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Everything posted by MaddieMia

  1. Budget is a concern in the like- "we maybe cant afford to meet various times a year on a third country" but yeah we have taken into consideration the time before I can work once there however is the difference between this and CR1 that big? we didn't want to get married quite yet because felt like rushing things and I would like to do it over there if possible
  2. various visits like that might stretch our budget a little but I hadn't considered it, so thanks!
  3. My worry is less with the initial filling but the later interview. My partner can only visit once a year for work reasons and like. yeah. >.<
  4. Okay, so, like- there is a bunch of stuff I have read from other couples with like. Frequency of visits, letters written to each other and physical gifts, contact with the other's family and that kind of stuff. Neither of uses uses social media apart from the app we use for communication. There is also a somewhat significant age gap between the two of us, which I have read is a red flag? Also idk how much this affects but like. We are a same sex couple, neither of us is very outgoing and idk, just feel like we would be an easy one to decline >.<
  5. Me and my partner are looking on what we can do to be together, and a K1 visa looked like the best way to proceed. English isnt my first language, so please be undestanding of any typo. We have been dating for two and a half years, recently had our first in person meeting and have talked about our intent to marry. Thing is, i've been reading this site for the last few days and all I have read has really discouraged me. Despite being together for weeks, we focused more on having a good time together rather than taking pictures so we don't have as many distinct pictures as other applicants I have read from this sites. Our conversations and video/voice chats are mostly contained on a single app, and I dont know. Dont wanna give away tons of info to internet strangers but I don't think our relationship looks anything like the approved ones from 5+ years old threads about argentinian applicants. I have read here that since I am from a poor country, a lot more will be asked of us during the interview and stuff. Having had a tourist visa declined (with which I planned to visit her) has left a bad taste in my mouth and leads me to believe that. Would you say pursuing a K1 visa is a possibility for us, would we have any chance of approval? Should we wait? and if not, what do you recommend?
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