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  1. Haha
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to apnzz in Recent USCIS Activity   
    Yeah exactly how you said! Everyone else thinks the same, it won't make a difference in the long run. It's just a small temp disruption. naturally still not nice for them to lose their jobs though, but it isn't USCIS' fault.
  2. Haha
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to thonati in Recent USCIS Activity   
    Yea, tmvn put out a YT video on this.  They are just as confused as the rest of us.  They claim this is the first time the USCIS has "skipped over" a full week of cases.  Actually it happened twice, a week's worth of FEB cases and a week's worth of MAR cases.  I see they are now working on those "skipped" cases so you will hear back soon.  As I mentioned, tmvn says they will start working on June filers next week, so they are knocking out FEB-MAY cases at a rapid clip.  I suggest you watch that video.
    The real question is how did this happen?  Did someone pitch the files and went fishing, or to the bar?  Now that things are electronic, I doubt they tossed the I-129f forms in the trash, never to be seen again.  I believe (not certain) that the NOA1 is generated after the forms are scanned into the system.  So it seems logical to me that once an NOA1 has been sent, it will get adjudicated at some point.  It is not like they have a system Hack.   Well on second thought, we are talking about he Biden Administration here.  They cannot do anything right.
  3. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to Brivy in K1 Manila Philippines appointment scheduling question...   
    I am hoping someone out there can answer my question. I will state it succinctly and then provide some details after.
    Let me explain... 
    My Filipina fiance and I are trying to obtain a K1 visa for her. Due to cost, we decided to go the route of doing it all ourselves and not use a lawyer or consulting service. We are at the point where we have been prompted to schedule an interview for an appointment.  For many days now, there are no appointments available. The process for getting an interview appointment apparently is to refresh your browser 12 times a day, every 2 hours until it shows an appointment available. I have read a lot of forums and this seems to be the way you have to do it.   
    So, that leads to my question... Are the lawyers and consultants seriously sitting at their computers going through this asinine process to get their clients an appointment? Do they have a back door they use to get the appointment slots? 
    To say I am frustrated is an understatement. You can walk across the southern border and get a free cell phone, accommodations, paychecks, etc., but it takes buku months if you want to do it legally.  Government bureaucracy is maddening.
  4. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to apnzz in Recent USCIS Activity   
    We've been waiting since 4 March. They've skipped cases between Feb 23 and March 6th. They've stalled / slowed down on approving cases around end of May for some reason, many of us thought it was to go back and approved the skipped period (over 2.3k cases) but in the last few weeks there has still been barely any movement (around 5 case approvals across the 2 week skipped period in total, 3 of them expedites).
    It's been a 143 days for us. Our friend filed Feb 27 and still waiting.. tmvn and none of the other visa sites were helpful or accurate with any of us during that 2 week period. They just skipped us.
  5. Like
    sonnyboy0323 got a reaction from Wagoneer in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    so my fiancée found this video in one of her GC's and linked it to me. a video by TMVN attempting to explain the "unusual delay"
    the long short of it more or less is, our dates were skipped for some unknown reason, but since June and July approvals "SEEM" to be slowing down, then it "MIGHT" mean that they're going back and looking at the cases from our timeline. at least that's the "HOPE"
    so all in all, basically a whole lot of nothing and empty hopes with no solid proof of actual progress.
    it really baffles me that there's no like, ex-uscis workers who have insider info. maybe they sign a NDA when they leave, i dunno.
    just frustrated
  6. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to apnzz in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    yup we saw that too, once it was first posted.
    TMVN gave the people in those date ranges free access to the subscription until we are all approved, which was extremely kind of him - at the end of the day he didn't have to do to such a nice thing for us.
    But yes - it's just false hope imho.. that video was posted over a week ago, and in that time there have still been no approvals in our week (I'm a March 4th filer). The only approval that happened was almost 2 weeks ago and it was march 5th and the girl had an expedite request (she's my friend we spoke a lot during the wait) and i'm happy for her but I really had some hope after that video was posted. now, I do not.
    "SEEM" "MIGHT", like you said - it's all just and if buts or maybes. Still no movement & It just feels so unfair that we are just the "unlucky" bunch.. so upset and frustrated.
