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    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Detroit MI
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  • Our Story
    Nothing much to say really. Met on dating site, talked daily for several months, decided to meet in person, spent 1 month together in Philippines and Thailand, everything clicked, decided to spend the rest of our lives together.

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  1. Yes that is what I am thinking as well. It is just frustrating for the Help Desk to show "Case Resolved" when the case only was transferred.
  2. I did check that. It is listed as resolved. Here is what it says: Dear Applicant, Thank you for writing to the U.S. Visa Service Desk. We understand that We wish to advise that your concern raised in the earlier case has already been escalated and is still in the process of being reviewed. We will respond to your request via the email address registered in your profile as soon as we receive a response. Alternatively, you may contact us again at a later date. When you contact us regarding your visa application, please send us your email via the email address of your profile to ensure that there is a record of your requests/communications with us registered in your correct profile. We hope this information is helpful. Have a pleasant day! Sincerely, U.S. Visa Service Desk
  3. The USEM responded within 18 hours. They said the case was "resolved" without any specifics on what action exactly was done. The message says the case was escalated. So I assume there is a two step process. Once the first step transfers the case, it is considered closed even though the error is not corrected. The case was "completed" by the first line responders. When I log into her DS160 profile under the original Bar code/case number; there are no changes. It still shows the error. When I log into her Visa Appointment confirmation, it still lists the original Bar code/case number. This is frustrating. Should the existing bar code/case number be updated to reflect the name change or should the new bar code/case number be shown in the Visa Appointment confirmation?
  4. UPDATE: I created a new DS-160 and updated the name. We made the same mistake for her parents surname as well. So that was corrected. We then went to UStraveldocs and logged into her visa account. We then submitted a feedback > Request to update the existing DS160 with the newly created DS-160. Lets hope they get this corrected as this has been very stressful on both of us.
  5. Hi Edward. You have been a great help to us over the past year with all your advice. We thank you. How long does it take for the USEM to correct the DS160 name change? Our Bio appointment is 15APR and IV is 13MAY. Will it get corrected in time? Will we need to re print the DS160 confirmation page? Will the bar code change? I am in Leyte now and the WiFi is horrible so I doubt I can change it for another day or two but well before the 30 day window.
  6. Ok. So when we create the new DS160 we do NOT submit it? After we fill out a new DS160, we then send feedback to the USEM and tell them what?
  7. Thanks for the advice. But how exactly will creating a new application not trigger a new fee and scheduling? I am new to this so forgive my ignorance.
  8. I went into the system and I see it will force me to re apply if within 30 days. It looks like we will have to reschedule the appointment and pay the fee again. The money is not a problem but the reschedule and perhaps medical will be a problem. On the confirmation page it says: Ortiz Rodriguez, Mary. Ortiz is her mother's name and Rodriguez is her last name, Mary is her first name. Ortiz is shown on her passport as her middle name. Will she have to re-do the medical again because there will be a new DS-160?
  9. Almost 3 weeks ago
  10. Ok. Thanks for the advice. I think the DS160 has the dual last name (I filled out the DS160 so stupid me) She already completed her medical but her interview is not until mid May. I will make sure to update the DS160. Is it easy to update?
  11. Let me also add, I see you are "ready" today 13MAR25. Now the hard part comes: getting the schedule. I was very very lucky and snagged my appointments on the VERY FIRST SIGN-IN after our case went "ready" on 12MAR. I have read that you need to be checking the websites every 30 minutes or sooner in case someone else cancels. I am checking every hour hoping to get a sooner time.
  12. We scheduled the medical the same day we received the K1-FTP and the case went to "in transit". The k1-ftp letter is required for the medical. The "required documents" say the visa appointment confirmation is required; however, that is not necessarily true. My fiance had the visa appointment on her phone (via email from the USEM) which I scheduled 2 hours before her medical. So she did not have enough time to print it at the hotel. The St Luke's Admin said the visa confirmation is not "required" but told my fiance the medical is only good for 6 months. So any visa appointments beyond 6 months will require a new medical. I heard that some people were made to sign a waiver acknowledging the 6 months but my fiance was not asked to sign any waiver. She was verbally told. As Rufus said, you MUST schedule the OFC and IV on the same log in. On the schedule page, the OFC comes up first. Once you click on a day in the OFC calendar, the IV calendar comes up. Then the confirmation will show you both appointments. As I type this on 13MAR25 at 11:45pm, my fiance is at medical day 2. She is from Leyte so she will have to make 3 separate trips from Cebu to MNL. It is a pain in the @$$ but worth it. My fiance was looking at the medical bill, hotel, air fare and visa appointment and said "Wow, you spend a lot of money on me, but I will show you that I am worth it". I had to laugh at that. I love the Filipina spirit. I am leaving on SUN 16MAR to the Philippines for 3 weeks. I was hopping to bring her back with me but it looks like I will be making a return visit in May.
  13. I wonder if they "bucket" interviews based on visa category? K1s this week, HB-1 next 2 weeks etc. I am happy just to get a time slot. We applied 13JUn24 so it has been a long wait. I have seen others get NOA2 and Approved in 6 months. There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason. I am going to the Phils on Sunday for 3 weeks. I originally thought we could get an appointed within a few weeks of "ready" status. But that is ok. I will return in May for her interview and (hopefully) bring her home. Festival is 09/10MAY so I will be there for that. I plan to retire 01MAY so I will have plenty of time.
  14. You are 2 weeks ahead of us for NOA2 and "Ready" Did you get the same dates as me? BIO=15APR and USEM=13MAY?
  15. When was your NOA2 and "ready" status? We scheduled medical without the interview appointment. Others on this forum said St Lukes will make her sign a waiver that the medical is good for only 6 months. Her medical is in 2 hours so she is now printing the interview appointment page at the hotel as I write this.
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