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Posts posted by harissa

  1. I-129F, Previous Divorce & Processing Times

    Hi all 😊

    My fiancé and I have been together for 1.5 years. 
    My ex-husband and I tried to DIY our divorce, but that was taking too long for me because I clearly want to move on with my life so I lawyered up. & now after being split for over 2 years, our divorce is finally going to be finalized in 1 week!! 

    That being said, my finacé and I wanted to submit our paperwork shortly after my divorce is finalized (between 2-3 weeks after). I have a 6 month waiting period in my state before I can marry again & when I originally talked to a lawyer… he said it would be fine because approvals take time, but now I’m reading that processing times have sped up… and I don’t want to risk getting denied due to the 6 month waiting period but I also am just ready to be with my fiance and don’t want to risk the wait times increasing substantially. 

    Does anyone have any advice on how to move forward? 


    Quicker question: Will our application be denied if it is processed before 6 month mark? 

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