  7. Sad
    sonnyboy0323 got a reaction from JJrockman in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    so my fiancée found this video in one of her GC's and linked it to me. a video by TMVN attempting to explain the "unusual delay"
    the long short of it more or less is, our dates were skipped for some unknown reason, but since June and July approvals "SEEM" to be slowing down, then it "MIGHT" mean that they're going back and looking at the cases from our timeline. at least that's the "HOPE"
    so all in all, basically a whole lot of nothing and empty hopes with no solid proof of actual progress.
    it really baffles me that there's no like, ex-uscis workers who have insider info. maybe they sign a NDA when they leave, i dunno.
    just frustrated
  8. Sad
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to Indo4weaks in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    December filer, still waiting
  9. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to Moses2 in When to actually file the DS-160 in the K-1 process?   
    I can be patient if they could just say
    1. We have your case
    2. We are working on it
    3. It takes an average of x months for these visas
    4. The next step is Y
    5. We will notify you through z when ready.
    If they just said that, I would sleep like a baby and have all the patience in the world. But I have no such assurances or even clarification that they have our stuff, as it clearly status on the NVC side. I think Yoga and meditation were invented for these very situations but somehow they forgot to tell include a part that actually calms be down when.I have zero information:)
  10. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to adiabatic in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Does anyone know how long it ordinarily takes for your congressman to get back to you, if you request that they check in with USCIS on your behalf via constituent services? I sent in my privacy release form to my representative in the US House about 10 days ago, but haven't heard back from their office. They may not be able to do much more than send them an email on my behalf, but I suppose it's better than doing nothing...
  11. Haha
    sonnyboy0323 got a reaction from Wagoneer in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    a K1 group chat my fiancée is in posted this message that they received from what i assume to be any one of those visa tracker programs.
    what an absolute joke. and absolutely no accountability. again i ask, is this malice, or just incompetence? or is it because they can do whatever the hell they want and we have no power because they hold all the cards with their noses in the air and their fingers up their "rear".
    i understand being patient, being positive and hoping and praying, but at some point enough is enough and positivity just doesn't cut it anymore. this is obviously some kind of anomaly and we have every right to be pissed about this. why us? because we weren't aware that its a "super duper oopsie" to file in this super specific timeframe? "oops, too bad" its so tiring, more than that, its infuriating. get your "stuff" together.

  12. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to apnzz in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Yep! I saw this today after waking up, I'm a March 4th filer, and it seems extremely unfair that just because we fall within this range, we have to sit and get ignored and wait, whilst I see approvals from May - even late May, 20s and 30s.. Come on, that's pathetic. But we can't do anything! My inquiry date is May 2025, and I've called up 3 times and tried everything, but it's "normal processing times".. ok but every other week and month filer majorly gets approvals in under 90 days - since January that's how the majority of cases are being approved, every other week in March (my filing month) see's heavy approvals, same with April and May. I even saw many approvals in under 40 days!! How is that okay?
    But we've been waiting over 127 days now.
    Nothing we can do until MAY 2025 - ridiculous! 
    Yeah bla bla being patient ok, yeah previous filers had to wait YEARS - ok! but we shouldn't have to now, that was covid backlogs etc etc, this year has been so fast for majority of applicants so why is our 2 week slot being skipped - at least if they told us what's going on or something - but I get the "Ma'am you're making the assumption your case has been skipped" when I call. 
    Just because prev applicants waited 18+ months doesn't mean now we have to - the times have sped up, there's no pandemic, there's backlogs yes but they're not as huge as before - why can a May filer get approved in under 40 days but we're waiting 120+?
    No way to hold them accountable or anything! I'm so upset
  13. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to TBoneTX in How many in person meetings for the K1?   
    The above answer is correct for USCIS's purposes.
    More crucial is the consulate at which the beneficiary will be interviewing.
    "Tough" consulates prefer as much in-person "face time" as you can show evidence of.
    Manila is not a tough consulate; they hand out K-1 visas like candy in comparison with others.
    Visit for the sake of your relationship.
  14. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to apnzz in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    I've already done this three times, they repeatedly just tell me I am assuming that my case has been skipped despite the fact it is hundreds of cases in the same 2 week period at the end of feb and start of march, it doesn't matter what I say, they just find some b.s crappy answer to give, these employees are lower level sort of customer service so its not like they can even tell me anything useful anyway and any time I ask to speak to a higher level employee or a supervisor im also met with the generic bs it isn't possible answer
  15. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to Alyssa112 in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Call USCIS and bug them. Skip the entire nightmare that is the customer service bot and say you need to "Reschedule an interview" and then say "interview" and you'll go straight to a real person. Maybe if enough people bring it to their attention they'll look into it. I know how federal emploeees can just easily forget things and sometimes don't have much oversight For all we know, it's a classic case of incompetence and they haven't even noticed yet 
  16. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to Crazy Cat in Confused about steps after marriage   
    ^^This ^^^.  Best practice would have been to get the Social Security number before marriage.  The I-765 package and I-131 package can be sent along with the I-485 package. 
