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Everything posted by LuckyUS99

  1. Great ! Congratulations to your wife!! Not giving too much details regarding any personal question they ask. Is that what you mean? Give succinct answers? hope to get the same interview experience as your wife did.
  2. Thank you for the blessing! I am equally nervous and excited. Hopefully oath ceremony within a couple weeks after interview.
  3. My interview was scheduled this past week. March 27th! Time to start readying the paperwork and and preparing for the civics test.
  4. LOL! good way to put it. Every update that happens seems to have a glitch with this stuff. The IT programmer seems to be doing what the gif is! haha
  5. Thank you for sharing! this somewhat helps alleviate this. Basically, no rhyme or reason or any kind of logic behind the estimated time. Good luck for the interview!!!
  6. Hi all, Here is a summary of what has happened in my case the last few days. I am worried if there is something I am missing, therefore i am reaching out to the forum members for their thoughts. The day I filed my case - Estimated time to completion was 7 months After biometric reuse - 6 months A few weeks after - 3 months Exactly another month later - 2 months After the USCIS website was down for update or maintenance on Tuesday - increased back again to 6 months! also have the myProgress tab added which wasn't there prior I tried contacting the live agents in Emma and they say my case is in progress and I should look up my local field office processing time for more info... totally unhelpful. Can you all please throw in your thoughts and suggestions? Why would my case time jump back up after steadily decreasing?
  7. Thank you for the input. It makes sense, does not seem to be a moving violation that is a driver fault. I will take the parking meter ticket to the eventual interview just in case.
  8. Hej, Yes. The instructions state that taxes are required to be submitted if: Federal/local/state taxes are owed OR extended trips >6 months OR filing on basis of marriage to USC. None of the above apply to me, so I opted to skip it. But seeing a few others send in their tax transcripts is giving me anxiety of missing something. I covered the speeding ticket properly - Disclosed, but did not submit documentation since it did not involve DUI, injury etc. I didn't think a parking ticket would matter either, but now I am second guessing and kicking myself that it would've made no harm to enter this...... I will surely take it to the interview, but hopefully it is a non-issue
  9. Thanks for the reply! Do you suggest I add the tax transcripts to my application now? I have my tax transcripts from 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020. The parking ticket, I guess I bring it up at the interview at this stage since i cannot make that update to my form. Bottom line, I don't want any delays to my process for several other reasons although it doesn't impact my ability to work or travel .
  10. Hi Nobby7 I submitted my application by the 5-year route but i didn't include any tax transcripts at all. Will this be ok? I have always paid taxes on time and have never owed any taxes at any time. Should I upload 2023,2022,2021,2020 tax transcripts under Unsolicited Evidence?
  11. October filer here too, by the 5-year rule. Filed: 10/26/24 Receipt: 10/26/24 Biometrics: Reused, 10/26/24 Interview scheduled: Interview: Oath: The wait begins. Hope us October filers also get the fast processing times as the folks the past year or so have seen 😊
  12. Hello! I have an ongoing N-400 application that was submitted a few weeks ago. I applied by the 5-year rule, GC not derived via marriage I have seen conflicting information on the tax transcripts and tickets, so here are my questions: Tax transcripts: Should i upload 4 years worth of tax return transcripts in Unsolicited Evidence? I have the transcripts from IRS website. I have never missed filing taxes, never owed taxes and also never been outside the US for > 6 months . The filing instructions do not explicitly say taxes must be uploaded. Speeding ticket: I have one speeding citation that i entered details for in the N-400 form. I have the documentation, but did not upload documentation as per filing instructions (no DUI, accident, injury) Parking ticket: I realized I got a parking ticket for staying overtime at a meter a month before I applied for N-400 and i never included this. Should parking tickets be mentioned? I am concerned if parking ticket is same as a speeding ticket? Please provide your thoughts and experiences to help me with this.
  13. Thank you for the response. i was not sure if a question could be left blank, so this helps.
  14. Hello all! As suggested in the title, I am confused as to how I need to answer Question #16 on the N-400 application. For question #15 I entered a Yes, since I have one speeding ticket. I paid the fine for it and that was the end of it. The following question #16 is: If you received a suspended sentence, were placed on probation, or were paroled, have you completed your suspended sentence, probation or parole? Yes/No None of the above (suspended sentence, probation or parole) are applicable to me. How should I answer this question ? OR should i leave it unanswered?
  15. @Mag Raj When filing the newest edition of the form, did you have to compulsorily answer Q.16 "If you received a suspended sentence, were placed on probation, or were paroled, have you completed your suspended sentence, probation or parole?" Yes / No I haven't received any of the above so I don't know if we should select Yes or No for this question.
  16. I have tax returns statements for the last 3 years from the IRS website but I don't have it for the years prior to that. I have filed taxes every year and have the entire tax returns from years prior (several pages for each return). What would you say I need to submit with my application for the years i don't have the statements for?
  17. Hello all! I am getting ready to file the N-400 online and I have several questions. The gurus and those of you that have recent experiences filing the N-400 online, please help. I have done research on this site to be better informed from others' questions, but needed guidance on these questions This post might help others in the same boat as myself to eliminate confusing options on a few of these items. Information about residence: Does the N-400 online filing form allow additional rows to be added, for cases like mine where I have >4 addresses in the last 5 years? The N-400 PDF on the website only has 4 Information about employment: I worked for my GC sponsoring employer, employer X. I was still working there when a merger occurred and employer X rebranded to employer Y. What is the best way to mention this on the form: Employer Y (formerly known as employer X) or do I need to have a split up the time between Employer X and then Employer Y? I am an Engineer by profession. What do I select from the list of drop-down options on the online form? There is nothing remotely close to the Engineer profession. Some previous posts indicate to pick an arbitrary occupation and have it corrected at the interview. However, I am an employment based GC holder and I want to be as accurate as possible on my naturalization form Time outside the United States: I travelled once from the western border of NY state, via Canada and entered into MI state via Detroit, within the space of 5 hours (8 pm - 1 am the following day). Does this need to be included on the travel history? Responses to why I was cited for a traffic ticket / Outcome or disposition ? Why you were cited, arrested, etc.: Over-speeding Outcome or disposition: What should be the answer here? "Paid the ticket" or something else? Tax transcripts: I only have 4 of the 5 tax return transcripts. What is the best way to show I filed taxes from 5 years ago? File 4056 form and pay $50, wait 75 days for the tax transcript? Show the account balance, W2, tax filing documents? Do tax return transcripts need to be filed with the N-400, or carried with other documents to the interview?
  18. Thank you! So in my case with nearly 3 years of employment with the sponsoring employer AFTER receiving, there shouldn't be any issues, correct? I personally don't know of anyone that's worked with the same employer and the same position for the entire 4 years and 9 months prior to applying for naturalization
  19. In the document checklist, it asks for proof of existing marriage or proof of prior marriages ended, etc. So i will indicate my marital status and upload the decree with the application I guess.
  20. Yes. All good on the employment front and I worked with the company that sponsored me for ~3 years after I got the GC from them, several years prior too.
  21. Hello all, First post here as I get ready to begin my naturalization process soon. I am the primary beneficiary of an employer sponsored green card. This is the 10-year green card. My former spouse got her green card through me, filing together back when we were married. We were married for a total of < 5 years and got divorced a few months ago. Will divorce have an impact on naturalization based on an employment based green card ? I have seen a lot of posts regarding marriage-based green card, but none on employment based green cards. Is it sufficient to indicate my marital status on the N-400 application and upload my divorce decree with the application? Please advise.
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