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Everything posted by Sunny3

  1. I know but they should look into vaccine side effects and that some beneficiaries have chronic illnesses non compatible with vacciness specially the Covid one. Plus my husband got Covid having the vacciness 😐
  2. It sounds like a hassle but worse would be to lose my hearing because of a vaccine. I forgot to mention I have chronic fatigue, another illness that even some doctors don't believe in and it's not recommended to put at risk the inmune system upon vaccination. No one would believe me even showing proof and we don't have all the money. I guess we will have to think to live somewhere else
  3. Are you saying they will deny your waiver? I read on these replies that getting a waiver is not too difficult.
  4. So do you think or are saying that they may consider that many vacciness at once could be waived? I don't think is healthy to have the full Covid vaccination at once, my husband took 1 shot and experienced fatigue and pain in his lungs just for his 1st shot few years ago, I can only imagine 3 or 4 shots at once. Very risky considering I have delicate health already.
  5. I have no take any vacciness since almost 20 years. They give many side effects and now after stroke I can't take risks to get a second stroke or lose my hearing. I have most of the vacciness from childhood but not sure if are all the ones they request. I have the proof of my Sudden hearing loss but sad that is not enough to explain why I can't be exposed to risks. 1040 is a lot of money, we are not rich just an average working family wanting to live together not on a phone screen. Also thanks so much for the information
  6. I am also one of the extremely rare cases of Neurosensorial Sudden Hearing Loss. I would not want to take any risks and recently my other only good ear has been experiencing some issues. I am also very sensitive to any medication even regular painkillers
  7. I'm the beneficiary of CR1, we filed in late May 2024, I'm concerned because I keep reading everywhere that one of the main side effects in many people after Covid vaccination is hearing loss or tinnitus. I have an incident of SSHL (sudden deafness) since age 14 I'm 42 y.o. and I have only 1 ear that I must protect. I can't risk losing my only ear or having some tinnitus or damage to it. I don't have any Covid vaccine. I have chronic illnesses included a mini stroke last year and I was unable to get them in my country since I was homebound. Thing is I know they are mandatory. But I am terrified about losing my full hearing. I tend to have very sensitive ears anyway regardless the vacciness. Most people say "No, you'll be ok" even doctors would but why take the risk?? There are many documents by professors and MD that testify that covid vacciness cause hearing issues afterwards. Is it a way to skip it? I know that some religions have that option but I'm catholic, we're not against vacciness, I can't lie about my religion. Maybe showing my hearing test and the severe loss of almost 30 years ago would be a valid reason along with a doctor note saying that I could lose then only ear I have?
  8. Hi! Husband sent the I-130 form on May 27th. I'll sure follow up your progress. Are you able to see anything on MyProgress tab? We can't see any stimated time yet and not sure if that's Ok?
  9. We sent the I-130 form 2 weeks ago but My "My Progress" tab is not showing any estimated time till decision, it only shows: "Reciept has been sent." Please help. I notice that everyone can see their progress, I know it means nothing but we find it rare that we can't see it
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