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Faraz Hanif

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Everything posted by Faraz Hanif

  1. Hi! So they asked for my Wifes passport, we mailed it to the embassy 2 weeks ago. Today the case updated from Refused to Administrative Processing. How long will i take for them to mail her passport back with the visa printed on? Thank you!
  2. My Wife finally got an email for passport submission and re-medical after being stuck in AP for over 8 months. Her re-medical is on the 26th of April but, can we submit and mail her passport to the embassy before then? Please let me know thanks.
  3. My Wife finally got an email for passport submission and re-medical after being stuck in AP for over 8 months. Her re-medical is on the 26th of April but, can we submit and mail her passport to the embassy before then? Please let me know thanks. And yes we hired a mandamus lawsuit lawyer, and it worked.
  4. Meaning AP is handling by department of state in DC? Yes I know. Do you think the embassy will Adjudicate the case or file a motion to dismiss by seeing other cases?
  5. California central court. The Lawyer just said to wait and see what happens. They could file a motion to dismiss or they could just adjudicate the case. Yes this Embassy is……. unbelievable, to put it kindly. But they expedited our case, they know our situation, yet they still haven’t given my Wife her visa and this delay just made our situation so much worse.
  6. Hello everyone. Is there any positive results from Mandamus Lawsuits that you may know? My Wife had her interview June 2023 at the US Embassy in Islamabad. Our case was expedited because my of my Medical problems, I had two surgeries since 2022, and dealing with a lot. Our case was put into AP for no reason at all. My Wife was told to complete form DS5535. It only asked for her travel/employment history (SHE HAS NONE!) and her brothers and I’s names and DOB. Thats it! We hired a mandamus lawsuit lawyer in February. And its been 46 days and nothing. Im fearing they might request a motion to dismiss… Its unfair, this delay has made our lives so much harder. 😣😣😣😣😣
  7. Update. So today after 40 days, our case updated on CEAC but, its still refused. Is this a good sign, maybe they have received the lawsuit and are now processing and checking our case?
  8. So your saying this lawsuit i filed wont work 100%. Our case was expedited, we are going through a lot. This isn’t fair.
  9. Hello, I hope you are all doing well. I wanted to make a discussion for mandamus lawsuit for anyone who has field it or plans to. We all need positivity during this tough time, and we could all help each other. We filed the lawsuit 2 weeks ago. Our case was expedited because of my medical problems. I had two surgeries in 2 years, and i am dealing with a lot of medical problems. My Wifes interview went well but for no reason they told her to fill out form ds5535. On the form it only asked for her brothers and I’s names and date of births and her travel and employment history (she has none!!!!!) it should not be taking this long. And the fact that they know what we are going through as they expedited our case and its been 8 months…. This delay has been making our lives so much harder then it already is. Do you guys think my lawsuit would be successful? Its just so hard, I need some optimism and positivity.
  10. We filed the lawsuit 2 weeks ago. Our case was expedited because of my medical problems. My Wifes interview went well but for no reason they told her to fill out form ds5535. On the form it only asked for her brothers and I’s names and date of births and her travel and employment history (she has none!!!!!) it should not be taking this long. And the fact that they know what we are going through as they expedited our case and its been 8 months…. This delay has been making our lives so much harder then it already is.
  11. Where is the search field? When i enter wom for the search icon it says no results found
  12. For my case my Wife has been stuck in AP for over 8 months after her interview. She was told to fill out form ds5535, on it, it asked for her travel/employment history (she has none!!!!!!) her brothers and I’s date of births and names and thats it! Our case was also expedited because of my medical problems, yet they still aren’t processing. I had two surgeries in 2 years, and im dealing with many medical problems. And this delay has made it worse. yet the embassy still is not processing.
  13. Yeah i meant discussions. I couldn’t find anyone with Mandamus discussions. Thank you.
  14. Hi! Is there any groups for mandamus lawsuits? Im having trouble finding it.
  15. Ok so I looked more into it. I logged into my visa journey account from safari and chrome. And when I logged into it again today, it said it was from Chicago and other inaccurate places. I think it was just me but, I don’t understand why it’s saying inaccurate locations one time then the other it’s saying my accurate location. Did anyone else have a same problem?
  16. Okay but is this normal. How did this happen? My password was a strong one…. Do they now have access to my information?
  17. How did they get my password and logged in. This is ridiculous. As soon as I created my account this happened.
  18. I sued the embassy in Islamabad. I’ve been waiting 8 months since the interview. What is a FOIA? also i just signed up for Visa Journey and I got a notification that two devices from Chicago logged into my account, did this happen to you? Im a little worried they have my information now.
  19. Hello, my Wife’s CR1 case has been stuck in AP for over 8 months at the US embassy Islamabad. Our case was expedited because of my medical problems. Everything in her interview went well but, for no reason she was put into AP and told to complete form DS5535. It asked for her travel and employment history (she has none!!!!) and her brothers and I’s date of births and names. We emailed them nonstop, contacted our senators but nothing worked. This delay has been so hard for us. Last week we finally filed a writ of mandamus lawsuit. Enough is enough. My question is, has there been any success with mandamus lawsuits that any if you have heard of filed yourself? Need some optimism, thank you!
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