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Everything posted by ctrlplm

  1. 3 weeks for me. Some people got it really fast. I was updating my citizenship status as well
  2. Not sure if anyone here has Global Entry, but if you need to update your GE after citizenship / name change, you can contact CBP via the portal and send them scans via email. Took them about 2 weeks to process my request but I didn't have to go to the enrollment center. Go to ttp.cbp.dhs.gov At the bottom of the page where it shows CBP Support, click on "For help with Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST" It will open a new page for CBP Customer Service. Click on "Ask A Question" which will bring up a fillable form Under "Topic" choose "Trusted Traveler Programs (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, and FAST)" Under "Applicable Issues", choose "Change my name due to marriage/divorce/legal" Under "TTP Programs", choose "Global Entry" - this includes TSA Pre Check Fill in the rest of the information They'll send you an email requesting documents You can send them the N400 certificate or court order for name change and the US passport
  3. Note that there’s a $35 dollar processing fee check should be written for the local county office (or in my case, City of Seattle). The rest goes to department of state.
  4. Finally my husband has his citizenship interview scheduled today (07-05) for 07-30. Tracker Update User Name Date applied Interview date Oath date 🇺🇸 Lanzoni 01/29/24 - 04/04/24 ✅ 05/08/24 ✅ Sahar1122 01/30/24 - 05/15/24 ✅ 06/21/24 🇺🇸 Laure&Colin 02/01/24 - 05/14/24 ✅ Same-day oath✅ Youssuf 02/01/24 - Pending (rescheduled due to C-section) Chelleyandaaron 02/01/24 - 06/04/24 ✅ Pending 🇺🇸 Winbig 02/01/24 - 05/08/24 ✅ 06/03/24✅ USAUAinCZ 02/02/24 thedtayl 02/02/24 - 07/24/24 🇺🇸 Wisconsinbly 05/02/24 - 03/27/24 ✅ 05/09/24✅ CollegeDropOut 02/07/24 - 05/17/24 ✅ 07/10/24 🇺🇸 Duggu 02/07/24 - 06/26/24✅ 06/28/24✅ MrsOli 02/14/24 - 06/13/24 ✅ 07/19/24 🇺🇸 Tommy2000 02/14/24 - 04/10/24 ✅ 05/02/24✅ BlackPearl9 02/14/24 - 07/16/24 🇺🇸 PhoenixNiro 02/15/24 - 05/29/24 ✅ 06/17/24 ✅ 🇺🇸YellowDuneBuggy 02/15/24 - 06/13/24 ✅ 07/01/24 ✅ Elethiomel 02/15/24 - 04/09/24 ✅ 06/20/24 Tunes 02/16/24 alt blank 02/16/24 - 06/20/24 ✅ 07/18/24 CassJ 02/16/24 - 05/30/24 ✅ Pending Woodpecker07 02/17/24 - 05/22/24 ✅ 07/11/24 🇺🇸 ctrlplm 02/17/24 - 05/22/24 ✅ Same-day oath✅ ctrlplm (spouse) 02/17/24 - 07/30/24 zen_nj 02/17/24 - 07/13/24 Aur0ra 02/18/24 🇺🇸 Brazibride 02/19/24 - 06/13/24 ✅ 06/21/24 ✅ Minivatreni 02/20/24 - 06/10/24 ✅ 07/15/24 mmv_1 02/20/24 - 05/28/24 ✅ 07/04/24 🇺🇸 AndrewSeattle 02/21/24 - 05/21/24 ✅ Same-day oath✅ 🇺🇸 Vamphog 02/22/24 - 05/29/24 ✅ 06/17/24 ✅ koski 02/22/24 - 05/21/24 johndott 02/22/24 - 07/22/24 tcolema3USA 02/23/24 - 06/05/24 ✅ 07/10/24 🇺🇸 Valmabe 02/24/24 - 04/18/24 ✅ 05/13/24✅ Haydnator 02/24/24 Jish&Abt 02/24/24 - 05/23/24 ✅ Pending I-751 approval 🇺🇸 Jm06 02/25/24 - 04/10/24 ✅ 05/17/24 ✅ RmSean 02/25/24 Theredcomet 02/27/24 - 07/22/24 Seiya-pegasus 02/27/24 Mr W & I 02/28/24 - 04/18/24 ✅ 05/06/24 famozna_lavanda 02/28/24 - 06/25/24 ✅ Pending Endless desire 02/29/24 - 07/23/24 Music_en 02/29/24
  5. Need to be in person for the first passport
  6. My husband filed on Feb 17 at the same time with me and is still waiting. Seattle WA
  7. Try your Alien number and your naturalization number. My alien number shows a case check back in 2019 and the SSN case check, but the naturalization number only shows the SSN case check.
