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Everything posted by MalloryCat

  1. neither my letter of intent or my fiance's letter of intent was submitted as "wet ink" the signatures were hand written, but the letters of intent we submitted were copies
  2. you put the embassy in Nigeria where your fiance lives. This is the embassy your petition will inevitably be sent to and where your fiance's interview will take place
  3. when did you submit it? you may be able to go in and make corrections if it has been less than 30 days since you submitted it.
  4. If you haven't received the NOA2 in the mail from USCIS, you (the USC) should still receive that in i think it's like 7-10 business days. If you don't get the NOA2 at all from USCIS after a month, you would need to contact them. Cause you do need that NOA2, but USCIS is good about sending those out as they are needed for other parts of the immigration process. any information now in terms of communication from NVC would go to the foreign fiance. But receiving a letter from NVC with the case number is notoriously slow. It can take some time for your case to get to the NVC/processed by them. (my fiance didn't get a letter from the NVC with the case number until over a month after it had already been at the embassy in Germany, we contacted them a month after we received our approval) USCIS recommends waiting 4weeks/30 from approval to contact the NVC to get your case number. So that would be my suggestion. Unfortunately you are now at a stage of more waiting lol If it is evidence of the relationship that should be ok... since I don't believe they keep that. But I would recommend taking out the metal rings. just to be on the safe side, in case they decide they want to make copies of it or something. But from what I've read the German embassy in Frankfurt don't typically ask for evidence of the relationship, just the I-134. theres another user, @Rosaly who is also from the Netherlands and is going through the Frankfurt embassy. they might be able to provide better insight, as they have scheduled their interview and received their packet 3 and such.
  5. glad to hear it! a submitted DS-160 is good for one year. so that can be submitted at any time, most people (my fiance included) wait to submit it until they are able to schedule the actual visa interview. Once the DS-160 is submitted you are given a confirmation page. This confirmation page is brought to the K-1 visa interview. The DS-160 should only take about 90 minutes to complete. I know the website is pretty awful to use (it likes to reload and go slow) but I don't see why you couldn't get it completed in less than a day. when you first get to the site and before you start the actual application, it gives you an application ID. you want to make sure you write it down or save it somewhere. that way if you need to stop in the middle of doing the DS-160, you can save it and pick back up where you left off later. or if the site reloads on you and kicks you out of the application, so you don't have to start all over.
  6. I'm doing some research on AOS while waiting for my fiance's K-1 interview. And with the new increased fees, I'm just a little confused: 1. We will be filing I-485 and I-765 at the same time, I assume that I need to write two separate checks for these forms? Just to make it easier for USCIS? 2. When looking at the USCIS FAQ about the new fees, I noticed that the biometrics fee didn't seem to make a difference anymore? The darker grey boxes are the new 2024 fees. And the first set of boxes are the previous fees. if you notice the line for "with biometric services" is the same as the line without biometrics for the 2024 fees. Does this mean the biometrics fee has just been rolled into the I-485 fee? when I inevitably need to write these checks, do I need to specify on the check that its for the I-485 and the biometrics? or will we have to pay for the biometrics at the time of the biometrics appointment instead of directly through USCIS? 3. when I put together the packet (hole punched in a standard folder?) do I separate the checks and keep them with each form? or do I include them together at the very beginning before all of the forms? or even before the cover page? I've read the information here but it seems to still be out of date, as it references that the I-765 fee is still included with the I-485 if filed jointly, which it obviously isn't now. 4. for the cover page, is the applicants name the non-USCs name? or would it be the USC name? or is it both? 5. in reference to question 3, if we fill out the G-1145 (e-notification form) do we put that in front of everything? including the checks? we still have a few months to go before doing this, since his interview isn't until july, and if all goes well, he will likely be here by september, but I like to be over prepared and understand exactly what it is I am doing. Thank you for any insight or help!
