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ahsan iqbal

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  1. In worst cases how many time the person have to do re medical or after 2nd attempt they issue visas normally?
  2. Update : F4 visa Today my medicals got expired and on ceac website the case updated today but it's still refused and the embassy didn't return our passport from the interview time. So what to expect from now on? and can we travel to U.S with the expired medicals or re medical is necessary
  3. Embassy will inform us to do re medical ? Otherwise not ? And how much should we expect the time for this refusal ? I mean normally how many months it will take to get issued
  4. So we have to do re medical exams every 6 months?
  5. I'm sorry i'm not familiar with visa journey I don't know how to use it properly anyways My F4 visa went well in us Islamabad embassy and they gave us a congratulations letter and took our passports Right after the next day ceac status showed refused on 14th june The case got updated after 10 days but status remained same now it's almost been 2 months with no updates and no contact from embassy At this point i dont know what to do or why they are doing thiss
  6. Okay almost been 2 months and casee status is still showing refused without any update or contact from us embassy..my medicals are expiring soon what i do noww
  7. Okay okay but I'm just concerned that my medicals will be expired in 2 months n probably we have to do this process again
  8. Hi guys hope you are all well.. So i had my interview of f4 on 13th june and the counselor approved our interview .. and said to make traveldoc account The next day of interview my case status was showing refused for no reason Its been 12 days.. today the case just updated but still says refused I dont know what to do from here now
  9. Actually yesterday was my interview F4 after the interview i checked case status it was administration process and today I again checked its refused thats why i was having concern about it 😞
  10. Yesterday was my interview of F4 with my family the officer said your case is approved and gave us a congratulations letter but after next day case status says refuse.. no additional documentation or 221 g was given to us so why they refused
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