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  1. This is completely normal. My wife has received her visa/green card but the information on her CEAC account is still the same. So don’t worry, just be patient and wait.
  2. @Phil_K_IR1 Congratulations! Where did you find the IR1 status showing "clearnace received April 23, 2024"? Thanks!
  3. Technology Alert List The Technology Alert List (TAL) is a list developed by the United States federal government of critical fields where it would like to limit the transfer of goods, technology, and sensitive information, with the goal of supporting nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and nontransfer of U.S.-held technologies.
  4. Great news for you and hope for all of us here. Congratulations!
  5. I would send an email to MTL office telling them that your DS-260 was re-opened on the CEAC page and ask for instructions on what you need do next.
  6. @yvesemma I believe you were cleared when they ask updated medical and police certificate. Congratulations! You will hear the sweat word "Issued" very soon.
  7. @Leo The Great The Travel History is only for foreign aliens, not for US citizens. Same for I-94 records.
  8. @Cholte cholte It seems that your I-94 record was messed up (system or human error) and this happens. I have a friend who had the same issue some time ago. He finally had his I-94 record fixed after many phone calls and a visit to the local CBP office. I suggest you do the same if a correct I-94 record is a must for you.
  9. @Cholte cholte After correctly entering your Traveler Info on https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/recent-search, you should see a page like this:
  10. Thanks! So is it possible that the CBO officer does not know your wife has a pending GC application?
  11. @Cholte cholte Did the officer asked or mentioned anything about your wife's green card application/DS5535? Thanks!
  12. @Phil_K_IR1 Thanks. The email I received on 4/19 was a reply to my email sent to them on 4/4 and my case also updated on 4/19. My petitioner did not receive anything though.
  13. @Phil_K_IR1 May I ask is the email you received from the cosulate today a fresh new email by the CO or a reply to one of your previous emails? Thanks!
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