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    New Hampshire

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    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. Currently there are 698 cases between you and the front of the line. When you started, there were 8 697! Look at where we are, look at where we started! XD
  2. I have a trip coming up in April. The one in october was supposed to be my last, but it was absolutely thrown off because he lost his job while I was there, so we did not get to do a lot of preparations. I am almost nervous about it, since things seem to be speeding up, but with a house, job and two kids at home I hope I can make the case that I obviously do not plan to just stay when we are getting close to getting the visa. 😅
  3. What are some reasons people fail the medical? A danger to yourself or others, illegal drug use, highly contagious diseases like TB, those are pretty straight forward, but are there any gray areas? For instance, after my abrupt separation in 2020, where my ex husband left me and my kids and moved far away in the early pandemic, I seeked help through a therapist and was put on sick leave. I went to therapy for a few years, and I suppose I technically still have a general anxiety and depression diagnosis on record, but I am not medicated or suicidal. I never went back to my old work, but I am currently enrolled in school to find a job better suited to me. Are these things that can become a problem? Like I said, I ended therapy and I am getting through school just fine, but I receive money from the state for this, until I can get another job. Also other things.. like general health, are there things people get in trouble for?
  4. It took a bit, but I have an update! My fiance got another job with the same pay and benefits, so we are back to the original plan, full force! We bought a month of trackmyvisa, and it does look like this might take a while, longer than we first anticipated. Estimates were saying NOA2 by december-january, but the website is showing february-march. So that is a shame. But I have a lot of work to do: finish school (only a few weeks left), sell or rent my house, do some more research on homeschooling my youngest. Things have been tough, but we made it through and I am very happy that he is coming here to spend christmas with us and staying until my birthday in january. ^-^ Edit: I made a thread somewhere else and forgot I didnt update this one, but he lost his job and things were looking bad because obviously we could not keep up with the application. But luckily it worked out. ^-^
  5. Mine keeps being wrong in the email when I compare it to what I see on my timeline here. So I would not use it to plan too much, or get my hopes up. That being said that might also be because my consulate is not a very common one on the site, but we filed before you guys and it keeps telling me there is not enough data to give me a timeline.
  6. The waiting is fine. At the moment it is to my benefit that this isnt going fast, actually. I am just confused and a bit annoyed at the visajourney website sending me inaccurate timeline estimates. But maybe something is happening, and then it recalculates and doesnt want to give me info due to a lack of simmilar timelines or something.
  7. Anyone else keep getting timeline updates from visajourney that are very different than the timeline on your page on the website?
  8. A small but crappy part about it is the constant emails I get from visajourney about an update to my timeline. It is never right, the other week it told me my application was approved (lol) and I checked the forum timeline and it says there arent enough cases. Today I got another update that said januar 2025, but then I log on here and it says not enough applications for a timeline again. 😕
  9. We submitted our I129F at the end of august. At first we were getting estimations for the NOA2 around december-january, which was good news because I was hoping to move by summer next year. Obviously these are just estimations, but it felt pretty good. My fiance bought a house this summer and I just went to visit him to set things up late september into october. Unfortunately he got the news that he lost his job while I was there, due to layoffs - no fault of his own, and while I was really happy I could be there to support him through it, it is obviously a blow to everything, and we are both pretty sad. He works in tech, a pretty high up job, so he does get a few months to try to find another position within the same company (its huge), and then he has severance for 8 months starting next year. While this was going on, our estimate changed from december-january to march-april, which was honestly comforting, because he obviously needs a job by the time its my turn to submit. We are luckily in a position where he can probably move and be with us here if this doesnt work out, but me and the kids were prepared to move and he just bought the house, which would end up being a loss financially. I am optimistic he can find something still, but if nothing has happened by february or so we might have to change all our plans. Anyway. If it looks like he is getting a job, but our NOA2 arrives before all that, how much can we "push" the dates? The way I understand it I will need his financials set up by the time I go to my interview, or do we need them sooner? It would probably be worth to apply for the thing even if it doesnt work out in the end, we would rather lose a little bit of money than have to start the process all over again.. but I do see people not getting interviews for a while/staggering their doctors appointment and so on. The estimated date is well.. just an estimation, and if it turns out to go through sooner than expected I just want to know as much as I can. 😕 There are other people willing to sponsor me in his family and such, but I cannot move to the US with my two kids if he cant support us, or even keep the house we were planning to live in. I believe in him, but the job market for him is not great at the moment, and some of my own preparation includes selling my house before we go.. This feels like a big a mess, but I am doing what I can to stay strong and optimistic for the both of us, since he is doing his part by working hard to get a new job.. so any advice is appreciated.
