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Melancholic Mage

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Everything posted by Melancholic Mage

  1. Hello all, I'm struggling with the Mental Health side of my visa medical requirements. It's difficult for me to talk about but I have a significant diagnosis, exasperated by a certain life events, which I'm currently seeing a therapist for and coming to a close of my treatment. I will detail on an additional sheet as per the instructions of the medical questionnaire provided, but does anyone know how much detail they are looking for exactly, and for how far back? I have a prolonged history in and out of psychiatric care, but nothing serious: no hospitalizations or records of harm to self/towards others of a serious nature. I'm also on zero medication. Another problem I have is my diagnosis, verbally confirmed by three different therapists, is not written down in any official capacity on any documents I own. I've chased this up for years for employment reasons and because of the sensitivity of data protection and such they can't actually do it. It's beyond frustrating. I asked my therapist for a summary of care record from a MH perspective, but they told me because of the nature of that information I would have to submit a SAR which would take months. I didn't think it would take as long as that and assumed it would be like my GP's summary of care record printed out within the same day. My medical is less than a week away. I saw some people online saying a supporting letter would be helpful, so I've asked my therapist for one instead. I'm waiting to hear back from that. I just came back from my doctor's today to ask my GP for something similar regarding a small note of support, but they told me it would cost around £40 since it's something not covered by the NHS. Even though I just want a short note of support of my condition and my recovery/prognosis. Is this really needed? How strict is the medical? I have my summary care record, vaccination list (which isn't updated with my required recent COVID vaccination but I do have an accompanying slip), medical questionnaire with my hand-written evidence sheet of support (would this be better typed up?), and, well, that's it. I'm honestly having a nightmare with my oncoming Visa Medical and the requirements for it. To the point I'm honestly more nervous about the medical than I am about the actual embassy appointment. I was assaulted by a family member a few months ago and have a human bite down on my record too, which I worry may affect my bloodwork. That's just one complication. I have to travel to London alone to attend this appointment which is very difficult for me given my history and conditions let alone the distance I live away from the capital. I don't want to be told I need to come back with additional evidence. Thank you for reading. Any advice, experience, or support would be highly appreciated.
  2. I have now. I think the website was under maintenance/passport return options were on hold because of this:
  3. Anyone else recently DQ'd/IL'd having trouble registering their address for the passport return service as instructed? It just tells me I don't need to schedule an interview - which I know - and gives me no other options. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Supplements/Supplements_by_Post/LND-London.html
  4. I was DQ'd earlier yet my interview date is later. Goes to show there's no clear rhyme or reason to London's process in sending out appointment letters.
  5. Sorry if this is obvious but just clicked. If the embassy take my passport during/after interview, as members have stated, and send it to my registered UK address, how do I fly back to my area of the UK without it? Or do I just not, and I'm forced to book other travel arrangements?
  6. Got my IL! My prediction wasn't too far off. DQ'd May 22nd, appointment is scheduled for September 11th. ... 9/11? Seriously? I'm just a bundle of luck, aren't I.
  7. UNDER TEN MINUTES?! ... Are you a wizard? Thank you so much, I'm going to try all that soon next time I dress up for someplace nice. Well, more like for a special someone! Even if I a mess up on a colossal scale, being with them makes it all worthwhile.
