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Everything posted by sundim

  1. I got 4 updates around the same time too, haven't heard anything since august 19. I also got my hopes up. But you're not alone! 🤝
  2. Updating my timeline of CEAC updates: Interview Friday May 17 2024 Tuesday May 21 (after sending completed DS-5535) Friday May 24 Friday May 31 Friday June 7 Tuesday June 18 (after sending phone number update) Tuesday June 25 Thursday August 1 (after sending renewed passport update) Wednesday August 7 Friday August 9 Tuesday August 13 Monday August 19 (4 updates within 12 days!!!)
  3. Updating my timeline of CEAC updates: Interview Friday May 17 2024 Tuesday May 21 (after sending completed DS-5535) Friday May 24 Friday May 31 Friday June 7 Tuesday June 18 (after sending phone number update) Tuesday June 25 Thursday August 1 (after sending renewed passport update) Wednesday August 7 Friday August 9 Tuesday August 13 (THREE UPDATES WITHIN ONE WEEK!?!! AHH)
  4. Yes, boilerplate response, 3 weeks after sending. "Thank you for your inquiry. Your case was refused under section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and is currently under administrative processing... "
  5. Updating my timeline of CEAC updates: Interview Friday May 17 2024 Tuesday May 21 (after sending completed DS-5535) Friday May 24 Friday May 31 Friday June 7 Tuesday June 18 (after sending phone number update) Tuesday June 25 Thursday August 1 (after sending renewed passport update) Wednesday August 7 Friday August 9
  6. Updating my timeline of CEAC updates: Interview Friday May 17 2024 Tuesday May 21 (after sending completed DS-5535) Friday May 24 Friday May 31 Friday June 7 Tuesday June 18 (after sending phone number update) Tuesday June 25 Thursday August 1 (after sending renewed passport update) Wednesday August 7
  7. Updating my timeline of CEAC updates: Interview Friday May 17 2024 Tuesday May 21 (after sending completed DS-5535) Friday May 24 Friday May 31 Friday June 7 Tuesday June 18 (after sending phone number update) Tuesday June 25 Thursday August 1 (after sending renewed passport update) Both times I emailed, it took 3 weeks to receive a reply from OP13. After the first email I received an auto-reply right away. After the second email, I did not receive an auto-reply.
  8. Similar to others, I got an auto-reply on my first email to the embassy but no auto-reply on my second one. I was thinking time of day may be a factor since their email servers may be offline during certain hours, or even possibly broken/undergoing maintenance. USCIS is down basically every weekend.
  9. I actually just renewed mine, received it, scanned it and sent the new info to the embassy via email literally this morning. I haven't received any response yet but I'll update again when I do.
  10. General question for anyone who had to do a second medical: Did you have to do blood tests again? What about x-rays? I originally submitted blood test documents showing that I am immune (for example chicken pox), or have had the required vaccines but at my medical exam, I had to do a second blood test to show negative results for syphilis. Without getting too graphic, I'm what technicians and nurses call a "bad poke". Low blood pressure, hard to find veins, etc. If possible, I prefer to get my blood work done with some planning and grouped together. If I have to put another blood test on my to-do list, I'd rather know sooner than at the appointment. thanks in advance 😁
  11. Congratulations & Thank you for sharing. My timeline is similar to yours so this gives me some hope. I'm not sure if it was in this thread or the previous threads where I saw that at least one other "cluster" of clearances happening within a small window of time. I can only speculate and wonder why that is and, maybe, if there's a pattern to it.
  12. Updating my timeline of CEAC updates: Interview Friday May 17 2024 Tuesday May 21 (after sending completed DS-5535) Friday May 24 Friday May 31 Friday June 7 Tuesday June 18 (after sending phone number update) Tuesday June 25
  13. I think it's better to not hide it. Honestly I don't think such a thing would be a factor, but I can only speculate. I think it makes sense to be concerned but not necessarily for the reason you think. Montreal selects a lot of people. You could have a totally clean case and still get selected.
  14. I think it maybe depends on what flavour of edgy you're talking about. If it's related to criminal behaviour or anything that may make you inadmissible then it might raise questions. Do i think it would contribute to you getting a DS-5535? I'm not sure anyone knows. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to why people get selected at Montreal. Don't be worried or paranoid, be prepared. Have your job, address and travel history ready and have a backup plan to stay in canada longer. If you don't need it, no harm done. Good luck!
  15. Just got a CEAC update & email from Montreal consulate OP13 confirming my email from June 3 (just over 2 weeks ago) updating my phone number.
  16. I went to Globeia at Victoria Park & St Clair in Toronto on November 8 2023, the RCMP mailed my report on the 15th and received it on Nov 17.
