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Posts posted by WoodlandsFamily

  1. On 9/13/2024 at 6:46 AM, SL2024 said:

    @WoodlandsFamily did you manage to look into or sort out the Covid vaccine booster for your children who are under 12?

    Hi, no not yet. I asked several places including Boots and some private London clinics and they all said The UK doesn't have the regulation to provide under 12s with covid vaccines anymore. Over 12 fine, costs about £95 but they said you can't get one in the UK at the moment for a child under 12. Not sure what I am gonna do...the medical may have the answer hopefully when I get to that part! 😅 

  2. On 9/6/2024 at 12:42 PM, ArtUK said:

    Hello, I am a U.K. Citizen and my wife is a U.S. Citizen we currently reside in the U.K. and have done since 2020. We have 2 children - both of whom hold U.S. Citizenship and U.S. passports. Circumstances in our personal life have changed and our family decision is that we no longer wish to remain in the U.K. and with this want to move back to be with my wife's family in the U.S. Meaning that we are going to begin the process of submitting an I-130 for me to gain U.S. permanent residency. 


    Given that we are both employed in the U.K. from what I understand the income in the U.K. is irrelevant and our "actual household income" is 0$. Therefore we need in 3x the shortfall against the poverty line which totals assets greater than or equal to $117,000. We are fortunate enough to be in a position where my wife (the sponsor - U.S. Citizen) can provide a large proportion of the financial requirement from savings in a U.S. bank account. However we're short roughly $20,000, I have the means to make up this shortfall but it is via savings in GBP (£) and in a U.K. bank. 


    My question here is, is the best course of action to progress using mine and my wife's savings despite a small proportion coming from a U.K. bank or is the path of the least resistance to request a finical assistance from a joint sponsor in the U.S? Thankfully a few family members have offered and are in the position to do this should it be required. 


    As you can imagine, my preference is to avoid dragging a member of my wife's family into this process as it is pretty invasive. 


    This is my first post so apologies if this has been covered in previous discussions etc. 

    I thought it was 5 x the shortfall if both the USC and the beneficiary are outside the US and earnings are therefore $0 and using cash or assets to make up the difference?


    Or is that only when the assets are totally foreign based so is that why you say 3 x as your wife has it in a US account? 


    Or assets also owned jointly with the beneficiary ie Property are 5 times..


    Honest question, what if a sponsor is impossible to find? Can it be up to the Officer at the interview to accept cash assets? I am having a similar problem 😢 is it a case of no sponsor no Green Cards? 

  3. 3 hours ago, Willie_Overall said:


    That's where my estimates are now as a July 2023 filer. However, things have been getting significantly worse. In May of 2023, the estimates were around a year. Now we're looking at 13.5 to 14 months at least. It seems to get worse every month. 15 months is on the horizon.

    Uuugh yes you're probably right. Can you imagine what it will be next year! Thank goodness we are in the queue at least 😏

  4. 3 hours ago, SL2024 said:


    Oh really? haha did you grow up there then?

    Only for the first 7 years of my life, don't remember much unfortunately. Wanted to go back for years now but life just didn't take me down that road. Hopefully I will be back soon! I do remember Cali can get very hot 🔥  but unlike the UK they have air conditioning 😂

  5. 2 minutes ago, SL2024 said:


    Ahh so you have had to a wait a little while. What state are you applying for? And I don't think I had to wait too long for the NVC and London Embassy.

    Yeah I think the spouse ones are longer. 


    Kentucky hopefully 🙏 I love my horses 🐎 



  6. 3 minutes ago, SL2024 said:


    Thank you! And yeah definitely contact them - I found all the staff there helpful. 


    It took about a year from my fiancee submitting the petition. And I will be travelling later this year. When did you submit your petition/application?

    That's not bad at all!


    I am an IR1/IR2 case and it was early last October I applied. I hope it goes smoothly. We've been married 20 years and have 5 kids so my husband and kids should get the 10 year green card straight away if all goes well. I hope it will be done by Spring if no RFEs or long waits. Did you wait long between NVC and the London Embassy?

  7. 1 minute ago, SL2024 said:


    Thank you - I had my visa interview last week though where I was approved so really happy about that! When I did ask medical related queries when on the phone to Visa Medicals before my medical appointment they were generally able to advise on most things but one or 2 people did say that they didn't want to advise on medical queries as they weren't medically qualified and that it was better to speak to the nurse. 


    You could still try calling them and they may take your details and then ask a nurse and then call you back or you could email them? 

    Aah congratulations 🎊 👏 


    Yes that's a good idea, I think I will definitely email them as kids and covid vaccines seems all a bit sketchy! 😀 did your whole timeline take long? Are you leaving for the US soon? 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Melancholic Mage said:





    This is what Visa Medicals gave me and what they follow for vaccine requirements. According to this, you just need a COVID jab within 6 months old. Ages are also specified here.


    I would email or call them directly to clarify if they need the first two COVID vaccines but looking at this I don't personally believe so. Some people at my medical were told they could get one set of vaccines in a set then they were expected to follow up on extra doses later in the States, but that may be dependant on visa type. 

    Thank you 😊  I will definitely look into this and email them to see what they want. Thanks again! 

  9. 5 minutes ago, SL2024 said:


    I'm not too sure unfortunately but you could put a post on the forum and see if someone knows or you could wait until the medical and speak to the nurse about it?


    Before I had my medical I was informed by Visa Medicals over the phone regarding my appointment and on the booking confirmation email that I needed a Covid booster vaccine but I decided to wait and see what the nurse at my medical appointment advised me.



