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Posts posted by ASPX323

  1. On 10/26/2020 at 3:11 AM, R1CH1991 said:

    I was a regular reader of the last London thread to keep myself updated with current timelines etc before it went to 70+ pages and way off topic.


    I thought it was such a useful resource so I’ve decided to start the ball rolling again so we can keep each other updated on news as it comes in.


    To kick us off, me and my wife were DQ 10th July so we’re hoping to get our interview appointment email early November. It appears June DQ dates have been scheduled so hoping this is our time after literally years of waiting.


    Fingers crossed for no Tier 3 lockdown in London! 

    Has anyone received an IL in June or May? I was DQ on May 2 and I’m still waiting…

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