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    New Hampshire

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    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. So happy for all you guys! Hopefully everyone will be approved shortly. ^-^
  2. We probably did not need all our trips. I had visited 7 times at the time we sent it in, and he had been to norway 3 times. But in my head it makes sense. All you really need is prove you have met in person and for your relationship to seem real. So 20-30 pages of pictures is not really needed, but now it kinda looks like a fun scrapbook lol. The video call photos I added were on just one page, and mostly of us opening presents together, me and him around christmas and him and my kids opening stuff on their birthdays. No rfes, we got approved january 31st. Got sent to state 20 days later, now we have had our case number a few weeks and I am really hoping the case gets sent to embassy today or tomorrow, because they only do that every two weeks. Wont be able to do the interview stuff until then, but I am also waiting for a new passport so I might wait until may to fill in the next forms and stuff anyway. Im currently getting vaccines in order. 😃 Good luck with your application! It is honestly more important to make sure you fill in everything correctly and send in the other documentation; with that many meetings and photos it should be just fine.
  3. I had the same thought, so we decided to make a page dedicated to each visit, bot me to the us and him to norway, and then we just put them in order. We added some photos, descriptions and possible scanned tickets. I recommend adding your passport "stamps", these are available online. It shows you entered the country, looks nice and only takes up a page. 😃 We added one page with screenshots from video calls, but no texts because we have talked daily since 2022 so I would not know where to begin. Also added a scanned train ticket to Boston with our names. And the receipt for my engagement ring. Try not to overdo it, so if you want to cover every trip, a page or so should be enough, and then if you want to add some compelling evidence in addition you can make an extra page or two. 😅
  4. My fiance has a very very sweet older cat lady who is.. absolutely obsessed with him. She loves on him constantly, and merely tolerates everyone else, although she likes to sit in the middle of room when he has people over. I have spent every visit giving her both space and any cuddles she comes and asks for. She seems to like me, enough. Nothing compared to him, ofcourse, but I am in the top 3. The last time I visited, in October, she was sitting on his lap and headbutted him (which she does all the time), and she turned to me, I put my head forward... and she headbutted me too. I would say I nearly cried, but that would be a lie, because I full-on cried. XD He is not the only one working hard to make sure he has a good relationship with his future step-kids! XD And I love her so much already, lol. (Could never have my own cat, my mom was allergic).
  5. Do you guys prefer Costco over BJs? I know the nearest Costco is like an hour away, but someone said they ship stuff so maybe it isnt the worst place to have a membership.
  6. My case is at nvc and has been for a few weeks, so I guess we will see if they are ready to send it off to Stockholm this week. 😃 If they do I guess there isnt much of a backlog!
  7. Today and tomorrow are NVC mailing days! 😮 I am so very anxious. I really hope our case moves on so I can schedule things soon. My kids are a bit stressed not knowing if we will be able to move this summer or if they have to start the school year in late august and then leave again soon after. Will be interesting to see if Stockholm is ready for us. But if they do not send it this time, maybe in 2 more weeks, and then i can celebrate with my fiance since I will be stateside for easter. 😃
  8. Our case was sent to state (you see this tracking the first case number) february 20th, and we got our case number a week and a half into march. So I would send a public inquiry to get your new case number that you use to track your case moving forward. 😃 We sent one a week, making sure we got a reply before we sent the next one, until we got it. Not that it is that important, the status does not change until they are ready to send it to your embassy and they only do that every other week.
  9. We just compiled it all in a google doc file. Wrote date and description on each page. It probably was not needed, but we did one page per meeting, and we had met I think 10 times at that point. If you do it like that it is a lot easier to do together, and if you have something on paper you can just scan or take a photo of it and insert it into the file.
  10. Same! On pins and needles over here! 😱
  11. i guess it depends what you mean by case creation, but we got our noa2 jan 31st - then it took 20 days for them to send it to state - then another 3 weeks or so before we got a case number and now i am on pins and needles waiting to see if they’ll send it to my embassy next week. if they do that’s about 2 months. my fiance also lives and works near the nvc offices, and some of the people there are on a strike because a lot of them got hired remotely and now they have to come into the office 5 days a week even if they live like 2+ hours away. so if lots of people lose or leave their jobs i guess we can expect even more delays. 😕
  12. How long will your trip be? I got my NOA2 late january, and I am travelling in april, but only staying 2 weeks. I think the further along you are the more weird it looks to them. By may you might be looking at scheduling interviews, if you are lucky. It is possible to stall a little, i suppose, but depending on your embassy having a backlog or not may is still 2 months away so you will probably be getting ready to do all that. But a shorter trip might be ok. The biggest reason I am going in april is because back in november our estimate was looking closer to march-april for NOA2 and then things sped up again. XD Also our visit last october got kinda messed up, and we didnt get to do the preparations we wanted to. Either way, like Yareth was saying earlier, justbe sure to bring documentation to tie you to home if you decide to go. 😃
  13. Getting a little anxious about my trip now. Last time I went was in october, so it has been six months, but things have obviously changed since then, both in the USA and with our case. We are currently at NVC, and even if the trip is several weeks away I probably wont fill out my DS160 until I come back because I need a new passport. I guess I am looking for what specific documents I should bring. -My ticket back printed out, usually they ask me and I just tell them, I also have all my trip details written down inside the little pocket thing I keep my passport in, as well as the contact info for my fiance. -I own my house and all those documents are in Norwegian. Should I have something translated? -I can have my boss write me a letter stating I still work there and they expect me back by x-date? -I have seen online that you can bring documentation about dependants. My kids will be with their grandparents in Norway while I visit for two weeks, what sort of documentation should I bring for that? I mean honestly that is probably the biggest reason it should be obvious I would never overstay, but I am not sure how to document that. -Some people say I should bring the i129f application? Is that correct? I suppose that would only be if it went so far that they would take me to secondary. My fiance is a bit of an anxious person, and he just sent me an article about someone with a greencard being held at Logan, which is the airport we use. The guy had been in the US since 2017. Not very helpful, or relevant, but now my brain is not happy. X_X My ESTA is valid until july, my passport is good for 7 more months, I know I should not worry.. but it is hard. 😕
  14. Thank you! That is super valuable information. Or.. well, gives more understanding at least. 🙈 It makes sense anyway. Although since they are now serving 4 extra countries maybe they added more days or appointments. 😅 Biting my nails for the next couple of weeks. 🙈
  15. Thank you so much! That is very valuable information! I am not sure if I wanna look at it positively and think of there will be lots of appointments available, or that they never have time for K1s. 😅 I guess we’ll find out in a couple of weeks time, if they don’t send the case there is probably a backlog. Thanks for the encouragement, guys. And the embassy called, the issue was that they could not certify a copy of the kids’ norwegian passports, I would have had to do that before i sent them down but my ex didn’t know that. Another issue is that you need a signed passport, and since my little one was 7 at the time she got her passport it just says «CANNOT SIGN» in that spot. In american passports the parent signs, but we don’t do that here. So we decided that I will wait for the american passports and then have the kids sign them and then send the application plus the passports to the embassy. 🙈😅 After that they’ll have social security numbers. Kind of a mess, but we figured out a way!
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