  8. Forget Wife 001 and Wife 002, I'd be looking for Husband 002 after Divorce 001. Hit that button. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
  9. LL is most definitely on fire, holy ****. Thanks for the advice! 'Aggressively American'? That's too funny. Those fragrances sound lovely but definitely not my type. I love smelling vanilla and bubblegum, but it's definitely not my err... 'vibe'. But looking at your profile picture, for some reason they strike me as very much Laylalex! Hmm, maybe we need a thread game guessing people's fragrance choice just by their avatar... Do you like fruity, strawberry scents, too? It's bizarre I went so long without even trying on make-up but in my household, I was the one 'making them look bad'. That being said, a lot of people have told me I suit the natural look. Which is nice. I always felt like a clown putting make-up on, I was too busy playing video games and being more a stereotypical tomboy than anything else. The stuff I eventually wore for my wedding was very light and oddly enough, included a lot of NYX! I bought a whole make-up bundle, brushes, micellar water, bamboo pads, eyeshadow palette, primer, foundation, blusher... thing. I'm saying words here and I still don't really know what half of it means, I'm that out of touch with it, haha! But it was a big experimental kit and I won't lie, I was so nervous trying it out but I had a lot of fun at the same time. I love doing art and really it's pretty close to painting, isn't it? It's very hard starting out on your own I found without much guidance, let alone risking shades that might not suit your skin. I had to scour YouTube to find videos that didn't cake you in the stuff or overcompensate to match my tastes. Really I needed it all explained to me like I was five to be honest. I got lucky with what I bought, it all pretty much worked, so I'm looking forward to putting some on again for special occasions. Let's see if I can remotely remember what I did. What order do you put everything on? Like I said, I might as well have it explained to me like I'm five.
  10. Oh wow. Thanks for that info. Hmm... I have a flight scheduled to visit my husband again (finally \o/) for a month starting this August. If this is correct, I should be back just in time for the embassy appointment if it's a little later than September 4th. Wait and see I guess! And yes, people have said London is usually pretty quick, but if this is quick, I dread to think how long other embassies have people waiting...
  11. DQ'd May 22nd myself. Nothing on my end. I don't expect to hear anything until August for an interview late September - early October as a personal estimation going off what I've seen from the timescales of others. I'll post if I hear anything.
  12. I'm no make-up enthusiast and never have been. I only started wearing it a little bit before my wedding as a kind of test drive, and on the day itself. I josh you not! I was terrified. So this thread is fascinating to me. I love a good perfume though. Anyone got any good shouts for a nice fragrance once I'm in the US that doesn't break the bank? I wear Charlie Blue a lot in the UK for casual days/work, but my favourite was DKNY's Delicious Night before it became like gold dust to find/discontinued. What a smell. I always got lovely compliments when I wore it. I like deep, rich, musky scents. I really like Bath & Body Works' 'Into the Night' mist spray. Happy to hear of any other suggestions though. Any advice to get a low self-esteem girl onto make-up may be good too. Where did you start? How did you learn? Did your mothers teach you? (Am I weird omg lol)
  13. Thank you Dragonsarereal, that's really helpful. I find it strange I was told I have to close my account or pay premium for an overseas one, but I wondered myself how exactly would they know? I have two accounts with one bank, then one online only account. I'm still leaning towards keeping the online only one open since it's all just that - online - and requires no possible in-branch checks. I can also pay in USD in the US with no conversion fees using the card attached to it. Wise I'm looking deeper into, but I want to open a USA Chase account when I get first chance and wonder just how much I need Wise for. It's really just to move all my money over to my husband. In this case, do you think it's still worth opening a Wise account? Congratulations on moving and I hope you're enjoying the USA!
  14. Thank you everyone, you've definitely convinced me to use Wise as opposed to TorFX! You mentioned it comes with its own debit card - does it work like a usual bank account but allows a mix of currencies? How does it work? Can I use it in both USA and UK? I asked around about keeping my accounts open, even made appointments with financial advisors in my own bank. But many brick and mortar banks said they didn't allow overseas residency: or if they did, it came at a ludicrous price. I'm not very well off and while I have hard-earned savings over many years of toil, it's certainly not in the amounts I've seen some members quote on here. I think I'll close the accounts with physical banks and keep my online-only one open. My family aren't young and I'm concerned should something happen, I'll no longer have a UK residency to list. God forbid, but it's a reasonable concern. To fly back and close accounts in physical branches seems a lot of work when I'm sure my online-only account will be able to tie up loose ends remotely. That and they've never really asked for proof of address bar initial opening of the account.
