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Immigration Timeline & Photos

yohann13's Achievements

  1. please keep us update, I am wondering too if I should change embassy, if your spoose get L1 you can follow her and have working permit, untill you get your interviwe, I believe you might be able to change to USCI interview in the Usa if you have a visa
  2. what is your status on NVC https://ceac.state.gov/iv ? have you been getting email every 60 days that they did not forget you ? are you french national ?
  3. I have been following your converstation, I have been DQ may 1st, was hopping to get interview by this summer, as my PD is august 2022 but EB3 just been retrogessed from november 2022 to december 2021, realy bad new for EB 3, not sure I will get interview in the next 6 month now...
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