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Everything posted by hmwtx

  1. We're in this boat with you. Interview on 8/8 went fine, as far as I can tell. There was a kind of weird vibe from one of the two officers in the room, but they were cordial and I was kind of nervous so there's that.... they took all of the photos I brought with us (we hadn't submitted any prior to that) and they wanted copies of my husband's school records - he arrived on a student visa originally, graduated his program as valedictorian with a 4.0, we met after he was done with school and working on an EAD connected with his degree. So we gave them that, and copies of other things like the letter acknowledging he is now the beneficiary of my 401K, and the credit card account we share, stuff like that. It wasn't easy to prove comingling finances because we live primarily on a cash basis, between the two of us we have about three credit cards, and we haven't decided yet what to do with his house in a town about 3 hours from my place where we are living together now (sell it? keep it and rent it out? just keep it as a weekend getaway? who knows, shouldn't matter anyway). They barely looked at me anyway, I got two questions: "how did you guys meet?" and "when and where did you get married?" They asked him several, read off all the "are you a terrorist?" questions and had him answer again, and asked him about his divorce and had he met my family? (yes.) I knew that it was a distinct possibility we wouldn't get a decision that day, and sure enough we got a letter saying "we will notify you once we make a decision." They put in a request for his school records (we didn't have all of them with us, just the transcript), but by the time we had lunch and got back home, they had cancelled the request for evidence (USCIS website status said "RFE cancelled"). No news yet on the decision, but we are still looking for an approval. We married for love and we are not trying to do anything shady, whatever they want to see they can have. It's only been 4 1/2 months since we filed, so we know there could be a lot more waiting to come - if they abide by the 120 day thing, we're looking at a celebration between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Just carrying on with normal life until then.
  2. We have the arrest documents, the bail bond stuff, and the expungement order in the file folder we're taking with us, and a copy of the grand jury no-bill, and a letter from the district clerk saying that they do not have any file related to this case (they never bothered to make one, since the grand jury refused to indict). It's a non issue. I'm a litigation paralegal, paperwork does not scare me lol
  3. Had almost exactly the same situation - except that my husband was on an expiring student visa and his employer had filed for but then dropped the pursuit of an employment visa for him to stay, in the process also terminating him over a legal issue caused by his ex-girlfriend. His student visa and the EAD he got with that expired at the end of April 2024. We got married on 3/22/24 and immediately filed his I-485 and my I-130. We got his EAD/AP at the beginning of July, and now the interview is scheduled for 8/8/24. He has been living in my house since before the wedding, and we did marry quite quickly after we got together, but not just for the purpose of getting his green card... so there isn't any fraud for them to uncover. The roughest part so far has actually been getting a certified copy of his 2010 divorce from Singapore. It has arrived, though, so we're good to go on the checklist of stuff they want us to bring to the interview. The legal issue is a non-issue now, because while he was arrested based on her now-known-to-be-false allegations, he was no-billed by the grand jury and the prosecutor has dropped the case and an expunction order is in process.
  4. We married March 22, applied on March 29. Husband had a previous SSN from back in college, 25ish years ago, when he was over here with his first student visa. He had an EAD from this time around, allowing him to work in his field after graduating. That one expired in April, but used the same SSN he had years and years ago. This time around, he got his EAD approval notification on July 1 - and the card arrived in the mail on July 9. It's the same SSN being used again, but it didn't seem to help speed things up at all. We got the EAD in about 3 months. He says the one he just got about a year ago, on the latest student visa, took about 3 weeks to get once he filed for it... so he was a bit shocked at the 3-month timeline. But it seems to be fairly quick compared to other peoples' experience...
  5. In American standard English, this "in addition" indicates that they have listed more than one reason they intend to deny the application. Number one was, they did not have your marriage certificate indicating that you married the correct person in the correct timeframe. [You have solved that, since you have sent them your marriage certificate, hopefully in certified form.] Number two, they point out that your i-485 application is based on marriage to a person who filed the i-130 petition for you. Assuming that it was your husband who filed the i-130, then this second issue goes away once the first issue is resolved. It seems they really just wanted to see the marriage certificate. Really there is no other legal/administrative way to prove a date of marriage other than a signed marriage certificate that has been filed with the county where you got married.
  6. I also advise absolute honesty. My husband had an issue with the woman he was dating right before we met - when she realized she couldn't get him back, she went a little nuts and ended up charging him with assault. He didn't do anything to her - and he had several witnesses who were present to submit sworn statements to that effect. She had him arrested on Christmas Eve (he bonded out the next morning, and he's not a Christian anyway so it didn't matter to him what day it was), and eventually the grand jury no-billed him and the DA dropped the case. When we did our paperwork, he had not yet been no-billed and the case was still pending with the grand jury. He filled in information about his arrest, and it does not seem to have slowed things down. He got his EAD and Advance Parole card three weeks ago, and we just got notified that our interview has been scheduled, so his AOS is still chugging along. If they ask him about the overnight jail stay during interview, he'll just tell the truth - even though now, with an expunction order pending, it would not appear on a standard background check. Never know what USCIS can dig up out of the depths of the internet.
