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Everything posted by nere0331

  1. 45 and Beltway 8. Thank you!
  2. My husband had his oath ceremony Saturday 11/16 at the Gears Road location. No family was allowed in only the person there taking the oath. His was at 6:45, they started allowing them in around 6:15-6:20. He said they started around 7 and he was out out there by 7:50. He said it was fast and straight to the point. It sucked that I couldn’t be there but I heard the ceremonies at the stadium take 3-4 hours and knowing my husband this was way better for him. We had a party for him after so we got a bunch of pictures there lol. Just wanted to let everyone know how our experience was at the Gears Rd. location.
  3. Did he sign the form before the ceremony, or did he wait to sign in front of the officer? The form doesn't say to sign in front of the officer, but I am wondering if he should answer the questions and fill out the address and just sign in front of the officer. Thank you.
  4. The form we have does not say to sign in front of officer or judge. That's why I asked. Some people say theirs did. Thank you.
  5. Thank you. Did you fill it out before and just signed in front of him? I'm wondering if he should just answer all the questions and fill in the address then just sign and date in front of the officer.
  6. The form he has does not say that, that's why I was not sure. Thank you.
  7. My husband has his oath ceremony this Saturday in Houston. I was wondering if he signs the form before or does he have to sign it in front of an officer? The form I am talking about is the one that asks if he has been married, committed crimes, etc. since his interview. Thank you.
  8. Oath ceremony scheduled! Saturday November 16 @6:45 am 😬 lol. Houston Gears Rd. Husband’s Tiemline: Applied March 6 Interview September 3 RFE notice September 17 (Clearance letters) USCIS received RFE October 17 Approved October 25 Oath Ceremony notice uploaded October 31 We are almost done!
  9. How long does Houston usually take to schedule the oath ceremony? Husband was approved Friday and I was just wanting to get an idea. Also am I allowed to attend the oath ceremony with him? Thanks!
  10. My husband was approved today! He had his interview September 3, passed but got an RFE September 17 for police clearance letters from Houston and Mankato, MN (where he lived 3 months back in the 90’s). They received his RFE October 17, and we got the approval today. Last update is the we have placed you in line for oath ceremony status.
  11. Received the RFE exactly 2 weeks after his interview. Deadline is October 21. Just waiting on the out of state clearances which were mailed the end of last week and will submit everything. We have to mail it since they want originals, but I will overnight it. Hoping to have it mailed by the end of the week.
  12. It’s been a week and still just says interview scheduled. No update yet. Houston office. Any insight on how long it usually takes to update?
  13. Husband had his interview today in Houston. Did biometrics when we got there. He passed but decision could not be made. Said they would send a RFE. He has 2 misdemeanor charges from 2001 and 2011. Became a resident in 2014 through the immigration court. He hasn’t left the country since. Lawyer says more than likely they will ask for police clearance letters because from another state he was in. Does anyone know how long it usually takes them to send the RFE notice? He said at the end of the interview the officer was talking to him about getting the oath ceremony letter and his naturalization certificate, so we are crossing our fingers that it will get approved possibly. No update yet online.
  14. Got a reuse biometrics notice 3/11, which was surprising to me at least. His biometrics are from 10 years ago. Estimated processing time says 6 months. We are in Houston.
  15. I have an appointment for my daughter's passport for next Friday. My husband is going to come this weekend and we are going to do the Notarized form DS-3053, where he gives permission for her to get the passport. I was just wondering if they make a big deal about it. I don't know how long this job will last and I do not want to wait to get it until he is back, it may be a couple of months.
  16. Hello everyone! My husband just mailed his application. We are located in Houston, Texas. He adjusted status 10 years ago in April through an immigration judge. We used the same attorney he used for his removal proceedings. Kind of nervous but hopefully everything goes well for him. He does have 2 criminal charges. DWI from 2000, he left and reentered inspected late 2000, and a possession of marijuana charge from 2011. That last one put him in removal proceedings, but he adjusted status like I mentioned through the court in April of 2014. He received a 10 year green card since we had been married for more than 2 years when that happened. Sent all the tax records and documents. He speaks and reads good English and is studying hard for the civics test and going over his application.
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