  7. It's better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. Your fiance can just provide the tax transcripts and have the other things on hand if needed. But she doesn't need to offer anything else if they don't ask for it
  8. my fiance and I didn't meet through discord (although we do use it) we did meet through an online game that is a hosted server that has a ToS. Although the terms that server had were much shorter it basically said that same thing in the very first paragraph of the discord terms. The part where is says "when we say "Discord", "we", "us"..." I personally would provide screenshots starting from the first sentence under the last number in the table of contents ("Welcome! Discord is the best place to talk...") up until the end of the "what you can expect from us" section. In my opinion i think that would be enough to show what Discord is and that it is not a marriage broker
  9. it varies between embassies. Some officers ask for it, some dont. some just want to see the form but don't bother with the evidence. some want to see as much evidence as possible. pretty much is up to office discretion from what i understand. but the embassy is the one that has final decision in approving or denying visas. that's why they are the ones that review the I-134. also the I-134 isn't the most important form for them. that may be why they don't always check it. the I-864 is the more important one and more scrutinized. that one is done during AOS after the beneficiary is in the states and you've gotten married
  10. the NVC pretty much does all the processing for embassies. "NVC serves a clerical function in processing immigrant visa applications. NVC's job is to prepare immigrant visa applications for consular officers to review and adjudicate" They dont approve or deny petitions, just get them sent off. the DS-160 goes straight to the embassy, it doesnt pass through the NVC at all.
  11. yes you need to fill out an I-134 for the daughter. you need an I-134 for each immigrant you plan on sponsoring. the I-134 is not submitted online, it is brought to the visa interview by the foreign fiance. NVC doesn't review the I-134, the officer at the embassy/consulate will review it as part of the evidence brought to the interview it depends on the country, so she may need to check how long the police certificate is valid for before requesting it. but it can be gotten whenever, as long as it is still valid when the interview comes around. i couldn't find anything concrete, but its either 3 months or 6 months in Cambodia. she can probably get more definite information from wherever she requests it from.
  12. unfortunately with K-1 everything seems to be through physical mail for the most part. i would say if you don't receive the letter from USCIS within like.. 2-3 weeks, you could try contacting them to get the letter emailed. I think when people refer to the "documents" tab, they have that tab because whatever form they submitted was one that could be submitted online. and subsequently any supporting documents would also be submitted online under that documents tab
  13. it entirely depends on the embassy/consulate your case is going to. for some embassies in certain countries, the wait for the case to get sent there is longer. are these people going through the same embassy? if not then whatever embassy they are going through probably processes K-1 visas more quickly. most embassies/consulates have to send a request to the NVC to have petitions sent to them, and whatever embassy you are going through probably takes longer to send that request to the NVC. having the case number at the very least is a good thing. it means the NVC has processed your case. you could try contacting the embassy your petition is going through to find out why it's not there yet. but unfortunately you have to wait for the embassy at this point
  14. a submitted DS-160 is good for 1 year so she doesn't need to do it again. just needs to bring a print out of the confirmation to the interview
  15. there is still an affidavit of support form that gets filled out. but it is the I-864 and not the I-134 https://www.visajourney.com/ir1-spouse-visa-overview/ What is an affidavit of support...and do I need one?? The affidavit of support is a legally binding contract, that promises the US government that the intending immigrant will not be a financial burden, and will not collect welfare or public benefits until either he/she becomes a US citizen, dies, abandons permanent residency status, or can be contributed with 40 quarters of work. (roughly ten years) All immigrants immigrating via the I-130 petition must have an Affidavit of Support filed on behalf of them from the U.S citizen or permanent resident who filed the I-130 petition for them.
  16. She has to fill out an affidavit of support regardless, since you will be living with her. But it will be better for you both if she has a job with stable income well before hand. I am not 100% sure on this. but since the affidavit of support is supposed to show that a person is willing to support you financially (sometimes also including support by offering residence and such), they may not accept it if that person is living in a different state than where you will be. but like I said, i'm not sure. You might be better finding a different co-sponsor. Does your fiance have any family close by that could be a co-sponsor? USCIS wants to see evidence of a bona-fide relationship. this means, travel documents (plane tickets, passport stamps, I-94 records, hotel/accommodation bookings, etc), as well as proof that you've met in person at least once within the last 2 years. This can be done with pictures, but also need the travel documents. remember that everything you send in has to be on paper, so you would have to print this out and submit it that way. USCIS does not accept electronic files or USB drives with documents on it. for things like boarding passes and stuff, you are better off making a copy of the document and keeping the original. They will eventually scan your petition into their system, and you want to make it as easy for them as possible. So anything you provide (plane tickets, pictures, etc) need to be scanned onto a computer and printed just on regular paper. You cannot legally work in the united states in any capacity while here on a K-1 visa. even if your current job allows you to do so before resigning. you need a work authorization provided by the US in order to work at all (including any remote work). you can attempt to get a work authorization while on a K-1 visa, but this work authorization is only good for 90 days. So you would need to submit the form (and the filing fee) before coming to the US on a K-1. If you want to work as soon as you come to the US, you would be better off going the CR1 visa route. So no, you cannot continue to work remotely for your current job while in the US on a K-1 visa. there is no amount that someone could recommend. it entirely depends on what city/state your USC fiance lives in, what their financial situation is, their current income. you should think about this in the way that your USC fiance is supporting you 100%, with nothing coming from your side.
