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Everything posted by WCF

  1. You are correct that we got the short end of the stick, but it all worked out and our total process to visa in hand was still only 8 months after taking a month off the process to travel to Thailand. It was frustrating but all behind us now and she is very happy here in California. We are currently filling for AOS and AP so we can go travel ASAP! You and your wife will be fine. Best Wishes!
  2. Our situation was somewhat unusual but I found others who went through the same, or a vary similar situation. After "reading" her chest Xray, she was told to return for the 3 day sputum collection. In addition, she was given an order to see a doctor not affiliated with St Luke's for a follow up exam and have the doctor submit the results directly to St. Luke's within 10 days. I found a pulmonologist at a local hospital, made an appointment and corresponded with her explaining the situation, what I believed to best practice and the icd-10 code for the diagnosis. The pulmonologist insisted on the CT scan and after reviewing the scan gave my fiancée a Dx of TB. (Which you know from being in the field is not possible.) Of course my fiancée FREAKED OUT and I was concerned that she was going to be mandated for treatment unnecessarily. The scan and pulmonology report was sent to St Luke's as requested. My fiancée returned in 8 weeks for the sputum results, which was negative and she "passed" her medical. St Luke's gave her the CT scan and told her to take it to America with her. At her point of entry (San Francisco) they took the medical envelope but she retained the CT Scan. I just view this as bureaucratic incompetence, and have also discovered the financial relationship between MDs at the hospital where she saw the doctor and the Ct scan provider. (Finding other patients sent for unnecessary scans as there is a financial incentive.) As you know, there are many causes for benign lung nodules. After breathing the daily garbage burns in the Philippines, I probably have a few. I hope your wife can remain calm. It can be a confusing and frustrating process. I hope you and your wife have an easier path. Best, Chris
  3. Yes, extremely frustrating as what the medical doctors do in the Philippines is far from best practice. She entered the country 92 days ago. We were married 2 weeks ago. I have not had a comparative CT scan here as I am adding her to my health insurance this month and will address it once she is fully insured. I have viewed both the chest image and scan, and I am not concerned. If I was I would certainly have done something sooner but feel comfortable making it part of a more comprehensive physical/gyno exam. Best of luck to you and your fiancee. You will get through it. I hope the communication with St Luke's and any requested follow-up is better than it was for us!
  4. My struggle is that given an approximate average of 6 months for the AP verses just being patient and waiting for the green card in 12 - 14 months is it worth it. I guess it's a personal cost-time analysis to determine if it is worth it... Are my 6 months for an AP and 12-14 months for a green card reasonable assumptions? It is possible for an AP be granted in 3 months? Worth the gamble so we could travel this summer? Or, just wait out the green card...
  5. We are beginning to complete our AOS paperwork and would really like to be able to go back to the Philippines for my wife to visit her family (her father died while she was here in the USA on her K1 visa, and of course, she couldn't return 😪) After trying to determine the current average processing times, my question is if trying to obtain Advance Parole is worth the substantial fee. How likely is it to obtain approval for her to travel outside of the USA for travel in July, essentially a 3 month processing time, or is it a waste of money and we should just wait for the completion of the AOS?
  6. Just updated to "Issued." Thanks to everyone for your information, kindness, and support. Now my fiancee will worry about the CFO . . . haha.
  7. Yes, my fiancée woke me up at 2:30 AM my time this morning to let me know that our status has now been changed to "Approved." I truly hope that it will change to "Issued" soon. I know exactly what you are going through, and your medical time frame is even shorter than ours. At least you got through to the embassy. I waited on hold for an hour until I couldn't take hearing the same music played in an endless loop. I did write emails a few days before the status changed but I think the timing was just coincidental and not in response to my correspondence. I think like us, you just have no choice but to wait and have faith that they are "working on it." People kindly say to be patient, and I know it's all we can ultimately do, but it is very stressful. The not knowing, and especially the feeling of helplessness quite frankly, sucks. I wish you the best and let us know when it is approved.
