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Everything posted by Help2424

  1. My apologies. But do you know if they conduct test at POE?
  2. Hello everyone, would be great ful for assistance! My husband went for his medicals September 2022. He went for his interview and was denied because he failed his drug test ( marijuana) - He also mentioned to the nurse he smokes occasionally which made them test. The officer denied him and told him to come back in a year with new medicals. He returned a year later redid his medicals, but they didn't do a drug test. A few months later they asked him to drop off his passport along with some other documents. A month later the visa was approved. He picked up the visa this week and the visa has the following annotation " Class A Req. ATTN. of USPHS at POE IV DOCS IN CCD" Will they have him do a drug test at POE since they didn't have him do one before receiving the visa? What should we expect? Thanks for the assistance!
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