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ayah_'s Achievements

  1. Even if they’re conflicting? All the signatures and authorities are in the 1st page.
  2. Maybe I am worrying too much. That is what they are saying as well that our PSA marriage certificate is valid and shouldn’t be a problem. Thank you for the insight!
  3. Article 34 is for those who do not need a marriage license because the have been living together for 5yrs. I think it’s called common law marriage in the states. We are not under that law as I am residing in US and him in Manila. Our 1st page MC has our marriage license no. And that page is the one that has the signature of LCR authority. Meanwhile 2nd page is only solemnizing officer’s affidavit of us being wed under article 34 along with his signature, no LCR authority signature.
  4. There’s conflicting information on our PSA Marriage Certificate. 1st page information is okay. But they gave us a 2nd page Affidavit of Solemnizing Officer claiming we were married under Article 34
  5. My bad. PSA Marriage Certificate.
  6. Hello. We got married last March and will be applying for petition of my partner. Our CEMAR from PSA is 2 pages. Even though we only passed the marriage certificate from LCR. The solemnizing officer endorsed us as being married under Article 24. But we have legal marriage license in the 1st page. The 2nd page only has the signature of the officer and not the local registry. We were advised to just pass the 1st page. We would have to sue and go to court to ammend this which could take years and we’d like to avoid that. We have certified true copies of everything. Do they scrutinize 2-page marriage certificates that badly?
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