  8. Thank you for asking. She showed up at SLEC and was "cleared." She was asked where she was going to get "treatment," either in the Philippines or the USA. There has never been any clear communication about what she would be getting "treatment" for. There is no definitive diagnosis or reason for treatment. I worked in hospitals for years and currently work in the field of healthcare. I have not been impressed with the medical procedures or advice that she has been given. Based on a CT scan a pulmonologist wanted to stat her on medication. The entire ordeal was very stressful. I am just glad it is behind us and when she gets to the USA, I will get her another CT scan so that we can do a comparative analysis. Again, I want to thank you, and everyone for their kindness and support.
  9. Thanks top_secret and mary for the words of support. The not knowing and lack of information is difficult for me, but really impacting my fiancée. I'm also getting a little anxious as her medical will expire and she has to enter the US by January 2nd. I am feeling the need to move on to the CFO and make plans. Again, thank you.
  10. I used the traveldocs link that is given on the CEAC status pop up window. That's also where I found the phone number I called and was subjected to the same music on a loop for an hour before I gave up. Yesterday, I searched and found an inquiry form for the US Embassy and also sent an inquiry through the NVC online inquiry. I hope to hear something soon. It's frustrating to have no information as to what is going on while the friends my fiancée made are getting their visas in hand in 3 or 4 days. My fiancée called me today at 6 AM in tears.
  11. Yesterday was 2 weeks since the interview and nothing has changed. Case still says "Ready" in the CEAC case tracker. I sent an inquiry email 5 days ago and no reply. I attempted to call but gave up after an hour on hold. It's really frustrating and making my fiancée so sad.
  12. So helpful and so true. Thank you for the kind words. I'm grateful it went so quickly despite our unpleasant experience with the medical exam. My fiancée is getting emotional due to TikTok chatter and it's only been 3 working days since her interview.
  13. Thank you. Yes, I have been telling her to have patience . . . but that's not helping. The fact that it hasn't progressed to "issued" has her up worrying. The Filipina TikTok army isn't helping.
  14. My fiancée had her interview last Tuesday, 10/08 and was told by the counselor (window 64) that her visa was approved and she was handed a pamphlet. The other Filipinas that she is chatting with that interviewed on the same day have all had their visas issued and been notified that the visas have been shipped for delivery. She is becoming very upset. My advice to be patient and not compare us to other people has not helped. My opinion has no standing against the Filipina TicTok army. Our case tracker continues to say "Ready." Is this a reliable indicator of what is going on? She is convinced that "Ready" means something is wrong. Does the tracker go through a progression such as "approved," or, "Issued?" I assume that we will get an email with an LBC tracking number? I do know that others have been contacted that the visa has been shipped to it's destination for pick up or delivery. Is there a process of an inquiry that we should submit after a period of time?
  15. UGH. This is so confusing and a major problem for those of us that have interviews scheduled!
  16. It is unclear to me the significance of the September 28th date. For example, if you made your appointment over a month ago and it is scheduled October, 1st, does this apply to you, or is it for people making appointments after September 28th?
  17. The Dr. just confirmed what I suspected she would say from the CT scan. She handed my fiancee a medical report diagnosing her with TB.
  18. Thanks, J.M. We are on the same page. I have chosen not to talk to her about it yet until we see the report that the Dr. writes after reviewing the CT scan. The Dr. has a choice here to be conservative and make a diagnosis of a nodule on the lung and recommend a comparative scan in 6 months, or she can report that the results are suggestive of TB and recommend immediate treatment. I hope to at least have some clarity tomorrow. It's been over a week since her final sputum collection. I am in "wait and see" mode and choosing not to upset her any more than she already is.
