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Everything posted by DevinB

  1. No her country of citizenship is not Thailand, we already have submitted the police certificate from her country of citizenship, myanmar
  2. My wife was just at her interview and they told her she was missing a police certificate from Thailand. Now my wife left Thailand at 15 and we were under the impression you didn't need a police certificate if you weren't over 16. My wife did live there for 10 years, from 5 to 15 so could that be why? We hadn't received any notice that it was missing from our documents online before this interview. Is this a mistake on their part or on ours? If it is on ours we will get the certificate but if it isn't, how can we get this resolved quickly?
  3. My wife is currently waiting for her interview to be scheduled on an IR1. I got it expedited in early January for medical and humanitarian reasons, and hoping to get in before any extra hurdles were thrown in the way. It was accepted and we got an email telling us to finish an additional questionnaire and get our medical exam done. We got that done and we submitted our request for an interview on the 5th, finsihed the questionnaire and got it in on the 12th just for their records, it didnt ask us to upload it, only have it for the interview. Got an email back saying we have been "registered in the waiting list". I've seen other people say they got their interview scheduled days after but it's been 2 weeks and we haven't heard anything. Getting concerned about it, worried that I might be doing something wrong that's slowing it down. I understand it's a different timeline for everyone, I just worry like everyone else. Embassy is Rangoon in Burma(myanmar) and we have emailed trying to check in on it and gotten no reply. We also haven't been able to get a single call to connect to contact them about it either, seemingly their phones are disconnected. I'm worried that a ban will come down that will affect Burma again like it did in 2020 and we will be denied. We've been waiting for 2 years now and me and our kids are hoping for an end to the nightmare soon. Anyone who has been through something similar? Any hope to give or words of encouragement? I'm sure we are all feeling similar worries and stressing the uncertainty.
  4. Oh ok that makes sense. It's in oregon and there are usually some amtraks running but it is always much slower than really most other options. I just wanted to find some way to calm my wife's nerves
  5. So with the air crashes that have happened recently my wife is scared to fly to the US (we are in the final steps of our IR1). Is it possible for her to fly into Canada then simply cross the northern border and take a train or something similar down to our state without it causing issues? I'm not very knowledgeable about Canada but Google seems to confirm you can enter Canada with a US green card and a foreign passport. That said, there are most likely other issues with said plan so I was wondering if anyone else had done this for whatever reason?
  6. In that case it would be $78,783.38 so I think we are ok but I won't stop worrying until I see her walk down the stars at the airport.
  7. I calculated it and the end result was 72,723.19. I got this by multiplying the two most recent pay periods of 995.20 and 2,034.93 by 24 each as both have 2 pay periods a month. With this it looks like we should be perfectly fine, I'll send an email with the latest pay period for both to my wife print out and bring to the interview
  8. My wife has just received her notice to schedule her interview at the embassy. Currently I don't have taxable income so we have a joint sponsor to help us get my wife home after us being separated for two years. On December 22nd we received a notice that our income wasn't enough and we need to add an additional joint sponsor. My current joint sponsor has an additional job they began working in June of last year and should pretty easily pass the guidelines. The current Guideline for Sponsorship is $45,725 for a household of 5, on of those 5 being my wife. Their Tax returns for 2024 show them having $49,358 which doesn't include a whole year of the additional income (as it started in June and therefore only represents half a year). Now that seemingly clears the guidelines unless I misunderstand something but I still worry. The additional half year of income would add at least another 20k to the income bringing us up to around 70k which again seems sufficient. The notice we received worried me so I spoke to our attorney and was told that sometimes second job income can be accidently ignored and that since the tax return we submitted was 23, that the second job wasn't on there making it look like we don't have enough but that the proof of employment and paystubs we sent in should be enough to prove we have enough. I recently sent the attorney the aforementioned 2024 returns, W2s and paystubs just in case. The attorney told me not to worry and that If I can, find an additional joint sponsor so I can feel confident but that he doesn't believe its necessary. I still worry immensely that this will all end up in a mess or a rejection or any other catastrophic outcome im sure we all have feared for ourselves. I wanted to know if anyone else has been through something similar and could give me some insight? I already sent the income documents via email for my wife to print up and show in the interview as evidence just in case. One final thing, our case was recently approved for expedite and so I am trying to make sure it all works as quick as possible to get my wife home and get things back to normal.
  9. Thank you, that clears up my confusion. It'd really just freaking me out and it makes things difficult on me and the kids but I don't think it'd be enough for an expedite. I appreciate you explaining
  10. I apologize if this seems stupid but what do you mean? Are you saying that the situation itself warrants an expedite request? If I misunderstood then my bad. If that is what you mean then I would say that I don't know what would count as good evidence other than articles in local news outlets but maybe I just don't know what to look for very well
  11. That's probably the best thing for me then. Thank you for the kind words
  12. We are currently trying to relocate her to Thailand as well. I worked with a senator to try to expedite when she had a medical issue but the issue got resolved and the senator's rep said that getting an expedite without a Dr recommendation for travel would be more difficult and that they were sure it wouldnt be approved. I also don't think just sending in news articles would be enough evidence but maybe I am being too cynical. Thank you for the taking the time to reply to my post, I appreciate it and the advice.
  13. My wife is in myanmar right now. I'm Scared for her safety all the time. There are bombings across the country, violence in general. If you have a family member in a similar situation how do you keep it together? From what I've seen on here it seems my wife could be hit by a bombing and still not receive an approval for an expedite plus I don't even know what evidence they'd accept either. How do you cope with the constant worry? The fear? Is it really all just grit your teeth and keep going? Is there anything you do that actually helps? I filed back in August and it seems like every month I do a little worse at keeping myself calm.
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