  15. Update: I got a very generic stock response with CDC links, half of which don't work, including the COVID-19 one. The 'page has been removed'. Best I got was this. Which suggests you need another COVID dose if it's been 12 months or longer since your last, if I'm reading this right. But that still doesn't answer my question if it's a usual dose, or the 'booster' which has ruined the health of two or three people I personally know. https://www.cdc.gov/immigrant-refugee-health/media/pdfs/Vaccine-Requirements-According-to-Applicant-Age-panel-physicians-p.pdf Can anyone who attended their medical shed some light on this?
  16. Hello, wanted to ask how others have decided to take care of their finances in the UK once jumping the pond? I've been told to use TorFX to make the big currency transfer, and plan to send all of my money to my husband. Once I'm in the US, we plan to open a joint bank account together as well as a personal one for me on the side. I wanted to keep at least one UK account open however should I need to take care of any loose ends here for any reason, but most banks I've seen force you to close them once jumping UK residency. Some have told me to open an online only account and simply leave it registered under a family address to keep it open. Unsure if this is wise, however. Would love any thoughts or advice on how others proceeded. Thanks.
  17. I've just sent an email to the approved medical practitioner in London. I'll update to their response.
  18. According to Visa Medicals' website in London: Covid vaccination requirements for US visa applicants from 1st October 2021 All applicants eligible for Covid-19 vaccination under local policy, including K1 visas, Refugees and Non-immigrant visas require proof of 2 doses of a COVID 19 vaccine in order to complete their Visa Medical (With the exception of the Janssen vaccine which is a one dose course). I read this as being covered with the first two initial doses. Is this booster requirement absolutely true? I had both COVID jabs out of sheer necessity. I absolutely do not want the booster.
  19. No reuploads on my end at any point, my timescale was with everything submitted and accepted first time. I understand not making flight plans. I feel the same but I've given up on waiting and plan to go see my partner in August. I was DQ'd a bit later than others and if they haven't heard anything yet, then I'm taking the risk.
  20. Me outside the embassy: Meanwhile in America watching me set up tent outside the embassy:
  21. It took myself 18 days from when myself and my OH submitted all DS-261 documents to be DQ'd. Just under three weeks.
  22. I found this on US/UK embassy official website: (https://uk.usembassy.gov/visas/immigrant-visa-faqs/medical-examination-2/) I would possibly count this as 'circumstances beyond your control' but it looks like that leads to a new medical and new visa fees regardless. It's hard to say if the consular officer your fiancé saw will be able to make exceptions, but I think you'll have to repeat the medical and get a new visa issued.
  23. Hello, welcome to the forum! It's been established in stone that USCIS can't be relied upon. No one can give an estimate on when you'll get an interview letter and, as someone who was trying to make sense of the timescale from others, I've given up on trying. All we know for sure is that each month IL's are sent in batches, sometimes twice or more in one month, and there's no knowing if you'll be in that list or not. There's some cases I've seen (Reddit and such) of people being DQ'd earlier than others, but then saw others who received their IL who got DQ'd AFTER them. There's no rhyme or reason by the looks of things. (Of course, their individual applications will vary so that might play a part.) Incredibly frustrating, I know. My suggestion to you is if you're that desperate to go back home, you could leave for the US without your partner (very tough, believe me) and just visit each other while everything processes. Otherwise, I'd settle in and try to enjoy things in England that you won't so easily get the chance to once you make that permanent visa jump. Hold a positive outlook and focus on doing things while you're here in England, rather than desperately refreshing your emails or checking USCIS status. I know it's not news you want to hear, but it's the reality we're all in. You're not alone. May I recommend you try a Tunnock's teacake if you haven't already with a nice cuppa? Visit the Viking museum in York. Get your fill of fish and chips. Check out any castles close by. Vandalize the King's demonic portrait. Do what you can to stay sane.
  24. I missed the year. Don't mind me, I just finished a 6am - 2pm shift so I'm tired and stressed out. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it, haha. Thanks. (Need coffee. ☕ )
  25. Honestly this table confuses me. I can't tell if I paid the reduced rate or the higher one. Looking at this, I believe I paid the reduced rate yet I filed the I-130 after the new fees were implemented post April 1st. I suppose it doesn't matter but it's annoying all the same.
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