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Everything posted by Hoggypi

  1. I’m currently adjusting status so I can’t legally work, I’m financially dependent on my husband. I wonder, how did you deal with this stage? I feel guilty spending his money so I will only eat with him when he eats which is once a day during his work week (he eats again at work), we are staying at his parents home but I don’t feel right eating their food since I can’t pay towards it so I go 24hrs without eating a few times per week if my husband eats before he arrives home. I often feel dizzy and weak but feel like there’s nothing that can be done until I begin working. how did you manage this situation?
  2. Do you think if I don’t include a scan of my UK passport then the application will be denied? It’s just because my passport is in Australia hidden away and I’d need to inconvenience someone to retrieve it and scan it for me
  3. Thank you on one of the forms it asks for my country of citizenship so I wrote Australia, but I also have UK citizenship which I wrote on the second line. I’m wondering if I need to therefore include a copy of my UK passport too even though I’ve never lived there ( I’m a citizen through parents)? Also on a different form it asks for my citizenship but there’s only one line so I’m unsure if I should fit both Australia and the UK on the same line?
  4. I was advised earlier though to file the I-130 first so I can get a visa number then the I-485 after We will definitely get a lawyer, I am aware of how little I know about the process and we want to make sure we’re doing everything right
  5. Thank you I’m still learning and reading everything I can and came across this (I attached a photo). I am confused, does it mean if I file the I-485 after my 90 day ESTA expires then I’ll be denied since I’m in unlawful status? I can’t really do anything for about two weeks while I wait for my marriage certificate to come through and by then I’ll be over my 90 days. Or does it mean I should file both the I-130 and I-485 concurrently? But if I do that then I’m unsure how I’ll get a visa number to put on my I-485 (since I am pretty sure I receive a visa number after filing the I-130)?
  6. I wonder, when I eventually go for my visa interview would I need to bring an original copy of my birth certificate? It’s currently in Australia. Or would a copy be okay? And could I just check, when we compile the AOS package must this include photocopies of documents like marriage certificate and birth certificate? Because I was reading online that these should only be submitted online and not sent through the post “Unless specifically directed to do so by the National Visa Center (NVC) please do not mail any documents to NVC. If you do, you will delay the processing of your case and risk losing any documents you send.”
  7. The marriage certificate will take two weeks to arrive though which makes me nervous since I’ll be overstaying by then
  8. I see, thank you very much. I apologise for so many questions, I have one more..I read this online “ Form I-485 is the official application for an adjustment of status. You can only file it if you have a visa number available to you. You can check the U.S. Department of State's visa bulletin for more information about visa availability.” So I wonder, should we wait for the marriage certificate to arrive then submit that along with the I-130 so I can get a visa number then submit the I-485?
  9. Thank you I also wonder, on all immigration forms should I use my new surname?
  10. Thank you I changed my surname upon marriage so now I’m wondering if I also need to get an updated Australian passport and drivers licence before we file for AOS?
  11. Thank you for clarifying this. Today we got married, we received the marriage licence and had the ceremony however my big concern now is that my ESTA expires in 6 days and the marriage certificate will take two weeks to be ready..so what should we do now, should we still file the I-485 without the certificate? Or should we do nothing until the certificate arrives then file? By then I’ll be overstaying my ESTA
  12. So it sounds like adjusting status on an ESTA is breaking the law and super risky?
  13. How risky would this be in terms of deportation or barred re-entry to the US? For context I’m currently in the US and on day 79 out of 90 days. My US citizen fiancé and I are considering getting married this weekend then applying to adjust my status but by the time our files reach their destination I worry that my 90 days will be up so I’d be overstaying… any advice would be highly appreciated as we are both extremely stressed
  14. My fiancé feels it’s best to marry then I return to Australia and we apply to adjust status rather than do the cr1 visa, so I’m interested to know if his method is practical or possible
  15. I’m currently in the US with my fiancé and he thinks a good option would be for us to get married soon then I return to Australia to adjust status and hopefully return to the us asap. Is this possible? I feel like the cr1 visa route is better.
  16. Is there even any point then in trying to get this visa? Is it hard to attain or are people not applying for it? I thought it sounded like a good option to have while waiting for the cr1 visa to allow me to visit my spouse? But why such low numbers?
  17. I’m visiting the US currently in the visa waiver program and have been here for 80 days. I am with my fiancé and we don’t want to be separated again once my 90 days is up so we were thinking about getting married then adjusting status so I can just continue to stay here with him. How do we do this, since it’s not a K1 visa nor a cr1 visa so I’m unsure what paperwork we need or even where to begin. Also, what would happen if we married and applied to adjust status but my 90 days were up, I’d be overstaying, would this affect my immigration prospects? How long on average before I’d be able to leave the US to visit my family?
  18. I am confused by this information that I found on Boundless “The rule is a USCIS guideline used to determine whether green card applicants applying from within the United States misled officials on their initial visa application to come to the United States. It generally means you cannot apply for AOS within the first 90 days of your stay in the United States and if you do, your case will most likely be denied.” So I wonder how it would be at all possible for me to apply for AOS before 90 days, since if I stay longer I’d be overstaying
  19. If I married asap and applied to adjust status would this be possible within two weeks otherwise would I be considered overstaying if it took longer? I’m thinking the best route for us would be marrying while I’m here in America then I return home to apply for spouse visa since I have to get my ducks in a row in Australia first
  20. Just to clarify, if I married with the intention of going home would that be going home to file the spouse visa?
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