Hello friends, I am a DV23 holder and I got my DV visa last summer. The first entry date of my visa expired last month. For some reasons I could not make my trip (due to some reasons based on health problems) I even paid my Green Card USCIS fee before it expired.
I know that the DV visa can be used for 1 year, but the first entry date has expired. Is there any chance to renew my visa? I feel very bad, this situation is affecting me very badly. I am afraid to write to the consulate, I don't know what to do. Maybe I have hope that I can do something because the 1 year has not expired. What do you think I should do? Is there hope? I will also send an e-mail to the consulate. Is there a concession? Do you think I can reprint my visa? Otherwise I will feel very bad mentally
Thank you.