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Posts posted by harissa

  1. 1 hour ago, Ontarkie said:

    No you cannot. Don't hire any of those lawyers. 


    There is a 120-day waiting period to get divorced. Once the divorce is granted, the parties cannot remarry anywhere in the world for at least six months.

    https://www.wicourts.gov/formdisplay/FA-4100V_instructions.pdf?formNumber=FA-4100V&formType=Instructions&formatId=2&language=en#:~:text=There is a 120-day,reasons for wanting a divorce.

    In other words the divorce is not completely final until the waiting period is over. 

    I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you are answering? The 120 day waiting period refers to when you file the initial paperwork for divorce. After 120 days, you will get a date for your final hearing. At the final hearing, the court grants you a divorce. My divorce is finalized. However, there is a 6 month waiting period to remarry after divorce is finalized. Each state has different rules. However, that wasn’t my question. 

    Here’s my question reworded: do I have to wait to start the process of a K-1 visa? The short answer that I found is no.


    thanks for your input! 

  2. On 6/27/2024 at 4:03 PM, pushbrk said:

    Which State?  It matters.  But the bar for USCIS approval is evidence both parties are free to marry.  USCIS will know the State, and whether your divorce decree is sufficient evidence you are free to marry.  If I know the State and spend a couple minutes Googling, I can probably confirm for you.  Details matter.

    I cannot legally marry anywhere in the world until after 6 months after my divorce. I’m wondering if I can send in the petition and 

    I’ve been told a few times by lawyers and others that it’s fine to send in the petition as long as I have evidence that my divorce is dissolved (divorce decree) since the process takes awhile and I can include my circumstances in my personal statement as to why I am filing shortly after my divorce. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

  3. I-129F, Previous Divorce & Processing Times

    Hi all 😊

    My fiancé and I have been together for 1.5 years. 
    My ex-husband and I tried to DIY our divorce, but that was taking too long for me because I clearly want to move on with my life so I lawyered up. & now after being split for over 2 years, our divorce is finally going to be finalized in 1 week!! 

    That being said, my finacé and I wanted to submit our paperwork shortly after my divorce is finalized (between 2-3 weeks after). I have a 6 month waiting period in my state before I can marry again & when I originally talked to a lawyer… he said it would be fine because approvals take time, but now I’m reading that processing times have sped up… and I don’t want to risk getting denied due to the 6 month waiting period but I also am just ready to be with my fiance and don’t want to risk the wait times increasing substantially. 

    Does anyone have any advice on how to move forward? 


    Quicker question: Will our application be denied if it is processed before 6 month mark? 

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