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  1. Ha ha I can see your point! I wonder now if it is worth the stress and your right I will worry all the way up to it. Thank-you so much xxxx
  2. Thank-you yes I will keep you posted. My medical is tomorrow. Xx
  3. I'm beginning to wonder to be honest. I'm lucky to have been many times and my dream is to take my kids. Feel like I'm committed now, started the process so have to see it through I guess??
  4. I will get my visa pending my medical. I was told by the officer.
  5. Not likely to, I respect authority. But I also know there are jobsworths out there who don't recognise the good in people, just like control
  6. Because I have paid a lot of money, gone through a lot and this means a lot to my family, its quite natural to be worried isn't it? Because I care!
  7. Surely you wouldn't be given it to then be refused once there? What would be the point in the process? Imagine me flying there with my kids to then be flown back home?? I couldn't bear putting them through that????
  8. Ah yes thank you l, it says obtaining a visa does not guarantee being allowed into us? So worried about flying out there to be told no??
  9. How long does a tourist visa last and could you be refused once you get there???
  10. Thank you, gives me hope. It was truly a one terrible experience not me at all, struggled with no support and menopause symptoms, On medication now and much better, not me as a person at all and I will never forgive myself for it, utter shame
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