts is very expensive at this time of year.

    thanks for any help


  4. i had posted a topic about original papers or copies.but i was talking about for me to send to him for his interview.do i need to send him originals of my birth certificate and original of my divorce papers.or is it ok to just send my copies to him for the interview.i dont c why they need my originals of very important papers that will be lost for his interview.but all i am talking about is my original documents for his interview.not the k-1 process please help

    Hello Trina

    as my experience u don't need to send any of ur originals certificates :thumbs: ; they will just ask for ur fiance original certificates " birth , graduation ,millatery ...etc. or the original of any copy he sent to them " just for review by the consular and they will give it back to him in the end of the day of the interview.



  5. Hello every body

    I was interviewd in Cairo embassy on 10 March 2008 ; it was easy one and nice consular. at the end he said to me congratulation u will recieved ur visa within 2 weeks.

    ofcourse after the two weeks i recieved no thing and when i email them they told me that " my case is pending officer final review" and from that time every time i email them they give me the same reply

    could any one have an idea about the actual meaning of that ? and how much time it could take?

    and who is the officer they mean? is that an embassy officer or local police officer or what?

    Thanks for any help


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