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Everything posted by Keegan

  1. Thank you for your time reading this! I have been emailing back and forth with the new gdit email support team and I feel the translation from english-spanish is bad, or maybe they are not willing to look into my case to help. I received instruction to schedule an appointment back in June of 2024. It instructed to gather all documents and schedule medical exams before creating appointment. Once I did that, the new system was switching in, in a week, and I was told by the previous support email to wait until they were in play. After that happened, I created my profile online and came to the page to register the applicants profile. Once the info is in, it states my case number is not ready to schedule an interview. I wrote into the support email and we have been going in circles as each time they state they are escalating my case to the appropriate department. I am not able to pay the MRV fee because i cannot create the applicants profile. They not have sent this email. I am lost and frustrated 😭 please provide any advice or guidance.
  2. Our case was approved April 17th and after keeping up with the NVC processing times, I wrote in last week to request my case number. I received an email back with an attachment stating the NVC will now forward the petition to the Consulate in San José CR and that they will contact us when they are ready to process our petition. They also included the case number. A few days later I checked the ceac website and it shows our status is READY "Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment." How we will be notified of the interview appointment? Anyone know an estimate of our timeline here until the appointment? When I go to our visa portal it says no app. has been scheduled. should I write into the nvcinquiries?
  3. Understood, thank you so much for the clarification! I will go ahead and send in an inquiry!! Have a great day!
  4. Thank you for the detailed response! In response to your response on #5, I am under the impression the next step will be the NVC requesting the Affidavit of Support. Are you suggesting I submit my parents I-134 for this and wait to submit mine until interview? Thanks for the clarification. I have not reached out to NVC quite yet, I did a few weeks ago as it states to notify if turning 21 during process, which I did this year. They told me they cannot make the change until they receive it. I am keeping up with the NVC timelines and it says they are currently working on cases received around April 4th, and mine was sent out on April 17th, so I figured I would wait until Monday when it updates. Thanks again!
  5. His sister entered her first time and worked during her stay. obv not allowed on tourist visa. upon her second return to LAX, stopped at immigration, called the US contact and was deported the next day
  6. His sister entered on a B1/B2 Visa, first time she went she was nannying for a friend (obviously not allowed on B1/B2). Exited country and upon her second return, was stopped at immigration, they called her friend listed above who confirmed she was working and was deported next day.
  7. Hello! Thank you in advance for providing feedback! 1. I filed for the K-1 in November of 2023. I found out I was pregnant in October and did not do thorough research, as I am doing now, and included a paper on the end of our packet that includes a copy of my positive blood test and a few sentences on the due date, acknowledged paternal father (my fiance, the beneficiary), etc. Now that I have gone through these forums, I have come across some who say pregnancy is not a reason for expedition. While we have accepted he will not be here for the birth, will this document affect us in anyway? Is there something I should do to request the removal of this document from our packet? 2. My fiance has been denied the B1/B2 Tourist Visa for 3 years in a row, handed the same blue paper, that states he does not have sufficient proof to return to his home country, every time. Will this affect our K-1 outcome? (He does not have a criminal record or any outstanding circumstance other than his sister being deported from US while attempting to enter on B1/B2) 3. I, the petitioner, am residing in the United States and will stay here for the birth of our child due to medical reasons. As my fiance cannot be here, I have been debating listing his name on our childs birth certificate for the sole purpose of ease as I file for a passport shortly after the birth, to ensure we can be in Costa Rica for the interview when the time comes. As we plan to use the childs birth certificate in our packet of supporting documents, to prove a bona fide relationship, would this have a negative impact? Will they question why he is not listed as the father, or listen to us when we share the reason why we decided to not add him? Regardless, our child will still take his last name which will be listed on the birth certificate. We would go back in to add him to the birth certificate once he is here on the K-1. 4. My fiances name is Cristofer and he has 2 last names, however he does not like the spelling of his first name, so he has always spelled " Chris" or "Christopher" for non-legal things. He also commonly uses only one last name. For a short period of time, he was listed in my phone as Christopher as well. On his instagram he is Chris and only uses one of his last names. Does he need to include all of these "nicknames" on the DS-160? 5. As I was living in Costa Rica with my partner last year, and we had 2 incomes, I was not working as much and did not meet the poverty line in 2022/2023. This year, 2024, I do meet 100% of the poverty line for a 2 person household, and am very close to meeting it for a 3 person household. Because I am on the line, my parents are going to be joint sponsors. My questions are: - As we received NOA2 about 32 days ago, I am assuming I will be asked to submit Affidavit of Support soon, potentially before the birth of my child, which would increase our household size to 3, including my fiance. Should I list it as 3 regardless of filing before or after baby is born? - Do I fill out I-134 and have my parent fill out a separate I-134? Or do we need to fill out I-864? I think that is all for now! If there are any other things I should note, I am welcome to anything/everything! Thank you.
  8. Hello! Thank you in advance for any feedback! I began the process of the K-1 Visa, as the petitioner, in November of 2023, for my Costa Rican fiance, shortly after I found out I was pregnant. When we realized it would not come in time, we applied for the B1/B2 Tourist Visa- expedited- on the terms of a "once-in-a-lifetime-event". Upon requesting the expedited interview, you are asked to submit documents proving your reasoning, which we did. We were approved and our appointment date was given to us on June 11th. I wrote into ASC services of Costa Rica as my due date is May 27th and after multiple outreaches, our appointment was bumped upto May 9th. We were beyond thrilled until my fiance was denied-again. He has applied for B1/B2 Visa every year for the past 3 years now. He has been denied every time, given the same generic blue paper. We understand that he probably did not have enough proof to return to his home country for the first 2 times... however this time, we had documents showing the K-1 visa process which we provided as he knew he needed to return for the interview/did not want to do anything illegal to jeopardize the K-1. As my partner said, the first window he was called to, the woman said she could not assist him as she denied his visa last year. The second officer he was then sent to did not look at one piece of paper, and only asked the question "why do you want to go to the states" to which my fiance answered " to be present for the birth of my child. my fiance needs me". He was responded to with, "I cannot approve your visa at this time" and that was the end. Handed the same blue paper. It is important to note that his sister applied for and was approved for her B1/B2 last year, but unfortunately was deported out of the country upon her second arrival. My fiance is 26yo has no criminal background, owns property in Costa Rica... My questions: Any ideas on the reason behind the denials? Will these denials effect the K-1 outcome?
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