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Everything posted by bdmonaco_cad

  1. We are almost there, Here is the timeline 1. Sent email to start FTJ - May, 2024 2. Packet 3 - Aug, 2024 3. Packet 3 Submitted - Oct, 2024 4. Packet 4 Received - Feb, 2025 (Instructed to schedule interview) Few tips for you. I had to send same email 10-15 time for step 1 to initiate, finally received packet 3 after 4 months of trying Submitted packet 4, same thing, had to email them every week until I received packet 4(confirmation of review, instruction to schedule interview) for your FTJ family members you need to schedule interview by yourself, here is instructions on how to do it Log into your us visa registration account, create new group add family members to the new group appointment date available will show your original interview date (back dated) and there is no way to change it. Go ahead and select the date Once created you will see that the interview date is set to your original interview date Now go ahead and select no show, this will trigger the system to let you pick a new date (takes 48 hours to update) You should now be able to select a new interview date. P.S. I had to call Us Visa scheduling center to do all the above for me, I had to explain every bit of it. very painful. I hope you start the process sooner as it took me a year to receive Packet 4. Feel free to reply to this thread with questions. I will try my best to help you out. Good luck!
  2. @Vert_jabuka37 Yes I was finally able to get a reply from Montreal., they have sent me a packet 3. Here are the steps you need to take, 1. send email to montreal-iv-dv@state.gov 2. Subject should be as follows “Update DS-260 MTL[yourcase#] 3. In the body of the email a) inform them when you had obtained your immigrant visa b) request them to update your wife’s status from follow-to-join to accompany. c) include your wife’s name as it appears on DS-260 and date of birth. d) be very polite and request them to make the above update so that you can process your wife’s immigrant visa. you will likely get a response in 3-4 weeks. Email them again if no one replies back. In my case I had to send it 4 times and finally I was able to start processing my derivatives immigrant visa. good luck!
  3. I am in a similar boat, my case for my derivatives were updated on May 29, 2024. I haven’t received any communication from the consulate yet. No packet 3 or 4 yet. Anyone knows what can be done in such case? Btw, this is for immigrant visa for my spouse and kids but exactly same message as OP has posted. Thanks!
  4. Sorry, its an employment based GC, I got mine two year ago, family wanted to move at a later date so they were all set as Follow-to-join on DS-260. Recently they are ready to make the move so I contacted the Us consulate to process follow to join. No new family members, they were all part of the original petition.
  5. Hello, I contacted Montreal Consulate via email to open up follow to join case for my derivatives. Looks like did some sort of updates, When I check my case status its says ready, anyone knows if I can go ahead schedule interview or should I rather wait? I cant seem to unlock form DS-260 on NVC for my derivatives. Any help would be appreciated. case status Ready
  6. Thank you for your response! I found out that DOS/NVC made some sort of updates to my derivatives case few days ago but not sure what has been updated. The status says ‘Ready’ with following message, anyone has any idea if I need to do anything or just wait? The first part of the message says to schedule an interview, “Your case is ready for you to schedule an interview at the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal. If you have already scheduled an interview appointment, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the Consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at: http://nvc.state.gov/interview For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.”
  7. It is follow to join using Consular processing. I-824 for people who did processing inside the US, it clearly says on the form. The link I sent earlier has details on follow to join consular processing, all I need to know is if anyone has ever done a follow to join outside US, specifically using Montreal Consulate.
  8. Thanks! I think you are talking about K1, there is no time frame as long as you are an LPR. They will lose the follow to join benefits if I become US citizen. https://www.uscis.gov/family/bring-spouse-to-live-in-US
  9. Hello, I got my Green card through Employment based category two years ago in Montreal US Consulate(Consular Processing). My spouse and kids were marked as follow to join on my DS-260 when I got my green card. They are now ready to come to US and I am wondering how I should initiate the Follow-To-Join process? I tried emailing Montreal US consulate but no luck so far. I would appreciate if anyone knew how to start the process. Thank you!
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