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Everything posted by brkendream

  1. It is not only common, It is very common, common to a extreme that even female applicant never left Pakistan with 1st Passport felling into this blackhole, especially "extreme vetting" DS-5535 form (yellow slip). This is a good thing if embassy didn't ask for DS-5535 from your husband. If embassy decided to go for security check, then without DS-5535 and only for KSA stay, that might be quicker (this is my guess).
  2. Police certificate only needed if length of stay increased 12 months. Now as you said KSA don't issue police certificates to non citizens once they left the country, I am sure embassy also knew that. Now my take on this is, VO will have detail discussion about your husband case with his/her senior, then they will decide if your husband case go to WDC for extreme vetting (In your case, this look like your case is going for extreme vetting because embassy need security clearance from KSA). Even if your husband had police clearance certificate from KSA on interview day he still had 90% of chances to get this 221G. I came across Interesting painful reality while searching online, applicant male/female never left Pakistan but still got 221G for security clearance. Edite: sorry for multiple quotes, I don't know how that happened.
  3. AP time limit depends on many factors, like visa category, embassy, applicant religion, applicant ethnicity, applicant work or educational background, what type of documents missing or extra document embassy asked for, and the most important and lengthy one "security clearance" aka "extreme vetting" from WDC if needed (many agencies are involved in this process it can take months), etc. "Refused" status 221G AP can take longer, way longer, 4months to 18months for 90% of cases only 10% can take more then 18 months to years to get clearance and visa. Because what I observed online refused stats AP majority (70%) cases go to WDC for security clearance (the famous DS-5535 form). But if it is not related with "extreme vetting" then applicant can clear "refused" status 221G AP in 4 months to 8 months. "Administrative Processing" status 221G AP now a days is bit different(my personal observation after online research), it can take few days to many months, I saw people clearing interview and felling into administrative processing AP without any slip and getting visa after 2 to 3 weeks. I also saw people with white slip AP (CEAC status "Administrative Processing" interview and documents ok/passed) getting cleared in 4 to 8 months.
  4. Hello, This whole AP thing is so painful, Stay strong and keep praying one day you both will be together. On my case , I completed my 10 months is AP , had 4 ceac case date updates in 15 days (which I never had , my first date update after submitting my documents was after 4 months),hooping and praying for good news soon. On my friend , he got his re-medical email and passport email after completing 10 months in AP, Embassy received all what asked for on 19th of Nov now he is waiting, he had few date changes on ceac website, online research shows it can take 2 weeks to 6 weeks to get passport back with visa , so my guess is he will soon get his passport with visa(almost 4 weeks since embassy received all his papers). Now on your case , what is ceac website status for your husband application ?, is it "refused" or is it "Administrative Processing"
  5. Hello Rabi, Sorry to hear about your husband case, this look like that almost all Pakistani male applicant are already subject to AP before interview only 50 % to 60 % don't get or fell in this blackhole on interview day, remaining applicant will have to go through this painful wait. I am also a victim of AP. There is no time limit what I saw online he will be clear in 3 to 6 months (because this look like internal embassy matter white paper only),but if embassy decided to get security clearance for your husband, then this can take anywhere between 8 months to 18 months. Majority cases get cleared in 9 months to 15 months. Stay strong, If embassy ask for any document that you can provide, provide them ASAP if not possible, let embassy know about it, explain it to them properly. Now the most important thing , what does CEAC portal says about case(what is case status on ceac website?).If status is AP then be hopeful you will hear good news soon, but if it is "refused" then you are in many months long wait.
  6. Hello everyone , what the hell this massage means. This case is currently pending review by a consular officer. As soon as the review is complete, the Visa Unit will advise of the next steps if anything else is needed to complete processing the case.
  7. Thank you Ontarkie, I got it now, But if you have any info please do shear.
  8. Thank you for your reply , I thought Ustraveldoc website is in use all over the world, but it look like this is some area specific thing.
  9. Can you please tell me , What info/status under document delivery(passport status section) is showing on your Ustraveldocs account? Is it "your passport at/with consulate/embassy" or its empty only written passport delivery option or some other words. Thank you @Pending DS5535 Can you please also answer above question. Thanks
  10. "Ready" is good, and I have no idea about 2nd interview , maybe this "ready for interview" depends on your visa category or maybe its just the way of writing/describing description (just like "refused" status description). When was your interview ? AP some times take few months , If your interview was in July or August then that is quick AP clearance. While searching on internet (one is on this forum), I , came to know few cases in Pakistan with Missing Documents AP , cleared in 4 to 5 months after submitting documents (not after interview),In one case embassy kept the passport in 2 other embassy return the passport and asked it back. Don't know deep details like USTravelDocs status update or Ceac status update dates. Nobody shear this info, that is why so much confusion. My guess is everyone go throw same procedure but for some this all happen very quickly and for some it takes time. Please keep us updated. Thanks
  11. Sir , any update on your case? My friend in Pakistan going throw same issue. He was in AP to (Ds-5535), He so confused , there is almost no info available online for Pakistan. And funny thing is I am in AP too (Ds-5535), soon going to complete my 10th month in AP. This whole thing is turning into nightmare for me. Is there any update on ceac portal ? Or is it still refused and passport information blank ?
