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Small Jack

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Everything posted by Small Jack

  1. I arrived in the US today and it wasn’t even mentioned so no idea what it means
  2. Any update on this? Hopefully all went ok
  3. I am just gonna get one in the US, my fiance found one nearby that we can get done for free. Thank you for the information though!
  4. I need the exact same vaccinations (can only get Hep B and Tetanus done as they aren't giving out Covid vaccines until October and I fly at the end of September) done and have the same annotation on my visa as well and was wondering what it actually means. I have had mental health problem in the past but also have a heart condition so it could be that. Please keep us updated on what actually happens at PoE and if it is anything to worry about
  5. This is exactly what I had read as well and was hoping that it would go in my favour because of it and thankfully it did. Very relieved and happy that it all went smoothly!
  6. Well I had my interview today and everything was approved!
  7. Thank you! Definitely just going to be honest with what happened. Was just a purely accidental thing and was not intentional in any way so I am just hoping. Nothing I can do now to change it, just got to hope that they view it as me being a stupid kid and clearly am not some violent criminal.
  8. I thought it might. I am just not sure how it will be viewed, I was a juvenile very young, my only offence and was a purely accidental thing after getting into a fight. I guess it's just a fingers crossed and hope it goes ok
  9. I was wondering if anybody could help me. I have my police certificate with No Live Trace, I got my SAR back and it's a juvenile offence when I was 13 years old in 2007 for Wounding/Inflicting Griveous Bodily Harm. This is the only offence I have ever been charged with, I had to pay compensation and had a 12 month refferal order to do youth offending classes once every couple of weeks. I did not know how this worked and was of the understanding it would be taken from my criminal record, I was a child so I didn't sort any of this out my Dad did who unfortunately is dead so I cannot ask about the specific circumstances. So I am just wondering if this means I am likely to be denied a K1 or not? Thanks
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