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Everything posted by Iggy_Knight

  1. @Kashan afridi This is off topic so I'm not sure if it will get deleted, but usually you don't really need to write anything, for example this comment: > Bro, we went for medical, they said that these are the vaccination documents, we can open them from you, we send your medical direct to the embassy and we have got the visa, thank you brother Does not need the "Bro," it has the same meaning if you just started with "We went for medical,...". Some people say dude is gender-neutral, others don't, your best bet is just to use the person's name/username instead Best of luck with your process!
  2. Starting to get kinda antsy... a couple of months to go. I don't want to get into politics but I'm afraid with the change in administration USCIS processing will slow way down so I'm hoping we'll get approved before the inauguration, but at this point it doesn't seem likely... How's everyone else feeling?
  3. Ours followed a pretty similar timeline. NOA1 late december, with myprogress estimating an answer by around march. March came and went and it went to taking longer than expected. Then a few weeks ago it said 4 weeks, and it has currently counted down to 1 week. Not getting my hopes up though.
  4. Sup, Nov23 filer ready for this long journey. I hope we all hear back before the end of the year.
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