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Everything posted by James1998

  1. I got mine for 25th jan!! Dq 26th October, Interview date 25th January
  2. Please let us know when you receive it! I was dq 26th October so I’m trying to figure out a timeframe :)
  3. I think it always says this and then should change in a couple of days. I may be wrong but I’ve seen this happen before. I doubt there’s anything to worry about! Congrats Please post when you receive it!
  4. Just wanted to let you guys know that the transcript worked and we have now been documentarily qualified. Thankyou so much!
  5. Just wanted to let you guys know that the transcript worked and we have now been documentarily qualified. Thankyou so much!
  6. We have got hold of the correct document. 6 pages! Thankyou so much for your help
  7. We have got it! It’s 36kb and 6 pages just loads of different taxes with the number that he paid.
  8. It was my husbands brother (he is our joint sponsor) so I’d have to double check with him but he just said he requested it off the irs website!
  9. 9.6mb 😳 someone said on a different thread that we can request a smaller version with all the info on it that we need It’s 23 pages !
  10. Ohhh! So he probably requested the wage and income one. Then once we have the correct file just submit it under the option I posted ?
  11. I’ve just gone and screenshotted. Would it be this? Only because they asked for w2, 1099 and schedule form and there are individual options for these but the transcript covers it all so I’d put it for this option? Sorry if that makes sense
  12. Thankyou very much, and then we can just upload the whole thing? What option would you upload it on the NVC ?
  13. Oh I didn’t know that. I’m not entirely sure without asking, I have the transcript though and it’s 23 pages long
  14. After months of nvc requesting the same documents we have sent in our joint sponsors w2, schedule form and 1099. After seeing many people say to just upload the whole transcript from irs so we have the transcript now but the file is far too big to upload. Any advice?? We are so stuck and just want to be together!!
  15. We have got the full transcript of his taxes but it’s such a big file how did you guys upload the whole transcript ?
  16. Yes! My husbands brother is getting his whole transcript from irs and we will just upload all of it, fingers crossed it works
  17. We have not moved any further with this! Still asking for the same documents again. The documents we have are correct and the only ones we can access
  18. Ignore me 🤦 we realised we never submitted only uploaded! Don’t make the same mistake guys 🤦🤦🤦Make sure you press the “submit documents” button after uploading!!
  19. Hi, my husband and I had to re upload additional documents (w2, 1099). Every time we uploaded documents it took about 2 weeks to review and be accepted but we had to re upload these documents and have been waiting well over a month and still only says “submitted”. Anyone else having the same issue? Not sure whether to send an enquiry or just to wait longer. When checking the time frames our documents should’ve been checked a while ago.
  20. Hi sorry just seen this, my husband managed to get on the phone with them and they said something on the documents does not add up. So him and our joint sponsor are going through everything again to make sure it is correct! Such a long process Thankyou
  21. Oh I did not know that. I assumed it was it had been approved as they rejected something else but everything else was accepted..
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