I decided to refile by myself as you did. I’ll have almost same evidences plus her moms affidavit, our roommates affidavit, and my ex wife’s affidavit.
Should the application be based on the declined one, be more like a reply to the reasons they declined me for, showing them they did wrong? Or like a brand new application with %90 same evidences plus new ones?
Asking because it’s a refile, not an appeal.
As example one of the reasons was that one neighbors didn’t recognize me on the home visit and I will have an affidavit from our roommate stating that I was living in the house with my ex wife.
one more question I have:
What happens if I refile, get the stamp based on refile and left. While I’m out of the country I got a the NTA. Would the NTA make my stamp based on refile invalid?