  8. Probably SAVE - you can check the history of lookups here: https://save.uscis.gov/save/app/client/ui/case-check
  9. I mentioned this in my post history. Didn't ask IO about my husband's case. My husband is German + another Western nationality - his background is as clean as possible. But maybe the dual nationality part made them squint (though we both have Global Entry so it's not like DHS hasn't run extensive checks on our backgrounds)
  10. Feb 17th. Rather weird to not see interview scheduled. I’m really hoping he gets scheduled for the July 4th oath ceremony at Seattle Center though - it’s a big event and the photos look awesome.
  11. Reached out to my congresswoman about my husband's case status and they responded fast and got a generic reply from USCIS 😐 The office replied super fast though - I'm thoroughly impressed.
  12. I don't think you have to but you will have to carry around the name change documents because your name on your passport might not match what's on the GC - that's my understanding. At my citizenship interview, one woman before me updated her name due to marriage and that did cause some confusion with the officer who was processing the paperwork to print out the certificate. My understanding is that you can update the name at the N400 interview if you already have a legal name change document.
  13. I traveled in March for a short trip. I told the interviewer the wrong month because I was sleep deprived (should've been March rather than April) but she didn't question it further. Worth noting the dates down
  14. I didn’t bring my expired EAD and wasn’t asked for it - only GC
  15. https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/exceptions-and-accommodations They can take the civic test in their native language, and looks like they get the 20 question version: https://www.uscis.gov/policy-manual/volume-12-part-e-chapter-2#:~:text=Age 65 or older and resided in the United States as an LPR for at least 20 years at time of filing
  16. Yes, mostly so that SSA knows to never stop payment if you are absent from the US when you retire for more than 6 months (GC holders lose SSA benefits if they leave for more than 6 months)
  17. Btw I came across this on Reddit - somebody got sworn in before 5 years' mark. Sounds like a huge headache for that person:
  18. My interview was scheduled for 7:10 but I didn't get called in until 7:40. I showed up at 6:50. I think it dependso n the previous cases that the officer handled and how behind they are to be honest (since it appears that each case is physically tied to an officer). I reckon there must've been one or at most two people above me, so the later you are called the more likely you're gonna wait longer. But again, it depends on how complex cases are - mine was done in 15 minutes.
  19. I just started with (after typing "live agent") Hi, my name is XXX. My case number is XXX. DOB: ..... Address: XXXX.. I'm the petitioner and I'm inquiring about my case's status. Still no interview scheduled. They said he's in line for scheduling - though that could mean tomorrow or next month. I didn't know I could ask about his case (somebody here did!!) - still bummed about that but I was very sleep deprived that day. I filed online, and yes the officer asked a few questions about basic info and my last trip (happened after I filed for N400). They worked completely off the computer though they had the massive binder of my file on the table...
  20. My husband's case is still pending interview (submitted 02/17). I already naturalized last week. We are not marriage-based though.
  21. I read elsewhere that it means background check is complete?
  22. Just chatted with a live agent on Emma and was told this about my spouse's case: > You are currently in the queue for an interview to be scheduled. USCIS will mail a notice when the date is scheduled. I asked them how long it'll take and they gave me a generic timeline estimate via the tool
  23. FYI I opted in with name change via my local court to save the hassle of name change through USCIS. In both cases you'll get a separate name change court order. If you need apostilled copies you will need to go through the local court (check the seal) Here's the list of things I'm gonna do in a specific order: - Name change via local court - Update SSA - Update DMV. Get new licence - Get passport. Change names with banks in parallel - Update Global Entry. - Change names with airlines
  24. Based on this, she automatically acquired the citizenship because she was a LPR and under the main custody of a USC: https://www.uscis.gov/policy-manual/volume-12-part-h-chapter-4 Would recommend that she gets N600 however. That's the most definitive proof of citizenship. I'm not sure everyone else outside the USCIS is equipped to navigate these legal document. Probably would've been easier if they had tried to get her a passport when she was still a minor but that ship has sailed.
  25. What number did you call them? just the standard number?
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