  10. Their dad has agreed to try to set up an appointment while they visit the capital with their grandma early in october, so hopefully we can get all that out of the way. He is being very reasonable about the whole thing, which is nice. 😃
  11. I was just going by this list I found, because I remember hearing something about it previously. https://www.uscis.gov/tools/designated-civil-surgeons/vaccination-requirements Luckily Norway has a vaccine register, and I have to go to a norwegian doctor before my interview, so he will be able to look that up. I will probably get some boosters, my tetanus is also horribly out of date, and it definitely does not hurt to get that done. 🙈 I guess I could also call a vaccine clinic and ask about all this. I own a house full of stuff, a lot of it I will get rid of, but some of it I will have to store. The biggest reason for that is that we plan to return to Norway eventually. Luckily I have parents who can keep some of it. I agree with clothes and toys being less important, but some of it definitely has sentimental meaning for the kids. We plan to return here once or twice a year while we are gone, and have budgeted for that expense, so another way to do it will be to "pack" stuff and leave it at my parents and bring it when it is possible for me to visit after all of that has been dealt with. I will also have my parents fly in for the wedding or at least sometime not too long after we move, so we can probably get them to bring stuff then. My fiance keeps saying we should find a company, but I agree with you that it will be incredibly costly and probably not worth it. Thank you guys for your advice and kind words! This is not for the faint of heart, but we can do it. I definitely have to do what you say TBone and find some goals for the wait after we move, and the wait next year after i finish my studies but at least then I can work on selling my house, possibly learning how to drive and do lots of research. I will probably homeschool my youngest child, so at least I wont have nothing to do. XD I do have a early childhood teaching degree, so that will be of use to me, heh.
  12. Yeah its pretty expensive no matter what we do, my kids are just bummed about not being able to bring their stuff. 😕 I will have to figure something out, it wont be for a while anyway.
  13. Our NOA1 took 4 days, and today I got my first email from VisaJourney with an approval estimate. 😃 The email says December 4th! Exciting. Although I clicked it and it sent me to someone elses profile, lol. Upon checking our current estimate on my actual profile is december 23rd to January 14th, so no complaints there. Kind of feels icky that we dragged our feet for so long, this has been up in the air since april so we could have almost been at that stage today. Not entirely true though, since I had to work thing out with my ex husband and wanted to spend the summer together with my fiance and both kids to really get a feel for things. So all in due time. Any recommendations for me? Other than have patience; I was thinking more practical tips. XD I already have a few things I have to do that I am thinking of starting with soon: -Get up to date vaccinations. I have most of them, but some are old (full doses but like... 90s and early 2000s old. Anyone know if this matter?). I also dont have the Hep B at all, so I guess I will need that, and my last covid booster was in 2022. Also missing a flu shot, never had one. -Get my kids to the norwegian embassy and get them registered and also get passports since they are half american. This will be a lot of work and I am not sure the timeline on it either, so probably sooner rather than later. At least they wont have to go get medical, and my oldest wont have to go to the interview if it happens after march next year when she turns 14. -Start throwing away/packing/sorting/decluttering. I am not planning to bring furniture, but I was trying to research how to bring some of the things to the US. My kids want to be able to bring some toys/books/whatnot, and even if we all get 2 suitcases that probably wont be enough. I will be travelling stateside soon, visiting for about 2 weeks by myself. My fiance bought a house this summer, so we will be setting up furniture and getting it ready. His lease was up and we needed more space, so it was time. Looking forward to spending some time together, might be the last visit before we move since I do not know the timeline after christmas and I will have to travel to Oslo for my medical and then Stockholm for my interview when that happens, plus I am not sure of my job situation then since I am currently in school. Anyone else with a newly submitted I-129f? ^-^ How do you guys stay close and work on your relationship during this trying time?
  14. Thanks! I checked my address, and for 8 boxes I would have to pay like 2000 USD. Yikes. I mean, i get it but... that is like two trips back and forth lol. I have 2 kids and have been preparing them that we will have to leave most of our stuff behind (especially because the plan is to live there for 4-5 years, not forever), but it will still be hard. Might still have to send some boxes.
  15. I am coming to this thread just to say that when i watched the Gino and Jasmine episode where they found out her kids cannot come with her yet BECAUSE HE FORGOT TO PUT THEIR NAMES ON THE I129 I COULD NOT BELIVE MY EARS. That is just beyond messed up and lazy. Or possibly on purpose? UGH!
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