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  1. Sad
    apnzz got a reaction from JJrockman in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Yep! I saw this today after waking up, I'm a March 4th filer, and it seems extremely unfair that just because we fall within this range, we have to sit and get ignored and wait, whilst I see approvals from May - even late May, 20s and 30s.. Come on, that's pathetic. But we can't do anything! My inquiry date is May 2025, and I've called up 3 times and tried everything, but it's "normal processing times".. ok but every other week and month filer majorly gets approvals in under 90 days - since January that's how the majority of cases are being approved, every other week in March (my filing month) see's heavy approvals, same with April and May. I even saw many approvals in under 40 days!! How is that okay?
    But we've been waiting over 127 days now.
    Nothing we can do until MAY 2025 - ridiculous! 
    Yeah bla bla being patient ok, yeah previous filers had to wait YEARS - ok! but we shouldn't have to now, that was covid backlogs etc etc, this year has been so fast for majority of applicants so why is our 2 week slot being skipped - at least if they told us what's going on or something - but I get the "Ma'am you're making the assumption your case has been skipped" when I call. 
    Just because prev applicants waited 18+ months doesn't mean now we have to - the times have sped up, there's no pandemic, there's backlogs yes but they're not as huge as before - why can a May filer get approved in under 40 days but we're waiting 120+?
    No way to hold them accountable or anything! I'm so upset
  2. Like
    apnzz got a reaction from sonnyboy0323 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Yep! I saw this today after waking up, I'm a March 4th filer, and it seems extremely unfair that just because we fall within this range, we have to sit and get ignored and wait, whilst I see approvals from May - even late May, 20s and 30s.. Come on, that's pathetic. But we can't do anything! My inquiry date is May 2025, and I've called up 3 times and tried everything, but it's "normal processing times".. ok but every other week and month filer majorly gets approvals in under 90 days - since January that's how the majority of cases are being approved, every other week in March (my filing month) see's heavy approvals, same with April and May. I even saw many approvals in under 40 days!! How is that okay?
    But we've been waiting over 127 days now.
    Nothing we can do until MAY 2025 - ridiculous! 
    Yeah bla bla being patient ok, yeah previous filers had to wait YEARS - ok! but we shouldn't have to now, that was covid backlogs etc etc, this year has been so fast for majority of applicants so why is our 2 week slot being skipped - at least if they told us what's going on or something - but I get the "Ma'am you're making the assumption your case has been skipped" when I call. 
    Just because prev applicants waited 18+ months doesn't mean now we have to - the times have sped up, there's no pandemic, there's backlogs yes but they're not as huge as before - why can a May filer get approved in under 40 days but we're waiting 120+?
    No way to hold them accountable or anything! I'm so upset
  3. Like
    apnzz got a reaction from Alyssa112 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    I've already done this three times, they repeatedly just tell me I am assuming that my case has been skipped despite the fact it is hundreds of cases in the same 2 week period at the end of feb and start of march, it doesn't matter what I say, they just find some b.s crappy answer to give, these employees are lower level sort of customer service so its not like they can even tell me anything useful anyway and any time I ask to speak to a higher level employee or a supervisor im also met with the generic bs it isn't possible answer
  4. Like
    apnzz got a reaction from Akuadei0317 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    I've already done this three times, they repeatedly just tell me I am assuming that my case has been skipped despite the fact it is hundreds of cases in the same 2 week period at the end of feb and start of march, it doesn't matter what I say, they just find some b.s crappy answer to give, these employees are lower level sort of customer service so its not like they can even tell me anything useful anyway and any time I ask to speak to a higher level employee or a supervisor im also met with the generic bs it isn't possible answer
  5. Like
    apnzz got a reaction from sonnyboy0323 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    I've already done this three times, they repeatedly just tell me I am assuming that my case has been skipped despite the fact it is hundreds of cases in the same 2 week period at the end of feb and start of march, it doesn't matter what I say, they just find some b.s crappy answer to give, these employees are lower level sort of customer service so its not like they can even tell me anything useful anyway and any time I ask to speak to a higher level employee or a supervisor im also met with the generic bs it isn't possible answer
  6. Sad
    apnzz got a reaction from nixANDeddy in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Honestly it is a huge joke at that point, mine said May 17th 2024 and June 25th 2024.. I filed march 4th & I'm seeing approvals from late May now.. even in the 20s! But the specific last week of February and first week of march are literally untouched. My inquiry date is 15th June 2025 and that's ridiculous, I know people in the past waited over  a year etc but come on, the times have clearly sped up, if people are being approved from filing in late May which is just around a month ago or less, why are we left waiting more than 4 months, it's all the cases in specific time slots, first week of march end week of feb.. how is that fair. just because we filed in a certain week?
    I don't know, the process has definitely made me salty/bitter. & I know people say people before waited over a year be patient etc and ok yeah but that was covid, backlogs etc etc, if there is mass approvals in under 60 days why are we waiting with no ability to inquiry or see why we are being skipped etcetc? the wild thing was seeing an approval in under a month.. I'm at 4 months now. Like seriously? It's so depressing.
