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Everything posted by KateriandKurt1

  1. To those who were so negative in these comments we got approved after 45 days,our case is at nvc transit stage. id like to thank you for the inspiration in trying to know what was best but I went my route and it worked out. all the best to everyone in their journey
  2. Good for you but what about the rest of the population in the US? I’m a qualified ultrasound technician and I couldn’t find work for 4/5 months so what makes it that easy? I’m asking this because everyone is missing the point of my question and rather raising the topic of a CR1 when I stated that I don’t want to wait for another year or more when I know the stress it will bring K1 or CR1 inevitably it’s still my choice to make and like I said before my marriage to him will be invalid if the cultural way is not respected
  3. Also his a body modification Artist,and yes I’m full aware that he can’t work right away but how else did all those people that got approved make it at the end? with employment being so low as the United States as a whole does any one really think it’s that easy to even find work even if granted authority to work legally? So yeah I don’t think I have to worry to much because the work he does is in the beauty and body industry therefore makes it easier to find work than a normal job. thats just my take
  4. I get everyone’s concerns but this really also depends on the state and consulate he goes to it’s not about the money it’s about me and him and the choice to take the k1 route because I’d like him to be here faster than waiting a year + on a cr1 it’s just my preference and it’s a choice I’m making so that I don’t have to be without my fiancé I’d like my family to be part of our our engagement ceremony’s as I’m Native American,and culture needs to be respected so that’s why I’m not going to just marry on a cr1 because it’s cheaper.id rather spend 3000$ on all this than suffer a whole year to not see him and unfortunately his work doesn’t permit him to be out the country as often as normal,we’ve tried to get him here in a B2 tourist and got denied 🙅‍♀️ unfortunately not easy but easy for me to see him every 4 months as I can afford it so yeah love wins at the end
  5. I just prefer the k1 route because I won’t be good with the distance as the timelines now are shortened I don’t mind the extra money to be given out it’s all for love and to marry him here in the US,tbh I don’t want to live in South Africa as I know he’ll be much better off here
  6. I was told by a colleague of mine who applied for the same visa and she had moved to his country lived with her now husband had to prove their marriage was valid such as bank accounts etc etc
  7. I’ve read this yes I’m not entirely sure also because his first medical he mentioned everything was done so fast the time of his interview all his medical was already there I don’t know we can only keep our fingers crossed this time.i also can’t leave the US as my property and animals are here and I’d have to be physically living with him for a year to prove our marriage would be valid on a CR1 spousal visa so this is why I’ve opt in for the K1 it gives me enough time to prepare for everything and not in a rush.thank you for your advice I feel at peace knowing his previous K1 won’t affect our application as his ex fiance was a pain in the a$$ and he left because he just couldn’t live with regret that he’d packed up his life to be with her and she had other motives so unfortunately he is with a old stamp now that could destroy our application
  8. No he hasn’t and I prefer the k1 route because I was previously married and finalised my divorce recently we have been together for a year I recently went and saw him in his country and being away from him further will be to hard,I see that the k1 times are lowering so we could be in for a quik timeline also
  9. My heart is beating fast already that we may be denied his i94 record I am going to include that he departed the United States on the dates mentioned
  10. Hey guys I’m new here,so my fiancé had a k1 visa before about 8 years ago,he and his ex fiancé that petitioned him never got married and he left the United States before the 90 days was up. my question now is will we get denied seeing that he has a old k1 visa in his passport?im really stressing because I cannot find any forums regarding this and I will be filling the application soon
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