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Everything posted by SL2024

  1. Thank you @Tesco - still got quite a few things to sort out though.
  2. Thank you @Moda25! Interview was last Thursday (8th August) and then was issued the day after on Friday (9th August).
  3. Just an update on this - I received my passport and sealed documents today. Delivered when they said they would and my grandma signed on behalf of me.
  4. Just an update to say that passport and sealed documents have been delivered to me today
  5. Just an update on this - I arrived around an hour and a half before my interview haha but I just waited around for about 30 minutes before joining the queue which I have left a review regarding the embassy on the embassy page on this sites as well.
  6. Sorry for the late response - I did put my grandmas name down for this and printed off the details and gave them to the person conducting my interview as they hadn't received the update of me amending the details 2 days before my interview
  7. Nice. Not sure what time you are due in London on the day for the medical appointment but if you are a bit early then there are enough cafes, etc in the area in case you need to eat and drink as well.
  8. Is your medical soon @Tesco?
  9. When is your interview?
  10. I didn't have a urine sample and mine cost £475 in total. £385 for the medical and then £90 for the Tetanus Booster and first Hepatitis B dose
  11. Well it's good that it was all ok for you.
  12. That's ok. Definitely take it just in case
  13. Hi, I had my interview earlier this week and I was only asked for my birth certificate. I did take a copy of my fiancees as well though just in case they asked for it though.
  14. Just an update on this - District Coffee - which is across the road from the Embassy stores bags for £10 and laptops for £5
  15. Also were you considering getting a tube to Visa Medicals or did you just prefer to walk in general? As when I went I think it was a 5 minute walk from the tube station
  16. So overall was it better than you thought it would be? I remember you were anxious about it on a previous post on the forum
  17. Hi all, I have my visa appointment soon and I will be travelling down to London and stopping at my cousins the night before so I will have a backpack with me with my documents for my visa interview, a few spare clothes and a toothbrush. Has anybody been allowed into the Embassy with a backpack at all? If not, did you use any baggage storage nearby at all? I have read that there is a coffee shop across the road from the Embassy that are able to store bags for people? Hope you can help!
  18. I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience at your GP Surgery but try not to worry too much about it (easier said than done I know). Definitely see what they say at the medical as they will know what vaccinations are exactly required for you and can probably do most of the vaccinations you require on the day.
  19. They aren’t going to reject your medical if you haven’t had some of the vaccinations before. As they can give you most of the vaccinations on the day for the ones that they tell you that you require. If there are some you can get that are cheaper elsewhere then you can choose to do that after the medical. I would go to the medical and let them tell you which ones you need. I did and it turned out that there were some that I didn’t actually need.
  20. I didn’t get any vaccines done before my medical as I felt it was better to go and have a medical professional at Visa Medicals tell me what I needed based on my vaccination records as they will know more about what is required for the USA rather than my GP. Before my medical I did ring my GP Surgery and spoke to reception and gave them a list of vaccinations that weren’t on my vaccination records and whether they did them there. They spoke to a nurse and called me back and I think they only did 1 or 2 but the ones they did offer weren’t the ones I required from what the nurse at my medical told me. So I was happy to get the vaccines that were required for me except for the Covid vaccine booster which I got done at Boots after my medical. Vaccination requirements will depend on things like age, etc. as well. I think it might be best to discuss with the nurse at your medical though.
  21. Sorry I meant to say email booking confirmation. I felt the service from Boots was good and they provided enough supporting evidence for my GP Surgery to update my medical records.
  22. Having a Covid vaccine booster is also on the booking confirmation for your medical from Visa Medicals
  23. I think I just gave my name and showed them the booking confirmation message I received by text
  24. I think Boots do it as a course of 2 doses with each dose 4 weeks apart
  25. Oh I see haha might still be best to put in my grandmas name as I would feel more reassured with them at least letting me know it has arrived
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