    We pay the fee too, we file earlier yet we get ignored and left behind simply because we fall in a specific week they decide "yeah that time frame can wait"..? what logic is that
  7. Like
    apnzz got a reaction from Akuadei0317 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Honestly it is a huge joke at that point, mine said May 17th 2024 and June 25th 2024.. I filed march 4th & I'm seeing approvals from late May now.. even in the 20s! But the specific last week of February and first week of march are literally untouched. My inquiry date is 15th June 2025 and that's ridiculous, I know people in the past waited over  a year etc but come on, the times have clearly sped up, if people are being approved from filing in late May which is just around a month ago or less, why are we left waiting more than 4 months, it's all the cases in specific time slots, first week of march end week of feb.. how is that fair. just because we filed in a certain week?
    I don't know, the process has definitely made me salty/bitter. & I know people say people before waited over a year be patient etc and ok yeah but that was covid, backlogs etc etc, if there is mass approvals in under 60 days why are we waiting with no ability to inquiry or see why we are being skipped etcetc? the wild thing was seeing an approval in under a month.. I'm at 4 months now. Like seriously? It's so depressing.
    We pay the fee too, we file earlier yet we get ignored and left behind simply because we fall in a specific week they decide "yeah that time frame can wait"..? what logic is that
  8. Like
    apnzz got a reaction from sonnyboy0323 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Honestly it is a huge joke at that point, mine said May 17th 2024 and June 25th 2024.. I filed march 4th & I'm seeing approvals from late May now.. even in the 20s! But the specific last week of February and first week of march are literally untouched. My inquiry date is 15th June 2025 and that's ridiculous, I know people in the past waited over  a year etc but come on, the times have clearly sped up, if people are being approved from filing in late May which is just around a month ago or less, why are we left waiting more than 4 months, it's all the cases in specific time slots, first week of march end week of feb.. how is that fair. just because we filed in a certain week?
    I don't know, the process has definitely made me salty/bitter. & I know people say people before waited over a year be patient etc and ok yeah but that was covid, backlogs etc etc, if there is mass approvals in under 60 days why are we waiting with no ability to inquiry or see why we are being skipped etcetc? the wild thing was seeing an approval in under a month.. I'm at 4 months now. Like seriously? It's so depressing.
    We pay the fee too, we file earlier yet we get ignored and left behind simply because we fall in a specific week they decide "yeah that time frame can wait"..? what logic is that
  9. Like
    apnzz reacted to sonnyboy0323 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    it really is such a joke. we just heard about someone's case getting approved in barely over a month. all the while those of us from this super specific timeframe are stuck waiting while they just ignore our piles of cases and fast track everyone else. i'm not sure if i should assume incompetence or just malice. either seems likely. while these people get approved in barely over 30 days, we're expected to what, wait 2 years?
    and i'm not allowed to submit an inquiry until MAY of 2025? what a joke. take the money and then look the other way it seems. 
    "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between May 27, 2024 and June 20, 2024*."
    well that came and went, didn't it?
  10. Like
    apnzz got a reaction from nixANDeddy in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    That's what we thought to but kinda different - a bunch of us filers from the first week of March (1st until 6th) have a theory that they just cut a % of cases regularly and consider them backlogs - kinda like what you said like a different pile. it's random etc. Since last week of Feb experienced the same as the first week of March. We think that those cases get randomly set into a different pile & processed at a slower rate. So, the majority or normal cases are being approved and they're currently approving April/may filers, even some June, as a fast rate, some even under 40 days, then there's the other pile considered 'backlogs' that get approved at a seriously slower rate than the newer cases. 
    The way you said is really the only logical explanation - there is no way the cases being left behind are as a result of slower workers, there's hundreds if not a few thousand cases between Jan, Feb and March that are untouched, especially Feb and March having entire weeks (last week feb and first week march) completely untouched. There's no way that slow workers are responsible for that amount of cases haha. It can definitely contribute to it, but it can't possibly be the entire reason.
    Hopefully they go back / start speeding up soon - it's comforting in some ways to see that we aren't alone, but it is darn emotionally challenging to work through and especially for those who have severe anxiety. I wish us all the best & will pray! ❤️ 
  11. Like
    apnzz got a reaction from Akuadei0317 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    That's what we thought to but kinda different - a bunch of us filers from the first week of March (1st until 6th) have a theory that they just cut a % of cases regularly and consider them backlogs - kinda like what you said like a different pile. it's random etc. Since last week of Feb experienced the same as the first week of March. We think that those cases get randomly set into a different pile & processed at a slower rate. So, the majority or normal cases are being approved and they're currently approving April/may filers, even some June, as a fast rate, some even under 40 days, then there's the other pile considered 'backlogs' that get approved at a seriously slower rate than the newer cases. 
    The way you said is really the only logical explanation - there is no way the cases being left behind are as a result of slower workers, there's hundreds if not a few thousand cases between Jan, Feb and March that are untouched, especially Feb and March having entire weeks (last week feb and first week march) completely untouched. There's no way that slow workers are responsible for that amount of cases haha. It can definitely contribute to it, but it can't possibly be the entire reason.
    Hopefully they go back / start speeding up soon - it's comforting in some ways to see that we aren't alone, but it is darn emotionally challenging to work through and especially for those who have severe anxiety. I wish us all the best & will pray! ❤️ 
  12. Like
    apnzz reacted to Matt S in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    I have a theory on this especially seeing the dates mentioned on this post. I had the same issue end of January filer. On track my visa now I noticed all weeks in January were processed fairly quick but then February started with no progress on the last week in January even some March started. I'm thinking they have a fast track and a slow trackfor procesing and applications coming in the last week of the month are slow tracked. This could just be a coincidence but I might recomend anyone about to file towards end of month wait a bit and file early the next month.
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