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Edward and Jaycel

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Everything posted by Edward and Jaycel

  1. No worries! These forms can be nerve-wracking When they say "You do not need to provide information on it." in the sense of answering Item 4.a. that is the yes or no question so you do not have to answer "yes" if it is not alcohol or drug related or if the fine was under $500
  2. The only reason that they would get an RFE for not providing court documents for those offenses is if they listed them on the petition. If you list them, you have to provide documentation. You do NOT have to list them. From the I-129F instructions for Item Number 4.a. Criminal Information: Unless a traffic incident was alcohol- or drug-related or involved a fine of $500 or more, you do not need to provide information on it.
  3. Jaycel's I-765 status changed to "Approval Case Decision Rendered" on January 8th, there is an approval notice in the documents tab and USPS Informed Delivery is showing the NOA2 arriving in the mail today. On the 11th her "Estimated time until your case decision" went from 7 months to 14 months 😂 Completely unreliable
  4. Ours is being handled by the NBC.... We've been approved since the 8th and no status change at all so far - Still says "Approval Case Decision Rendered"
  5. Does anyone know how long it usually takes for USCIS to produce and mail the EAD Card after the I-765 Application gets approved?
  6. An overseas immigrant medical exam is only valid for 6 months from the date it was conducted for the purposes of visa validity (i.e.: When they issue your visa, it is only valid for 6 months from the date of your medical exam).... if you get a medical exam for form I-693 from a civil surgeon in the US for Adjustment of Status, that now has no expiration date
  7. We've all been there This process is like being put through the wringer - definitely not for the faint of heart but being a part of this amazing support community makes the journey a bit easier. Thanks for contributing and filling out your timeline!
  8. The SS Card should be issued when your Employment Authorization card is sent to be produced by USCIS - Usually a week to 10 days after your approval
  9. Anytime! And please keep the thread updated on how everything goes! And then start preparing yourself for the AOS process LOL
  10. Yes - When she registers, she will get a confirmation PDF in her email that has a barcode on it that she will need to print out and bring with her. The voter registration card should be sufficient. Have her bring her Birth Certificate as well just in case. The rest is correct as far as what she will need. I have heard of one member getting asked for her fiance's police report. He went and got an FBI records check and sent that for her to bring back. It doesn't happen often and they did not ask Jaycel for one from me, but just be prepared in case they do.
  11. Congrats!! Here's what was on our CFO Appointment confirmation. Make sure you check the website in case they changed anything in the last 5 months. Make sure your fiancee brings proff of relationship. They WILL look at every bit of it.
  12. 👆👆 This is the best advice you're going to get. Attempt to expedite at every stage that you are allowed to. The worst they can do is deny your request.
  13. Avoid the comparison to others trap... each application is processed independently, even among the same visa class. It caused Jaycel undue stress when her status didn't go to issued until a day or two after some friends that she made at the embassy had theirs changed to issued. If the last update was on the 10th, that means someone was working on it so that's good news. Hope it comes quickly for you!
  14. in a word… this 👆👆 Do not knowingly give incorrect information on an immigration application. We had the same thing with Jaycel’s address in the Philippines. Provincial home, no mail delivery to speak of. Most everything is done by email now anyway. Give the correct address.
  15. @CharlieAndCece1 When did you get your I-765 approval?
  16. They sent 6 months of paystubs (which is recommended by the I-864 instructions to prove current income) and the most recent year's tax transcript which is all that is required per the I-864 instructions
  17. I would tick the "High School diploma, GED or alternative credential" box. As for how much it is scrutinized, these questions are all used to give the officer information so they can make their discretionary decision on wether the immigrant is inadmissible because they believe they will become a public charge. They take the totality of information in this section, AND the I-864 to make their decision.
  18. The explanation you gave in your post sounds good… unauthorized employment for an immediate relative of a US citizen will be forgiven in the AOS process
  19. If you got the NOA1 that means it was not rejected
  20. Do you have the receipt number that you can check the status online? If the status says, “We received your Form I-29F, and sent you a receipt notice.” that means they received the petition and are processing it. 7 months is not out of normal processing time.
  21. They really are terribly unfair to the applicant… I mean you are paying for this service with your application fee, the least they could do is tell you where your supposed “deficiency” is. This one is a head scratcher as she is over the published requirement by about 25%
  22. Did you keep a copy of the I-864 and supporting documents that you filed? (I hope you did) Go over it with a fine-tooth comb and make sure there were no typographical errors, calculation errors (i.e. - Household size) and as @OldUser mentioned above, did you send proof of your wife's citizenship or LPR?
  23. Each embassy is different. With the information you have provided, it is impossible to give you any answers. Please fill out your profile and timeline so that other members can give you accurate answers to your questions. K-1 visa cases do not get an invoice number assigned.
  24. Ours also showed step 3 completed after the biometrics appointment. Don't count on it being accurate. Prepare yourself mentally and with evidence to have an interview before approval is given and if they do waive the interview, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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