  17. You just need the return transcript Typically for the last 2-3 years
  18. We included all of the dates for our visits. We also closed I think about 10 pictures across all visits. And just labeled when and where each picture was taken. It's not gonna hurt to include more evidence that you've met in person. In my opinion more visits just shows the commitment you have to each other. USCIS wants to see if it's a bona fide relationship, multiple trips is part of what proves that
  19. USCIS recommends waiting at least 30 days before contacting the NVC for the case number if you hadn't received it yet. I would say give it another week (7 - 10 days) before contacting the NVC again to get your case number. from my experience getting an actual letter from the NVC with the case number is hit or miss on whether or not it shows up quickly (for example, my fiance did get a letter from the NVC with the case number and saying it was being sent to the embassy, but this was over a month after it had already been at the embassy). Getting the case number doesn't necessarily mean it has left the NVC, just means that they have processed it. Once you have the case number though, you can track it through the CEAC site. And there it will tell you if it is in transit to the embassy or not. this part can still take a few weeks. so you more than likely still have a few months to go, but that varies a lot by embassy. the US embassy page on this site for Tirana should help some https://www.visajourney.com/consulates/index.php?ctry=Albania&cty=Tirana
  20. The next steps depend entirely on the embassy your petition is being sent to. I suggest reading information about your embassy here https://www.visajourney.com/consulates/index.php?ctry=Costa Rica&cty=San Jose You will have to wait until the foreign fiance receives packet 3 from the embassy. I'm not sure if the Costa Rica embassy schedules interview appointments for you, but most embassies you schedule your own interview appointment But you more than likely need to wait for the foreign fiance to receive packet 3. At this point any inquires would need to go to the Costa Rica embassy and not the NVC, as the NVC no longer has your petition.
  21. It does not mean you should be moving by that date. The validity date is just how long your petition is approved for. But most of the time the embassy the petition is going to can extend that date if you can't schedule the interview within that time frame. The time solely depends on the embassy now. It can take a few weeks for the NVC to transfer your petition to the embassy. And most embassies now you schedule your own interview, they don't do it for you. But that also depends on the embassy. Receiving the letter from the NVC in a timely matter isn't always guaranteed. If you haven't received the letter from the NVC within a month of USCIS transferring it to them, you should submit an inquiry to them to get your case number. Once you get that case number from the NVC, you can track your case on the CEAC site. And once the embassy receives your petition from the NVC they will send you a letter (typically called packet 3) on the next steps for how to schedule your medical, get the required documents, and scheduling your interview. Your time frame for when you have to move to the US starts once you have your medical. From the time of your medical you need to move to the US within 6 months. So when it comes to scheduling that, make sure it is pretty close to your interview date (for example, my finances medical is 2 weeks before his interview) But you absolutely can still take your trip while waiting for all of this. Cause unfortunately you still have a bit of waiting to do lol If you do take your trip, I would just have someone check your mail for you while you're gone. In case you get anything from the NVC or embassy in the time you're not there
  22. https://egov.uscis.gov/ You can put your receipt number in here (should be located on your NOA1) To check the status with USCIS
  23. Only the petitioner receives the NOA2 from USCIS in the mail You can make a copy of it and email it to the beneficiary for them to print and have.
  24. ahh ok no you shouldn't need to inform USPS of your residency. it is just simply if you give someone your name and address it will show up. technically someone could send something to an address without a name on it at all, and it will still show up to that address.
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