    You can read this guide:
  17. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to Crazy Cat in Confused about steps after marriage   
    One more thing:  Here is the Visa Journey flowsheet  I think you are at step 18 or so:
  18. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to apnzz in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    Honestly it is a huge joke at that point, mine said May 17th 2024 and June 25th 2024.. I filed march 4th & I'm seeing approvals from late May now.. even in the 20s! But the specific last week of February and first week of march are literally untouched. My inquiry date is 15th June 2025 and that's ridiculous, I know people in the past waited over  a year etc but come on, the times have clearly sped up, if people are being approved from filing in late May which is just around a month ago or less, why are we left waiting more than 4 months, it's all the cases in specific time slots, first week of march end week of feb.. how is that fair. just because we filed in a certain week?
    I don't know, the process has definitely made me salty/bitter. & I know people say people before waited over a year be patient etc and ok yeah but that was covid, backlogs etc etc, if there is mass approvals in under 60 days why are we waiting with no ability to inquiry or see why we are being skipped etcetc? the wild thing was seeing an approval in under a month.. I'm at 4 months now. Like seriously? It's so depressing.
    We pay the fee too, we file earlier yet we get ignored and left behind simply because we fall in a specific week they decide "yeah that time frame can wait"..? what logic is that
  19. Like
    sonnyboy0323 got a reaction from apnzz in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    it really is such a joke. we just heard about someone's case getting approved in barely over a month. all the while those of us from this super specific timeframe are stuck waiting while they just ignore our piles of cases and fast track everyone else. i'm not sure if i should assume incompetence or just malice. either seems likely. while these people get approved in barely over 30 days, we're expected to what, wait 2 years?
    and i'm not allowed to submit an inquiry until MAY of 2025? what a joke. take the money and then look the other way it seems. 
    "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between May 27, 2024 and June 20, 2024*."
    well that came and went, didn't it?
  20. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to hplusj in How does getting your senator to help, work exactly?   
    Would it kill people to show a little kindness or did that pinned topic become null and void eight years ago
    If you don't have anything productive to contribute, please leave us alone.
    Just close the thread, mods, it's not even worth it anymore to ask a damn thing.
  21. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to Gary Rich in How does getting your senator to help, work exactly?   
    https://www.dhs.gov/    https://www.whitehouse.gov/    https://www.state.gov/ 
  22. Like
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to hplusj in How does getting your senator to help, work exactly?   
    Great info, thank you.  If I could DM you, maybe I can get some links as to where you sent your letters.  Were they online forms or snail mail? 
    I'll pop in your messages, thanks
    Doesn't seem to be universally applied, even within the same embassy.
    I'd be content if K1s going to the same embassy were being taken in order.  This is very strange.
  23. Haha
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to SalishSea in How does getting your senator to help, work exactly?   
    NVC wait times are much longer than they were years back.   Maybe that’s the trade off for the current fast petition approval times?   
    4 months hardly seems unusual or atypical.
  24. Haha
    sonnyboy0323 reacted to SalishSea in How does getting your senator to help, work exactly?   
    Why not just provide them with documentation?   If you have a valid reason to expedite, you should have no problem providing evidence.
    Is your case outside of normal processing time?
  25. Like
    sonnyboy0323 got a reaction from nixANDeddy in February 2024 filer; USCIS seems to have skipped over our batch   
    it really is such a joke. we just heard about someone's case getting approved in barely over a month. all the while those of us from this super specific timeframe are stuck waiting while they just ignore our piles of cases and fast track everyone else. i'm not sure if i should assume incompetence or just malice. either seems likely. while these people get approved in barely over 30 days, we're expected to what, wait 2 years?
    and i'm not allowed to submit an inquiry until MAY of 2025? what a joke. take the money and then look the other way it seems. 
    "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between May 27, 2024 and June 20, 2024*."
    well that came and went, didn't it?
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