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Everything posted by Rekyrts

  1. Unfortunately (per my understanding), that is not how it works. People can and do suffer from USCIS mistakes, so really, it's on us to make sure we know the rules and make sure we do not benefit from inadvertent mistakes. I'm happy to be coorected, but my understanding is that the general provision is 5 years. Period. Not 4 years and 11 months. Improperly obtained immigration benefits have been reversed, including citizenship. I feel for the poster, but if I were that poster, I would REALLY endeavor to get that fixed ASAP.
  2. Got ya. Yes, if the IOs are doing that, cool. But the suspicious part of me wonders if an IO could also skip what they considered to be easy questions...
  3. Ah. Makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. Still don't like the idea of the IO having the ability to skip. Why allow it? I like the idea of 10 random questions... but read them as presented.
  4. Fair! I hear you. There is something about allowing interviewers to select the specific question that makes me a little uncomfortable for applicants.
  5. Congratulations! I have always been curious: so they can select the civic questions to be asked? I had assumed they had a program that selected them randomly.
  6. Correct me if I am wrong, but could it be that they have been married less than the three years required? Happy to be corrected if I'm off base, but I would assume being married kess than three years would trigger a "too early" denial, correct?
  7. How long have you been married, @Hmmehanna?
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