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    DS5535_Child got a reaction from LukeCanada in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    That's such fast timeline. Congrats Luke and thanks for giving hope to folks!
    My interview was in March and got 3 updates recently (July 31st, Aug8th, Aug 9th), but unfortunately no update after that 😕 Was getting my hopes up.
  2. Like
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from long_journey_2003 in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    That's such fast timeline. Congrats Luke and thanks for giving hope to folks!
    My interview was in March and got 3 updates recently (July 31st, Aug8th, Aug 9th), but unfortunately no update after that 😕 Was getting my hopes up.
  3. Like
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from CarmenD in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    That's such fast timeline. Congrats Luke and thanks for giving hope to folks!
    My interview was in March and got 3 updates recently (July 31st, Aug8th, Aug 9th), but unfortunately no update after that 😕 Was getting my hopes up.
  4. Sad
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from CarmenD in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    FWIW, I don't think anyone knows, including the people in charge.
    This type of system is a typical AI problem, where you put in a bunch of data with known "bad actors" and try to predict the next bad actor.
    Silly example: It could be that the system decides that people who's family name starts F and are born in August and are Canadian or Madagascarian of origin. are more likely to be bad actors, but fundamentally the system is as good as the person writing it and I doubt anyone has any way or incentive to make it better.
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    DS5535_Child reacted to CarmenD in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    Done … for whatever it’s worth.  I chose to include my contact information.  
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    DS5535_Child reacted to CarmenD in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    “Request Type” would be last one at the bottom?

  8. Like
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from CarmenD in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    DOS seems to have opened an inquiry on DS 5535 in the last few weeks. I think this is a good sign.
    https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/04/29/2024-09082/30-day-notice-of-proposed-information-collection-supplemental-questions-for-visa-applicants#:~:text=The DS-5535 solicits additional biographic information that,providing a copy of the questions electronically
    I am positive if enough of us complain about the process they may staff up more people or change the process altogether. Please state your case and how unreasonable the process is.
    From what I understand, to submit comments you need to follow these steps:
    1. Go here: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAMain _> 
    2. Use the Find functionality of your browser and look for entry "Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants" or OMB Control Number: "1405-0226".
    3. Click "Comment" next to the entry you found.
    4. Submit the comment. Make sure to cite specifically Montreal and DS 5535 and long timelines.
  9. Like
    DS5535_Child reacted to Daft_Cat in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    Hey all,
    Sorry for the radio silence. Passport and new medical sent in a week and a half ago. A couple updates since but still “refused” on CEAC. Expecting a few weeks at least - will keep you guys posted.
  10. Like
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from CarmenD in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    Since this is Department of State, which is regulated by the executive branch (i.e. President), legislative branch help (i.e. representatives, senators), can't do anything about it.
    But POTUS or VPOTUS absolutely can!
    I would suggest everyone in this thread (+ their citizen sponsor) to send a message to https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ . Hopefully if we send enough messages, it'll be clear there's something to be done here.
  11. Like
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from Endlesslywaiting in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    Since this is Department of State, which is regulated by the executive branch (i.e. President), legislative branch help (i.e. representatives, senators), can't do anything about it.
    But POTUS or VPOTUS absolutely can!
    I would suggest everyone in this thread (+ their citizen sponsor) to send a message to https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ . Hopefully if we send enough messages, it'll be clear there's something to be done here.
  12. Like
    DS5535_Child reacted to MTLaffectee in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    When did you have your interview and when did you submit the 5535? Also, can you kindly fill out the spreadsheet for the benefit of all of us to follow the trends of the consulate? 
  13. Like
    DS5535_Child reacted to Superluminal in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    I'm not sure who keeps marking Daft_Cat as completed (highlighted green) in our tracker spreadsheet. Until they have their Visa in hand they are still working through the process.
  14. Like
    DS5535_Child reacted to Superluminal in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    If I get anything positive from the consulate I will (1) Immediately call my wife, and (2) post here right after. Some of you will probably find out before her depending on how quick she sees the message haha
  15. Like
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from Inveigh in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    Congrats Daf_Cat! That's good news indeed! Mind sharing a recap of your journey when you get a chance? (Including how many countries travelled, which I think may be a factor?)
  16. Like
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from CarmenD in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    @Timbits I think it's obvious one president is against immigration and the other... well he won't do anything. So tough call... lol.
    EDIT: (to explain the above, DS 5535 was introduced by the last administration... but it was not lifted in the current one, or made better)

    Jokes aside, I think if we gather a petition of 1000+ with DS5535 issues and send a letter to VPOTUS or POTUS maybe they'll wake up and fix it to gain some votes.
    All this needs is someone from high up to say: "I need this done, here's extra workers if needed".
  17. Like
    DS5535_Child reacted to Daft_Cat in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    They definitely will. No doubt there.
    For the poster who asked: My interview was Feb, 2023. Filed a WoM in September of 2023, received 2 extension requests over the subsequent months, and then finally got hit with a Motion to Dismiss in Jan, 2024. We decided to fight it, and were eagerly awaiting the State Department's deadline to respond in early April. There'd been a number of unsolicited case updates on my file since mid-Jan, so we knew something was afoot. 

    As for what got us over the hump, tough to say! Was the upcoming MtD deadline the catalyst? Could be, but then again, it's also possible that I was simply next in line. We'd been waiting a long time, so I wouldn't necessarily read too much into our unique sequence of events. 
  18. Like
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from Inveigh in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    @Timbits I think it's obvious one president is against immigration and the other... well he won't do anything. So tough call... lol.
    EDIT: (to explain the above, DS 5535 was introduced by the last administration... but it was not lifted in the current one, or made better)

    Jokes aside, I think if we gather a petition of 1000+ with DS5535 issues and send a letter to VPOTUS or POTUS maybe they'll wake up and fix it to gain some votes.
    All this needs is someone from high up to say: "I need this done, here's extra workers if needed".
  19. Sad
    DS5535_Child got a reaction from Inveigh in The dreaded DS-5535 thread for Montreal Only. Post here and support each other (PART 3)   
    Hey All, been lurking on this forum for a long while, so thanks to everyone that contributes.
    My mother got a DS 5535 on 3/14 and she just submitted the form completed today. I am lowkey hoping she'll get cleared within a few months, but it seems like the situation is dire 😕.
    How do folks view the number of case updates? Just by looking at the case status daily and logging a mental counter?
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