  7. Thank you for the perspective! I added him to my investment account and a company-paid life insurance policy, not yet my 401K because I just became eligible in my current job (I have only been with this firm for 13 months and you are eligible at 12), but I'll be putting him on that when I register my account. He is currently looking for a new job in the city where we live, so he doesn't have any such accounts to mess with, yet. I feel like we're fine, no fraud exists here so no fraud for them to uncover. I appreciate the support, though!
  8. Okay, backstory: I met my now husband in December 2023. He was already in the US, working under an EAD secondary to a student visa (I forget that acronym right now, the one where they approve you to work for a while in your field once you graduate)... He is a citizen of Singapore. We started dating, we're both middle-aged people (I'm now 49, he's 52), and when you know, you know. Facing the end of his student visa and a sudden loss of his work visa (the organization he had been working for had started that process, but dropped it when a new battalion chief was appointed who decided to kill all of that sort of effort. No comment on what we think of that guy), we decided to get married and file for a green card. So we did, just under the wire - we filed with a FedEx that arrived at the Texas processing center on 3/29/24. We got our notification of acceptance shortly after, about mid-May. He got his EAD and Advance Parole card (singular, it's a combination card) in the mail at the beginning of July. We got notified on Friday 7/19/24 that they had scheduled the interview, we both got emails about "action has been taken on your application." We're waiting to get the appointment letter in the mail. We're not afraid of the interview, we are "really" married - for love, not for any other reason. He has moved into my house, we still hold his place out in the country but at this point it's more of a long-weekend getaway than a residence. He put me on one of his credit card accounts, mostly because he has an insane obsession with points and wants me to buy gas from Sam's, and I put him on one of my checking accounts, but other than that we haven't really worried too much about comingling finances, we're cash people moreso than credit people and the only big debts are in my name - the mortgage on my house and my car. He owns his property and vehicle outright. Mutual wills is probably next, but we haven't done that quite yet. We don't have a ton of photos - there are snapshots of the wedding (at the county courthouse), the lunch with my family after (all of his family is overseas), a couple of other parties or family get-togethers. He has met most of my very large family, I have talked to his on video chat but never met them, his "sister" lives in San Francisco, his brother lives in Kuala Lumpur and his mom in Singapore, and we were waiting on his advance parole to be able to plan a trip over there together. So that's on the horizon. We have grand plans to work off the mortgage on my house in five or six years, and build "our" permanent house on land just outside the city so I can continue working, mostly because it would drive me nuts to retire so early. We spend most of our free time now tending to our "children" - the plants in my backyard garden and the ones on his rural property. They can act like toddlers sometimes, refuse to do what you want them to and continually demand food and water. The only tiny concern I have is that we did all of this in a very short time - and now the process is moving way faster than we expected it would, and we're already at the interview stage. I hope that an interviewer will be able to understand that we took the leap because "when you know, you know" and not for some nefarious reason. I mean, I married this man to make it possible for me to keep him in my life on a daily basis, because I knew we had long-term potential. And things are working out well. We annoy each other here and there, but we have never really fought about anything. We have similar taste in music, movies, television, books. We have similar senses of humor and similar ideas about how to run a household. We are both intolerant of drama and level headed. This is why I decided to marry him and stay married to him - not just so he can get a visa/green card. That is paperwork we need, not the end goal of our partnership. And yes, it was done quickly, but I don't think that should make a difference?
  9. That should not make a difference. After working in the legal field for many years, it is not the date you signed it that matters, it is the date they receive it and that it was signed before they got it. You correctly dated them on the day you signed them, why change it now? Assuming that nothing else in the form has changed, it is still the same as it was on that day.
  10. Man, that is horrible! This is why I chose FedEx, I just don't trust the US post office anymore. Takes forever and they always seem to lose or damage the most important stuff. Bills, those they can deliver, but other things... no. I hope that the rest (restart) of your saga goes without such problems.
  11. We just filed, FedEx arrived at the Dallas office 3/29. We literally got the receipt letters in the mail Monday (4/22). I'd say just keep checking. I did not get an e-mail, but my spouse did (he is the green card candidate, I am the citizen). E-mail basically said, something happened with your application... went out and checked the mailbox, there were four letters, one addressed to me (I-130) and three addressed to him (I-485, I-765, I-131).
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