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  1. Yes, the interview will be in Doha. But I think i should have put the DS-160 confirmation code instead.
  2. That’s the thing I wasn’t able to print it and there was no confirmation sent on my email. I asked around and it seems that for online payments there’s really no confirmation email. They did confirm that payment was received but they asked me to bring the copy of receipt and the passport registration confirmation. I’m really having a headache with these stuff 😭
  3. They said they got my payment and I don’t have to pay again. Just make sure to bring the payment receipt and the passport registration confirmation page. Where do I get it?
  4. Hi, when making a payment, I put the DOHxxxx case number instead of the AAxxxx confirmation number. Would I sill be able to correct it or my payment will be void? So stressed out. Please help.
  5. My mum was able to keep my baby book but I think the physician will only honor it if the record has complete details. Meaning it needs to have the name of vaccine given, LOT number, date and name and signature of the person administering the vaccine. Without those info, they will need to give you the vaccine again.
  6. Oh wow. This is terrible. Any idea how much is the rate for private insurance for senior citizen? Any recommendations?
  7. I've been looking for a thread like this, but I haven't found one yet. I just wanted to ask, for those who also processed K2 visas, how did you guys plan the next steps? Like finding school for the kids etc? Depending on the time of migration, were you guys able to find a school right away or you have to wait for some time? What are the usual requirements needed?
  8. HI, I don't know if it's just me but I'm trying to fill out the new I-134 Form which expires 12/31/2027. On Part 2 number 12 about employment, I marked employed however it is not allowing me to type the name of my employer. Anyone who had similar issues? What did you guys do? Please help. Thank you!
  9. Hi, I was just wondering what information does the employment letter needs to have so I could ask the HR department to include it? I understand that it needs to indicate my employment status, position, length of tenure, but does it need to have salary rate? Because I'm thinking they can just look at my ITR and pay stubs for that. I just wanted to know so I could request in advance if I have to. Thanks!
  10. @Aserc sorry I don’t understand. Who did you email? How did you do your Aramex registration?
  11. Sorry I forgot to include that we are both Malaysians and he's been my college friend. I don't know how to reply using quotes, my bad. I have evidences like pictures together in Doha, chats and 8-hour video call logs, flower gifts, letters sent to Doha thru USPS, hotel booking, flight itineraries, boarding pass, engagement ring etc. He's a long lost friend. He asked me to visit him but at that time I've already made plans to go to Japan and it would be such a waste to change my flight itinerary last minute to make a detour to Qatar. So he sent me money to book a flight from Japan to Doha that way I don't have to make any changes to my original itinerary. Re the money I sent him, I had to send him some money to help him out a bit because he's recently changed jobs. But he is gonna pay me back. So there is a receipt that he sent me $1000 and then there is also a receipt that I sent him $2000. Now I am debating if I will include them or not. @JeanneAdil @Sam Burns @Rachel n Tyler @powerpuff
  12. As a supporting evidence? But then I've started reading about it here and it seems that it might be a red flag but I don't know really.
  13. Hi! I'm new here. I'm just about to send my I-129F application however, I can't decide whether to include the receipt of the money transfer that I sent to my fiancé recently. I'm worried that it will become a red flag. This was the first time that I sent him money to help him out. But I've also included the receipt of the money that he sent me way back in December amounting to $1000 cos he actually paid for my plane tickets to visit him. I really need an advise guys. I don't want it to be taken against us. Thank you.
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