  12. Sir are you sure interview year is 2023 , because that will make it almost 2 years in AP. Thank you.
  13. Hello everyone, Friend of mine who received re-medical email , had every thing done as per instructions, and on 19th of November embassy received everything asked for. Since then he had 2 unsolicited ceac date change but his case status is still refused. My question is, Is it normal ? He is so worried (so am I), I will keep you all updating about his and mine case so people "especially from Pakistan" can read this and have some knowledge and help. He almost completed 10 months(3 days short) in AP (DS-5535) before re-medical and passport email. I am soon going to complete my 10th month (in 10 days) , My hopes are high, please pray for me and all other stuck in this misery. I will keep you all updated . If you have any update about your case or someone you know please don't be afraid to share with us. Thank you all.
  14. @Nasir Shah Sir any update on your case ? And if you don't mind me asking , can you please tell me on what date you uploaded your DS-5535 form online?
  15. Hello everyone, Friend of mine who received re-medical email , had every thing done as per instructions, and on 19th of November embassy received everything asked for. Since then he had 2 unsolicited ceac date change but his case status is still refused. My question is, Is it normal ? He is so worried (so am I), I will keep you all updating about his and mine case so people "especially from Pakistan" can read this and have some knowledge and help. He almost completed 10 months(3 days short) in AP (DS-5535) before re-medical and passport email. I am soon going to complete my 10th month (in 10 days) , My hopes are high, please pray for me and all other stuck in this misery. I will keep you all updated . If you have any update about your case or someone you know please don't be afraid to share with us. Thank you all. @arslan_16 congratulations on your visa brother. @Nasir Shah Sir any update on your case ?
  16. Hello everyone, Friend of mine who received re-medical email , had every thing done as per instructions, and on 19th of November embassy received everything asked for. Since then he had 2 unsolicited ceac date change but his case status is still refused. My question is, Is it normal ? He is so worried (so am I), I will keep you all updating about his and mine case so people "especially from Pakistan" can read this and have some knowledge and help. He almost completed 10 months(3 days short) in AP (DS-5535) before re-medical and passport email. I am soon going to complete my 10th month (in 10 days) , My hopes are high, please pray for me and all other stuck in this misery. I will keep you all updated . If you have any update about your case or someone you know please don't be afraid to share with us. Thank you all.
  17. Hello everyone, I have one question , Is it common to have ceac case update date change after sending medical and passport ? My friend in AP under DS-5535 had re-medical and passport email , he submitted his passport on 14th of Nov and on 19th of Nov embassy also received new medical. So far he had 2 case update date change since 19th , but his ceac status is still "refused" he is so worried . I am on the same DS-5535 boat , soon completing my 10th month in AP , Hoping and praying for the best. I am so tired of this misery full waiting game.
  18. Sir you just have to let them know about new passport. Re-new passport and email them pic of it before sending passport to them. And no, you don't have to update DS-260 for that.
  19. Hello all , I've completed 9 months in AP under DS-5535 few days ago , sent embassy email and as usual no response so far . But I have a good news to share , Someone I know from my city got Ds-5535 in first weak of Jan 2024 received email for medical and submitting passport on 8th of Nov 2024. His category was IR-2. So that is very encouraging news . I do appeal people from Pakistan reading this post, please , do share your experience of AP especially Ds-5535 so other people can learn and have some hope. Finger crossed , I am praying that, they start clearing Feb-2024 start soon. @arslan_16 Any update Sir.
  20. Hello all , I've completed 9 months in AP under DS-5535 few days ago , sent embassy email and as usual no response so far . But I have a good news to share , Someone I know from my city got Ds-5535 in first weak of Jan 2024 received email for medical and submitting passport on 8th of Nov 2024. His category was IR-2. So that is very encouraging news . I do appeal people from Pakistan reading this post, please , do share your experience of AP especially Ds-5535 so other people can learn and have some hope. Finger crossed , I am praying that, they start clearing Feb-2024 start soon. @Nasir Shah @mish.mavi
  21. Hello . Any update on your case ? You are almost 1 years in AP. I am hopeful you are clear now. Please do shear , this will help a lot to understand Islamabad embassy.
  22. Any update sir ? I almost completed 9 months in the painful misery.
  23. Months after months in misery od Ds-5535 AP ......... Still no light at the end of the tunnel............
  24. Any update on your case sir? For me, almost 9 months completed in this mess. Misery beyond any wordily explanation .
  25. Sorry to hear painful situation you are in , I also share same pain , family parted/separated just because of one extra form that too after interview (interview that came after years of waiting) is horrible. Wait time extremely depend on Geopolitical situation, 9 to 12 months is for 50% of cases(just like you give one example in your post) , 13 to 18 months are for 30% of cases and 19 to 24+ months for remaining 20% of cases. Maybe Afghan in Pakistan waiting for USA visa also effecting Pakistanis waiting for USA visa applicant time line. Rumor in Islamabad is that Afghan national getting all the priority from last 3/4months (1000's of them getting USA visa) , people are talking about 1000s of them leaving the homes they were renting in Islamabad (of course they will not go back to Afghanistan). Please keep us updating about your case , stay strong , Keep me and all others in AP under Ds-5535 in your prayers . As I keep all in mine. Thank you.
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