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Everything posted by ScarletWitch6x

  1. My husband included his as well.
  2. This fixed it! We are both a bit nervous after the initial rejection so it’s nice to open the portal and not see red angry text boxes 😅
  3. My husband received his online access code in the mail today - but no NOA1s yet. Biometrics are in two weeks 🙂pulled from his online account. Seems like the case status on his online account is down - it says “error retrieving case status”. We can see all the evidence we sent in though and the biometric notice.
  4. Yes - he was just hoping to get an idea of the time I need to take off work. We have a bit of a drive, is all 🙂 Also I might be a bit impatient. My husband is better at waiting than I am. 😅
  5. My husband tried to get his access code yesterday after he got the text and the agent he spoke to said no 😅 probably because it didn’t have time to even get to us by mail. It does say on the case checker that they schedule his biometrics! Hoping that since the online access code was mailed on the 27th we get it early next week.
  6. I added extra bank statements and bills to ours as well!
  7. We did not file for AP due to cost, waiting time, and concerns over travel at the moment. If needed we will file for emergency AP *knock on wood* but wanted to limit costs.
  8. We resubmitted all the old evidence - we only swapped out some of my paystubs and added some additional marriage evidence. The only fresh sheets were the applications. I believe the scanning on the bottom is explained by the neon paper. we had to resubmit the original evidence because they sent back his medical (unsealed) and we had also submitted a certified marriage certificate.
  9. Did you send a 2023 tax return or 2023 transcript with the package?
  10. Yes. I would use the new form. We filed a completely new application.
  11. Or everything will be ok and now things are in motion for you!
  12. We dropped our corrected packet off at the post office last night - now just watching for it to make its way back to Chicago.
  13. I just sent ours off yesterday. We filled out all new forms. We did end up using the same evidence pages and we reorganized it all because their ordering made no sense to us. I also found a missing page from our evidence.
  14. I know a few in this thread have resubmitted... We are working on refiling today - are we able to resubmit the same pieces of evidence even though they have scanned it in previously (have the scan marks on the bottom of the pages)? Just trying to limit our environmental impact but also not screw ourselves over Honestly - just overthinking all the things.
  15. For those of you who had to resubmit - did you alter your cover letter to say anything other than "Original Submission"? I mean it is technically a brand new filing since the original was rejected.
  16. I was not advocating for others to check the wrong box - was simply trying to give others hope that their form gets accepted. I understand what the government wants after reviewing it again. I do appreciate your insight.
  17. Okay - thank you! That’s what I was leaning towards but the disarray it arrived in threw us for a loop. thank you both!
  18. I feel like this could be a “person adjudicating” specific. Is K1 entrant probably the answer they want? Yes. Is Spouse of USC an incorrect response? Not entirely. I understand we have to do what the system demands, but what a silly difference. Particularly since the “fiance” option doesn’t mention being married now.
  19. Hi there, My husband’s AOS was rejected due to checking the box for “Spouse of USC” versus “Entered as a fiance of USC”. As such they were asking for proof of I130 instead of the I129F. i know we have to correct that page and obviously update the signature page. The lime green page will have to be the first page of the packet to advise them of the resubmission. Question is - do we need to reprint a brand new I-485 or can we just swap the pages out? Additionally- the package came back to us in the most indiscernible order, and it is all stapled together in small chunks. I’ve seen some people say to just update what needs updating and send it back in the order it is in - and others saying to order it like a brand new filing. I wasn’t sure if there was a right or wrong way to do it. I do have additional joint bills/statements we can add so wasn’t sure if reorganization was the best route.
  20. Yes. I was sent everything back - including my original tracking label and photos. Then I got the infamous green sheet to send back in with the re-file, as they opened the sealed medical file. You can see where the computer scanned everything in by the barcode on the bottom
  21. My checks were returned as well - not charged.
  22. Yes sent both. I think I found the issue - on page 5 Q 3a we selected “Spouse of US Citizen” and not “Person admitted as a fiancée”. I think it triggered the wrong document flow. Feeling like an absolute idiot.
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