  19. Thank you everyone for the support and suggestions. Yes, she did meet a new friend during the sputum collection and they shared a hotel together. This made all the difference in the world, and I am sure she will find other new friends if she must go through this. I like the "laptop" idea, and I have an old tablet that I rarely use anymore that I may try to send to her. I started trying to find housing, which is difficult from here in CA, but think it might be best to look for a boarding house type situation and then if she makes some friends like last time, perhaps we can look into a shared living situation with these new friends. I told her that I need to talk to her in private tomorrow. I need to start having this discussion with her and she told me this morning that she is scared. If this happens it is another major turning point in her life as she will certainly lose her job and her current housing, be separated from her family, and living in a city where she is frankly afraid. If anyone has any specific leads on housing, or how to go about searching, please post or DM me. Thank you!
  20. You message means a lot to me. I appreciate the prayers and best wishes. I just got off a video chat with my fiancee. She has been so stressed out and sad, and this was the first time I have seen her happy in days so I didn't have the heart to tell her my suspicions. The CT scan came back with three small nodules. One calcified, two non-calcified. These are consistent with a past infection or infection of undetermined process. I work in the healthcare field and familiar enough with these findings that I suspect that the MD will likely speculate TB as a possible cause. I fear this CT scan will cause SLEC to require the treatment even if the sputum test is negative. I guess we will soon find out as my fiancee will go to the hospital tomorrow to obtain the report being sent to SLEC. I know if my fear is true, she is not going to handle it very well and I can't imagine her stuck in Manila for 6 months alone with nothing to do. I have to figure out how to get us through this.
  21. I just read the report from the CT Scan that my fiancée had at the request of SLEC. She is to return in about 5 weeks for the results of her sputum test. Even if it is negative, I believe that they will require her to go through the treatment because of what's in the CT Scan. My question is how does she live in Manila near SLEC for 6 months with nothing to do? To me, this sounds absolutely horrible. There is little chance of her finding employment. I can't imagine her sitting everyday watching TikTok for 6 months. How have others endured this? Is there a boarding house or someplace to stay so she will not be alone? This is absolutely devastating but I can't just leave my job and go live with her by the hospital for 6 months. Even if I could I know it would drive me crazy. Information, referrals for places for her to stay, tips . . . prayers?
  22. I appreciate the kind words. It's bad enough, but the communication has just been horrible and my fiancee is frequently in tears because she is confused and scared. We should have the CT Scan results in the next couple of days. I have no faith that the physician can follow the simple instructions on the form from SLEC. Since her doctor's report is to be emailed to DOT, I'm concerned that they are targeting her for the medication regimen despite her sputum test results. She has a return appointment in the first week of October.
  23. Thank you for the encouraging words. I sent her to a Pulmonary specialist at a hospital in her hometown. Despite the instructions only requesting a "medical certificate," i.e., that she had been seen for a follow-up, the Dr. sent my fiancee for a CT scan. That's fine . . . anything at this point, but then starting questioning the instructions from St. Liuke's and saying that only St. Luke's could do it . . . My Fiancee is hysterical at this point. All we can do is hope this Dr. submits the information as requested and SLEC accepts it. The experience has been beyond frustrating . . .
  24. I am very interested to hear how this goes. You should be careful. It is very common that there are "fixers" around any government process offering to help for a fee. I heard of someone who used one of these fixers to expedite a CENOMAR and received a very official looking document that turned out to be a forgery. Keep us posted on this story!
  25. No, not admitted. On the second day, she was scheduled for sputum collection for 3 days. That brought us to 6 days. On the 6th day, she thought that she could leave, but was then told that she had a pulmonary appointment in scheduled in 2 days. The pulmonary was just to tell her why she was scheduled for sputum collection and that she is required to have an examination by another doctor and to submit documentation to SLEC within 7 days. 9 day stay, missed 2 flights back home, now home to scramble and find a doctor to send documentation to SLEC that she has been seen. Appointment to return to SLEC first week of October. She is frazzled, confused, upset, and worried about her health and her job status because she has missed work . . .
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