    Yes that's the trouble IF they say its 2 doses, 8 weeks apart at the medical appointment, that's 8 weeks further wait before I can book my interviews at London. If they've already had the vaccine, I can hopefully avoid that extra wait. I'll do some googling and searching on the forum. Thank you anyway and good luck with your interview 😊 

  10. 3 minutes ago, SL2024 said:


    I had 2 doses in 2021 and then a booster in 2022 so 3 doses there and then a booster last month. Have you had the vaccine before?

    Oh yes, I've had the 2 doses and then 2 subsequent boosters. But my 5 kids aged 9 to 19 didn't have it. So I have assumed its back to the 2 doses from the start etc for them.


    But it might be that they are just one dose now and they have streamlined the vaccine, but if not, I am in for a 8 week wait between doses! So wondered whether I should just have them vaccinated now. My husband just needs another booster. I am the USC so I don't think they are that interested in my vaccination history anyway. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, SL2024 said:


    Apologies but why would you need more than one Covid dose?

    It's 2 doses 8 weeks apart. If you have it already you can have just the one booster but if you've never had it, its a 2 part vaccination...didn't you have it done and have 2? Unless they have changed it and you only need one now but everyone I know had 2 in the vaccine roll out..

  12. 12 minutes ago, WoodlandsFamily said:

    Oh sorry to confuse you, no I am not near having the medical yet, I am not out of the i-130 stage yet (hoping by Nov/Dec I will be)..just thinking ahead to how I sort things as I have 6 petitions 😀


    i just noticed this thread and happened to ask my pharmacy today about Covid vaccines and they said I wouldn't be able to get one on the NHS and I am not even sure if my kids under 12 can have or even need to have for the US.


    Hence I was interested in the Boots appointments which are easily sorted for my older children and husband, but they don't do under 12s 😪.


    May have to wait until I get past the NVC stage and see what the clinic says at the medical. 


    Thanks 👍 

    Also I was thinking it's 8 weeks in-between covid doses. So I thought if I get them done before the medical I will save an 8 week further delay..but there's always something I find I need or haven't got 😂

  13. 2 hours ago, SL2024 said:

    Yeah £98 is what I paid for mine. Also it might be worth speaking to the nurse when you have your medical as they have all the vaccination requirements, etc. 


    When is your medical?

    Oh sorry to confuse you, no I am not near having the medical yet, I am not out of the i-130 stage yet (hoping by Nov/Dec I will be)..just thinking ahead to how I sort things as I have 6 petitions 😀


    i just noticed this thread and happened to ask my pharmacy today about Covid vaccines and they said I wouldn't be able to get one on the NHS and I am not even sure if my kids under 12 can have or even need to have for the US.


    Hence I was interested in the Boots appointments which are easily sorted for my older children and husband, but they don't do under 12s 😪.


    May have to wait until I get past the NVC stage and see what the clinic says at the medical. 


    Thanks 👍 

  14. 8 minutes ago, WoodlandsFamily said:

    Hi, I am a little way from the medical appointment but will need Covid vaccines for my kids and my husband will need a booster probably early next year. I notice you said Boots were good. Do you mind me asking how you booked it and how much for each person/vaccine. My GP said we had to go privately but didn't mention  Boots at all! They said that unless I was over 75 and in a vulnerable group the Covid vaccine was like hen's teeth! 


    Thanks so much 🙏 

    Just had a quick look online at Boots. Saw they do one locally to me and its about £98. But big problem - not under 12s 😱 which I have 2 of. Hoping I can find someone who can do kids under 12 😭

  15. On 8/5/2024 at 6:29 AM, SL2024 said:

    Sorry I meant to say email booking confirmation. I felt the service from Boots was good and they provided enough supporting evidence for my GP Surgery to update my medical records.

    Hi, I am a little way from the medical appointment but will need Covid vaccines for my kids and my husband will need a booster probably early next year. I notice you said Boots were good. Do you mind me asking how you booked it and how much for each person/vaccine. My GP said we had to go privately but didn't mention  Boots at all! They said that unless I was over 75 and in a vulnerable group the Covid vaccine was like hen's teeth! 


    Thanks so much 🙏 

  16. 42 minutes ago, JayFromTexas said:

    That is exactly what they wanted. We already provided divorce certificates from all previous marriages but they also wanted all previous marriage certificates.

    And remember, this was for our CR2 case only. They didn’t require the marriage certificates for our CR1 case. 

    Good job I saw this. I didn't realise. I have ordered a copy of my 1st Marriage certificate just in case. I have 5 IR2 petitions pending at the moment. I've been married 20 years to my current spouse and father to my kids but they may still ask for the old one you never know. Thanks 👍 

  17. On 8/7/2024 at 9:27 PM, appleblossom said:


    Personally I'd be taking this up with your advisor. "If you are or have been married, you must obtain original marriage certificate/s or certified copies of EVERY marriage".



    Your divorce certificate IS the proof you were once married and are now divorced. Also the courts keep the marriage certificate when you're divorced...


    Are you supposed to get a copy of any original marriage certificates too?? I have not heard this before?!? 

  18. On 8/7/2024 at 10:21 PM, natalie mulimbi said:

    Best of luck to all of you!!  I have seen so many people on Reddit saying that they got approved after 11 months. I'm really hoping that is still the case. I cannot believe it's been 9 months and I've heard nothing! The lack of stability is awful haha 

    Thank you 😊 wow 11 months would be amazing 👏 fingers crossed for us all. It's all consuming isn't it? Try my best to ignore it but I can't 😂😂

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