  17. This is an update of no update (lol). I last emailed Montreal consulate on June 3 to update phone number. Previously I had a CEAC update every week on Friday since my interview but I guess that's done. I'm in the waiting zooooooone 😭
  18. Thanks for saying this! I emailed on June 3 to update my phone number and wondered if I would ever hear back. I'm also renewing my passport so I'll have to update them again when that's done. There was plenty of time left on my current passport if I had been approved at my interview, but unfortunately not enough time to last through DS-5535. (sad trombone🎺)
  19. I don't really have advice for you but wanted to share what i've been doing. -Check status on CEAC weekdays at 5 PM EST to see if there is any update. My "last updated date" changed the day after I sent in my completed DS-5535, and every week on Friday since then. I realize this isn't exactly confirmation, but at least someone is looking at my case weekly. Good enough for me. -I emailed to update my phone number using the address found in the visa navigator: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=dFDPZv5a0UimkaErISH0Sy1YoH0qhFtLmlsn5fRWtORUM1VNMVlYWFAzNldZRU5KUjgwTjhFOVFWTCQlQCN0PWcu i think there's a phone number there to call the consulate if you wanted to try to get confirmation. -I did a free consultation with a US immigration lawyer and they said all I can do is wait and if it doesn't clear by 1 year after my case has been with the state department, we could try suing the consulate. We have considered contacting our representatives in California but decided to wait. I'm sorry this is happening to you, it super sucks.🍀Good luck
  20. Ahh good to know thank you! I've tried many times to read through all the threads but I often forget which page I'm on so I haven't noticed anyone commenting on a pattern yet.
  21. Today marks 3 weeks since my interview/receiving DS-5535, and 3 weekly updates on CEAC since then. I'm grateful that it appears they're looking at it periodically. Anyone have any pattern to their CEAC updates? Interview Friday May 17 2024 Update Tuesday May 21 (after sending completed DS-5535) Update Friday May 24 Update Friday May 31 Update Friday June 7
  22. I'm sorry this is causing you anxiety. If I could go back and do it again, I would have been prepared with my DS-5535 info ready to submit ASAP (in your case, resume info for you as well), instead of rushing to do it while processing the bad feelings that come along with being refused. Another thing I would have done was to prepare a plan for what happens after the interview. I didn't make travel plans, but I also wasn't ready to stay in Canada for another year (big mistake). I'm fine now, but in retrospect I should have had a backup plan. If your wife doesn't get flagged, then no harm done. If she does, then you're ready! For me, being prepared and planning helps manage my anxiety. I don't think you're doomed, just prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Good luck to both of you 🍀
  23. Hello fellow DS-5535 club members, I had my interview on May 17 2024 and got the DS-5535. I have been reading and observing everyone's experience throughout our case since we applied for i-130 in 2022. I had mistakenly thought our case would be simple so I didn't sign up until now. We have been married nearly 8 years and 7 of those, my spouse lived with me in Toronto (we did a permanent residence application with Canada Immigration). I knew Montreal might be a challenge but was naive and thought I wouldn't be selected. I'm a Canadian born citizen. I have one parent who was born in Canada. My other parent was naturalized long ago, and born in a country that may be considered a problem by US immigration. They are both deceased. I have mixed ethnicity and ambiguous appearance but am generally white passing. All my travel history is to the US and neither my partner nor I have done a TAL job. Montreal embassy did not ask for a resume, but they did ask for my job history with descriptions in the DS-5535. They did not ask for my spouse's. During my interview, I got the impression that it was going very smoothly. The first officer commented that it was "good" I had uploaded all my documents including updated tax transcripts and proof of assets. The second officer asked standard relationship questions and was somewhat casual and joked a little bit. He asked me how long my spouse lived in the US since returning from Canada and when I answered, he said something along the lines of "good, that will make this process go faster." I was confused because I thought the process was nearly done. When he gave me the 221g requesting DS-5535, he commented that it says "refused" but that I shouldn't be alarmed. He commented that there was nothing I could have done ahead of time to prevent this outcome. My main suspicion for why I got selected is either it was random, or my parent's place of birth is a red flag. The country is listed on my birth certificate and our marriage certificate. I submitted my DS-5535 on May 20 and my case was updated the next day. Since then, my case has been updated May 24 and May 31 which is every friday since my interview, which was also on a friday. I emailed today to update my phone number. I will be updating again in a month because I am renewing my passport. Anyway that's my info dump. Thank you to everyone for updating in this thread, it was very helpful when we were first researching this outcome. And thank you to @Superluminal for maintaining the spreadsheet. I will keep updating the thread as things happen.
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