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Everything posted by SL2024

  1. Hi all, I have my visa interview next week and just wondering if you had to sign for this on delivery? I am trying to update the delivery info for the courier on the visa appointment page but mine needs to go to my grandmas address as I will be at work. Hope you can help.
  2. Hi all, Has anybody had their passport and documents delivered to a third party and signed by them at all? I have my visa interview next week and I am just on the visa interview appointment site looking at arranging delivery of these if approved to my grandma's address as I will be at work and unable to sign for delivery. I have attached a screenshot of the Home delivery instructions. Looking at this it is ok for my grandma to sign for them on the initial delivery but she would need to have proof of items listed in section 5 of the attached. I am a bit confused as to why this isn't required on the initial delivery but then required on the redelivery? Then I would put my grandmas name in the Care Of field on the 2nd attached screenshot. Just want to make sure I have understood this correctly so I can enter the delivery details correctly on the site. Hope you can help!
  3. Looking at the NHS page regarding the Varicella vaccine and it looks as if it says not to have the Varicella vaccine if it has been less than 4 weeks after your MMR vaccine but I think it is best if you speak to your GP about it.
  4. When I got to Visa Medicals they gave me 1 or 2 forms to complete while I waited and on one of the forms there was a question of there asking if I had Varicella before which I selected. The doctor or nurse (can't remember which) asked me about it as well as I had Varicella the same time as my brother (I think he has a scar on his chest from it) when we were younger so I told them about that and gave as much detail as I could about it. She seemed satisfied with the information I had provided her about it. Did you receive a copy of your DS-3025 from Visa Medicals at all by email? If so, can you check yours please? I have just checked mine and there is a section that says Varicella and has 2 answers where the fields can be selected - Vaccine and Varicella History. The Varicella History one is selected on mine. If not, then you need to call them and ask them to send it over to you ASAP.
  5. Not everyone does have it on their medical records though. It wasn't on mine but I remember having it This happened with me at the end of my medical as well. I also asked them a few questions to make sure as well
  6. Hi all, I was just wondering whether the I-134 form my fiance needs to list her real estate (house, condo, etc) at all? Or whether people listed their real estate on their I-134 forms? As me and my fiance are just doing the I-134 form at the moment are we are reading the USCIS I-134 instructions (have attached a screenshot) regarding the person supporting the beneficiary's assets but the wording is a bit difficult to understand and leaving us confused. As it says "can be converted into cash within 12 months" but then says "will be used to support the beneficiary during their stay in the USA" and then says "provide the value of all assets listed in US dollars". In terms of supporting evidence if this is required she has the following:- Proof that she owns the home Mortgage statement showing the loan amount left A document from the company who the load is through showing the estimated value of the home and the equity she currently has in the home An appraisal from 2022 Another concern I have is that it says on the USCIS I-134 instructions regarding assets to provide a recent appraisal - I don't think an appraisal from 2 years ago would be seen as recent? If she needs one more recent than this then I'm not sure she is able to get one before my visa interview next week. Hope you can help.
  7. Also it’s good that your GP Surgery was able to do those vaccines as mine barely did any of the ones that I required.
  8. I think Boots do Varicella as well and think it’s 2 doses for a full course. Not sure how many doses you are planning on having though?
  9. That is quite a difference in price - just to confirm did you get the MMR, Tetanus and Hepatitis B vaccines at the Private GP practice? I found Boots good for the Covid booster vaccine.
  10. My GP Surgery didn't actually offer any of the vaccinations that I was advised I needed so that is another reason for me getting the vaccinations at my medical. Free vaccinations would have been better though haha
  11. In my case I decided to not to get any vaccinations before the medical as it says on Visa Medicals website and on the booking confirmation email to bring your vaccination records so they can review and then advise if you need any vaccinations on the day and I preferred them to tell me which ones are needed as they will know what is required for the USA. What I did do though was ring up my GP Surgery a week or 2 before I went to the medical and gave them the list of vaccinations that are listed online. They went and checked with a nurse/doctor and gave me a call back with the ones that they could do. When I was at my medical appointment I was told I needed a 10 year Tetanus booster and Hepatitis B vaccine by the nurse and I was happy to have the vaccines there. The one vaccination on the confirmation booking email that they said needs to obtained privately is the Covid vaccine as they don't do it there. Don't quote me on this but I think they said I needed one because it had been more than 12 months since my last Covid booster vaccine (the last one I had was in 2022). I booked this with Boots and it cost about £95-£100. I think vaccination requirements can vary for each person due to factors like age, etc from looking on the CDC site so I didn't want to make any assumptions on what I needed and decided to let a medical professional advise me on what was required.
  12. Are you putting any of your finances assets/savings on there or are you leaving the income and assets/savings off of the form? *fiances
  13. *Is there anything else that I need to obtain for my fiance (the petitioner)? And do I need to provide any financial supporting evidence for myself (the beneficiary)?
  14. Hi all, I was just wondering what supporting evidence people decided to take along with them to their visa interview? I’ve seen online that bank statements, employer letter, W2, Tax Return, pay stubs, evidence of assets, etc all mentioned. Is there anything else that I need to obtain? Do I need to provide any financial supporting evidence for myself? Just want to make sure so I can get all the supporting evidence together and ready for my visa interview that’s all. Hope you can help!
  15. I had the Tetanus 10 year booster and Hepatitis B at the medical but they advised me to get the Covid booster vaccine which I have had since then. I had MMR vaccinations when I was younger and I had Varicella (Chickenpox) when younger too. Have you not had Varicella before then?
  16. I think it’s best you do it within the 90 days
  17. Which state are you applying to move to? (Not that it affects you in terms of this post but just curious as couldn’t see on your profile)
  18. Which vaccinations did they say you needed to get Lee?
  19. So have they only given you the Patient Care Summary? Have they given you Vaccination Record and any Specialist/Consultant Reports?
  20. This was the same for me as well as it wasn’t on my vaccination records
  21. Can the GP Surgery not email your GP Care Summary, Vaccination Records and Specialist Reports over to you? I rang up my GP Surgery and asked them if they were able to print them off and also print my full medical records just in case for me to collect which I felt was easier but email was an option that they did mention to me as well. They did say to me it would take up to 30 days to do it as I am sure they have other requests to do but I think it was 1-2 weeks before the records were ready to collect or to be sent by email.
  22. Hi all, Apologies for the late response. Just an update on this. I have got my 2nd dose this Saturday on the 27th July. I am getting the 2nd one at a private clinic
  23. Apologies for the late response - I did get this from Boots and all went ok. I had Pfizer for the booster dose. They gave me a receipt, patient guide, vaccine information sheet and a GP slip. I sent this all over to my GP Surgery to update and once they had confirmed my records had been updated I then sent the documents and proof of them updating my records over to the medical provider. I called them up after 2 days as didn't have a response but they said they would need to find out what was happening and get back to me. About 3 hours after calling them, they rang and left me a voicemail to say my medical record had been signed off and was ready for the courier to collect that day and would be delivered to the embassy the following day.
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