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Rachel n Tyler

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Everything posted by Rachel n Tyler

  1. Thanks guys! You're all very right, it's worth the few hundred bucks to prevent any longer waiting times or headaches.
  2. Hi my dear VJ members! I should be receiving my packet 3 soon, so I'm preparing everything for my interview. I am Dutch, but the embassy in the Netherlands is no longer doing the interviews, so I have to go to Germany, Frankfurt to be exact. Normally, you don't have to translate any documents that are either in English or the language that your embassy location speaks. However, I speak Dutch, they speak German. I have my birth certificate, but it's in multiple languages. It'll say Staat (Dutch), État (French, Staat (German), Country (English) etc etc. Everything is listed in multiple languages that way. Would I still need to translate it? A member from VJ told me I'd have to, but I'd like to make sure as it's gonna cost 25 bucks per page, and if I can save those costs, I'd rather save them haha.
  3. I'm sure y'all's will be done soon, yours was sent not too long after ours!
  4. Yeah our NOA2 was 6/5 and they sent it I believe the 15th. But, I did do an inquiry and got our number through there. It's just still at the NVC currently.
  5. You need to have met once in the last two years. As long as that's the case, you should be good. Any extra can only help, but I'd make sure it's clear and valid evidence if I were you. Text messages, gift receipts, ring receipts, stuff like that also helps!
  6. TrackMyVisa is more accurate in my experience, but it costs money
  7. What experience are you specifically talking about? The validity of the I129F expiring before the interview or?
  8. Your medical is valid for 6 months. After that, I honestly do not know because you shouldn't let that happen. Your interview is a month after, so you should be fine. You just need to make sure you're in the US before the 6month period ends
  9. I’ve been looking into everything for the last months, so I’m pretty familiar thankfully! Someone on here was kind enough to type out their exact experience with the medical, and dealing with the embassy! I was just confused with ‘department of state’ because I haven’t heard of it before in the process. But thankfully it’s just the NVC!
  10. Alright that gives me some hope! I'm hoping my timeline is a little similair to yours, I'd love to have my interview in 4 months!! Thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it
  11. Hmm I see I see. I'm just worried since the validity of the approval of the i129f is only 4 months, and by the looks of this, it's going to take atleast 2 months before I can schedule it.
  12. I think it said 20 days in our letter, but I'll ask my fiancé for a double check. Should I not go ahead and plan the medical before receiving the packet?
  13. Interesting, is it not two weeks? That's what showing in the visa flowchart on VisaJourney. And I think I also saw something about 20 days? But that might be for the USCIS sending it to the NVC? So many different answers
  14. Our case was sent to the department of state for visa processing. Does anyone know roughly how long after they send it to your embassy or how long until you get your nvc number?
  15. Yeah sadly the Hague closed immigrant visas so I'll have to go through Germany (Frankfurt). But I think that this means they sent it to the NVC, and when the NVC gets it, they'll send it to the embassy in Frankfurt
  16. I tried finding more info but it didn’t tell me anything clearly. Thank you!
  17. Our 129f says 'On June 17, 2024, we sent your case, Receipt Number XXXXXXX, to the Department of State for visa processing. You can find general information on Consular Processing by visiting our website at www.uscis.gov . The website will provide information on what to do next, who to contact, and how to inform us of any changes in your situation or address.' I thought the next step was NVC?
  18. Like everyone else said, it's not doable. You need last year's taxes to show, employers, income, etc. It just will not work. We filed end of January, we got our NOA2 last week. That's 5 months. We need the affadavit of support now. Yours might even be faster if you file now. It's simply not doable. + The whole process is EXPENSIVE. Thousands of dollars for filing, medical costs, etc. Don't start if you can't afford it or can't support your fiancé(e).
  19. I think (do not quote me on this) I've seen people on here say that they've had to send the embassy a file after the interview that they missed. So I assume it'll be like that!
  20. What do you mean? If you translate the address, it doesn't exist anymore
  21. Thank you!! As for your estimate, I think they're a bit off there. People who sent it in in February are getting their NOA2s now, I feel like to skip 3,5 months in a month is a bit fast. I'd guess another month or 3 for your NOA2.
  22. Yep, that's your NOA1! Congrats!
  23. Do you not have better evidence? Texts, pictures? I'd also exclude it
  24. Thanks, the timeframes help! And it definitely helps to know who gets what hahah. I messaged Rosaly recently because I want to prepare everything, so hopefully they can provide more insight! I don't mind the waiting, just trying to figure out the steps
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