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Everything posted by SL2024

  1. Which vaccinations did they say you needed to get Lee?
  2. So have they only given you the Patient Care Summary? Have they given you Vaccination Record and any Specialist/Consultant Reports?
  3. This was the same for me as well as it wasn’t on my vaccination records
  4. Can the GP Surgery not email your GP Care Summary, Vaccination Records and Specialist Reports over to you? I rang up my GP Surgery and asked them if they were able to print them off and also print my full medical records just in case for me to collect which I felt was easier but email was an option that they did mention to me as well. They did say to me it would take up to 30 days to do it as I am sure they have other requests to do but I think it was 1-2 weeks before the records were ready to collect or to be sent by email.
  5. Hi all, Apologies for the late response. Just an update on this. I have got my 2nd dose this Saturday on the 27th July. I am getting the 2nd one at a private clinic
  6. Apologies for the late response - I did get this from Boots and all went ok. I had Pfizer for the booster dose. They gave me a receipt, patient guide, vaccine information sheet and a GP slip. I sent this all over to my GP Surgery to update and once they had confirmed my records had been updated I then sent the documents and proof of them updating my records over to the medical provider. I called them up after 2 days as didn't have a response but they said they would need to find out what was happening and get back to me. About 3 hours after calling them, they rang and left me a voicemail to say my medical record had been signed off and was ready for the courier to collect that day and would be delivered to the embassy the following day.
  7. I think it was warm when I went but the water still felt cold from what I remember haha
  8. I have had 3 covid doses already. The nurse at the approved medical provider Visa Medicals has said to me that you need proof of previous doses of a course/booster (so the first 2 doses and a booster which is the previous course I had in 2021-2022) and/or a booster dose within the last 12 months. It is the booster within the last 12 months that I haven’t had yet. This is on their vaccination checklist - I only know this from seeing someone on the forum post a pic of it but also when I had my medical. I’ve got an appointment booked next week for it anyway now. Then I just need to let my GP surgery to update my medical records and then I can let Visa Medicals know and they can then send my medical file to the embassy.
  9. Hi, I had my 10 year Tetanus booster and first Hepatitis B dose. Then they said about getting a Covid booster as a requirement. So that’s why I’m asking. They don’t do it at the medical place. I have to go to a private provider to get it done. Need to know whether to get it in the UK or in the USA before the AoS. They didn’t do the Flu vaccine as it’s not Flu season.
  10. Hi all, I have a Covid vaccine booster booked next week (I had my medical last week) but I was just wondering that if I get this Covid booster whether I would then need to get another dose after entering the USA if approved and filing for the AoS? Like would the Civil Surgeon say for example it has been more than 6 months since you had a dose then I would be required to get a dose? Or is it just one dose that needs to be completed either before entering the USA or before the AoS? I have had 3 doses of the vaccine already but this was in 2021-2022. As I have seen that some people on here have got their Covid booster before travelling to the USA and some that have got it after travelling to the USA for the AoS. Hope you can help!
  11. Hi all, I had my medical last week and had the first dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine during it. I would be able to get the 2nd dose in the UK but if approved for visa at interview then I would have to get the 3rd dose in the USA as my 2nd dose is due at end of July. Has anybody had any experience of this at all? Do you need a full course of the vaccine before the AOS? I haven't found a definitive answer yet. Hope you can help!
  12. Hi, So I rang Boots again today and they said that they don't update the NHS account for you but they have a card and they can put all the vaccination details on there for me to give to my GP surgery to update my vaccination records. I checked with my GP surgery if they can do this and they said that they could do this. I then rang the medical place and asked if a pic of covid vaccination details or of updated vaccination record would be fine and they said that it would be. So I have booked my covid vaccine with Boots for next week. I need to get my 2nd Hepatitis B vaccine dose booked for later this month and look at getting my flu vaccine later in the year as well.
  13. Hi there, Thank you for the response. It seems that 30 minutes to an hour before is what most people seem to be doing. I have seen from a reviews and posts on this site about there being queues but also about going to the desks. Are the people in the queues got visa appointments or is it just that their visa category doesn't offer timed appointments?
  14. Hi all, I have my visa interview booked in August in the morning (08:30) but I am just wondering how much earlier people arrived at the embassy for their interview? I'm stopping overnight at my cousins the night before in London so just intrigued to see when people got there before their appointment so I can work out when to go from my cousins to the embassy. Hope you can help!
  15. Just rang boots at the one near me and the lady on the phone spoke to the pharmacist. Said that they don’t give you a print out but that the proof of vaccination will update on your NHS account. There isn’t any information regarding this online when I looked on their website so just to make sure I am going to ring my GP surgery on Monday to see if they can confirm that is correct. On the booking confirmation email for my medical there are 2 providers listed - Fleet Street Medical and Pharmadoctor. Pharmadoctor doesn’t have a vaccination site near me but they do mention on their website about providing proof of vaccination for people. Fleet Street Clinic I tried ringing to ask about proof of vaccination but their phone lines are closed today.
  16. Hmm I'm not sure they could update the NHS as they are a private company. I don't think it necessarily has to be on your NHS record though - I think there just needs to be proof of it. I have just rang the closest Boots vaccination site to me and the person who answered said that they do a proof of vaccination but didn't know all the details that was on it as the pharmacist had gone home for the day and advised me to call back tomorrow or Monday and to speak to them then.
  17. Hi Jon, I did ask the nurse if boots could do it and she said they could. Just looking on their website now and can see appointments at one about just over 10 miles from me with availability at weekends too. I just can't see if boots provide some form of paperwork/certificate/email confirming vaccination. Think the other ones the medical place recommends are based in London
  18. Hi Jon, I had my medical today and I had the Tetanus booster and the Hepatitis B vaccines. I need to book the Covid one as well. I did ask them whether this will delay the medical report being sent to the embassy and the nurse said they can withhold the medical report but only if I wanted them to if I want to get the Covid vaccine first otherwise if not then they can send it over to the embassy and said that I need to make sure I have got the vaccine sorted for the Adjustment of Status. I have decided to try and get the Covid vaccine before my interview but if I'm not able to then they said I can just ring them and send an email 2-3 weeks before my interview informing them to send my medical report to the embassy. My GP surgery does Hepatitis B vaccinations (I already knew they did as I rang them about a month ago regarding it) so I will contact them regarding the 2nd dose. The only other one I will need to sort is the flu jab but they didn't give me that as it's not flu season yet.
  19. Hi Jon, That's great - that does help a lot. When is your Covid booster?
  20. Hi Jon, Thank you for the update. I have my medical Friday and when I spoke to the medical place a few weeks ago they did mention about the Covid vaccine booster and like you I have had 2 doses and 1 booster so this is something that I need to arrange as well although I'm confused why I need another one as since I had my booster I have visited my partner since the vaccination requirement for covid so it's interesting that applicants are being asked to get another dose of it. Which vaccines did they give you today? Hope to hear from you soon!
  21. That's good then! You should probably get that through in the next few weeks
  22. Hi Rachel, Thank you for the response but I was aware of all that anyway - was more just a general query to see if anyone had this experience that was all.
  23. Sorry I forgot to say my interview is scheduled now but there is a month between my medical and the appointment and a bit of a gap
  24. Hi all, Has anyone had their medical after their petition has expired at all? I’ve seen a few people on here have their interview after the petition has expired but not the medical. Would be interesting to see if anyone has done this. Hope you can help!
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