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Everything posted by Livona

  1. I've seen I think 3 or 4 cases of people getting denied entry with K1 while searching around on this website. You're all probably right though, I need to stop looking at these things. I just get very anxious and overthink so I try to find reassurance, but end up finding things that make me worry even more 😭 I can only hope he gets a nice officer
  2. Hello all, Ive been reading around recently about what’s to be expected at the POE with a K1, and I’ve noticed there are some horror stories of people being denied entry. Now I’m worrying that the worst case scenario will happen. I saw someone say they almost got denied entry because the petitioner was a student and had a co-sponsor. I’m in a similar situation where I’m a student with a co-sponsor. I’m worried something bad will happen. We are a genuine couple, and I think we have shown it with all of our papers and proof. I just hate that there’s a chance my fiancé can get denied entry at the border after everything He already had one bad experience at the border with ESTA, so it makes me even more nervous.
  3. Hello! My fiancé finished his interview earlier today. We were expecting a more straight forward answer once it was finished, but the CO told him that it could either be accepted, or they could come back and ask more questions. They said he will hear back within 2 weeks to a month, either he will get his visa or will get a request for more answers, or something like that? They said they will try the best to get it within the 2 weeks. I thought maybe it could be in administrative processing, but they didn't give him any additional papers or mentioned anything about AP. He told me the interview went well and questions were very simple, they didn't seem suspicious of anything or any red flags were raised. The only thing is they noticed is there were no photos from 2022, but there were photos from then so idk why they said that? Either way they didn't seem to dwell on it and were understanding. They kept his passport and some paperwork from the packet. Our lawyer said it's a good sign they are planning to accept it since they kept his passport. I'm just a little confused since I've never heard of this happening lol, they usually say if its been approved, denied, or need more information after interview.
  4. Hello, I just got back from vacation with my family to visit my fiancé, as well as visiting other Nordic countries. for some context: my fiancé and I never had a proper proposal, we just kinda came to a mutual agreement to get married. I would consider us “engaged” whenever we submitted our I-129F. However, during this trip my fiancé properly proposed to me in Norway. His interview is in a couple of days. If the interviewer asks about engagement, what should he say? Obviously he will tell the truth, but I’m more so curious how to phrase it. For example, if they ask “when did we get engaged?” Should he say when we submitted our I-129f (around January), or should he go into more detail talking about the proposal in Norway? Should he keep it simple unless they ask for more details? Thanks!
  5. Hello, My fiancé and I are getting close to scheduling an interview at the Helsinki embassy. He is nervous for the interview, he's afraid if he takes a moment to think about a question they will see that as suspicious. He has a language processing disorder and sometimes takes a moment to think/ tell his answer. I told him the questions should be easy enough, as they are all about ourselves, family and our relationship, but he's also afraid they will throw a question he wont know the answer for. Is the interview relatively easy? I have confidence he can do it, but he seems nervous that he will fail. We also have a co-sponsor since I am a student graduating soon, hopefully that's ok for Helsinki.
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