Hi all,
I handed in my notice at work on Friday (my notice period is 4 weeks) and I have spoken to HR regarding my P45. They have said it will be posted to me 2-4 weeks (I did ask if they could email it to me but they said it was post only) after my last working day but I am travelling to the USA just over a week after my last working day. I did ask them if it was possible for my P45 to be sent to an alternative address (due to personal/family reasons) and they said I can as long as I change it on the system 2 weeks before my last working day with the company which is fine as I would like it to go to my grandparents address and they will then take a pic of it but also post it to me in the USA.
My concern is though whether in the USA whether tax authorities, employers, etc will query the different address on the P45 (if required) as it wouldn't be the address I was living at in the UK? Would I need to provide supporting evidence such as emails from work discussing them confirming I could change the address on the P45? T
Has anybody had a similar experience or any advice regarding this at all?
Hope you can help.