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  1. @Lee Thacket thank your for this. We are not sure yet on which one we will apply for, I was just seeing if the K-1 could help his other dilemma but I think I got my answer thanks
  2. @Family I read it is if you have religious exemption or it cause hardship. In our case religion. I can’t meet him without family present until marriage. Even if he lived in the states i could not see him alone. But now im more worried of him being stuck then the actual marriage he is a good person and I just want best however that goes. Thank you for reply
  3. @Family I appreciate your reply it’s upfront he has not asked me for money and to be honest I always offer and he always refuses. We can’t meet in person because it’s forbidden in Islam. He has spoke to my family and we are trying to do correctly. And we don’t even plan to settle in the states. The problem is many migrant workers face this in gulf countries, it is not just him. It’s very common for immigrants to be in his situation there. Thank you for your reply.
  4. @Lee Thacket yes I agree, thanks for even replying. Can you tell me do you think the K-1 process was easy? Or any suggestions for the quickest simplest process between cr1 and k-1?
  5. @Lee Thacket hello, I appreciate you relying may God bless you. And I would apply for the K-1 visa for him but I think without the iqama papers he cannot travel. I’m uncertain if he could or not if he could get out of the country by this method I would petition for this right away. Do you have any knowledge of this? If so, it would be very appreciated. Thank u
  6. Hi, My fiancé is a Sudan native currently living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His local guardian has been promising to renew his iqama (this paperwork is required as a migrant worker) but hasn’t for 2 months now. We were going to marry there but now can’t is it possible to file the fiancé visa and he can come to America to marry? Or will the iqama expiry papers make it impossible?
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